CM - IS this a problem ?

  • Thread starter old.feigned innocence
  • Start date

old.feigned innocence

Had CM (with ethernet NIC card, not USB) fitted about a month ago.
Running windows Me, I've noticed on the boot-up screen taht the network controller card and my display adapter are both using IRQ 11.
In checking in system properties, both are showing IRQ 11 under resources, but neitehr is showing any conflict problems...and these are the automatic settings.

Is there anything I should look for to let me know whetehr this is a problem ? My gameplay on tfc and q3 sometimes "stutters" (even with low pings) but I understand that that may be network loading, or the fact that I've maybe not disabled every other app. on my pc...


Nah that shouldn't be a problem. IRQ sharing is common nowadays - my system has 7 or 8 devices all on IRQ11 and there's no problems.

Don't worry about it.

old.feigned innocence

Thanks for dispelling my worries !


Windows 2K Pro for example puts all non system devices on IRQ 7. IRQ sharing is perfectly fine.

old.feigned innocence

still concerned...

Still concerned to be honest. Playing some Diablo 2 (wot no frps....ban him...) and about once every hour (or at most 2 hours...) I get a connection interrupted message. Wondering could this be an intermittent conflict between NIC and other hardware on IRQ 11. Given that it's npot giving me the BSOD, am I right to assume that it's probably not an issue for my pc, but rather down to the totally pants battlenet performance ?
comments please...

old.feigned innocence

on BW servers playing Q3 or tfc, I ping about 30-50, but every now + thwen have really large (Q3=999) lags. I'll check agin tonight to see if it's still teh case.


Its happened to me a couple of times - Good pings of between 15 and 30, and then it would pause for about 3-4 seconds, or come up with connection interrupted - It hasn't happened for a couple of weeks now, so I put it down to NTL having a few bad moments.

old.feigned innocence

I'm with Blueyonder so it seems it's the same whatever side of the fence you're on, which leaves me happy that's it's not a PC set-up issue, but unhappy that my chance of getting Blueyonder to sit up + take notive is minimal...

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