old.feigned innocence
Had CM (with ethernet NIC card, not USB) fitted about a month ago.
Running windows Me, I've noticed on the boot-up screen taht the network controller card and my display adapter are both using IRQ 11.
In checking in system properties, both are showing IRQ 11 under resources, but neitehr is showing any conflict problems...and these are the automatic settings.
Is there anything I should look for to let me know whetehr this is a problem ? My gameplay on tfc and q3 sometimes "stutters" (even with low pings) but I understand that that may be network loading, or the fact that I've maybe not disabled every other app. on my pc...
Running windows Me, I've noticed on the boot-up screen taht the network controller card and my display adapter are both using IRQ 11.
In checking in system properties, both are showing IRQ 11 under resources, but neitehr is showing any conflict problems...and these are the automatic settings.
Is there anything I should look for to let me know whetehr this is a problem ? My gameplay on tfc and q3 sometimes "stutters" (even with low pings) but I understand that that may be network loading, or the fact that I've maybe not disabled every other app. on my pc...