Clip Gallery Packages


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Right. I have a lot of users bitching at me for not having enough clipart in Microsoft Office, and most are, well... too daft to be taught to use Clips online or other online services. Now if it were up to me, we'd be using OpenOffice and I'd quite easily create custom msi installers with free clipart, but I work for the community so heh...

Anyway, to get these annoying users off my back I was thinking about making custom clip gallery packages, like the ones you can download from Microsoft. Question is... how? Cant find anywhere how to create a .cil from my own collections, and I dont have MS Office at home so cant fiddle with it. The best thing would be a way to either make it an msi, or if I could force it to clients in some other way. Manually installing stuff is above many of my users level of PC knowledge, not that it's always a bad thing tho mind.

Any help is much appreciated. :)


stick all the clipart in a shared folder on the network, the location where office keeps the clipart is held on the registry, do a reghack so that you tell it the location of the clipart on the shared drive.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I'm assuming you got that info from here?
Dont know how I failed to find this earlier. It's a lot of work it seems... but it'll save me a lot bitching from users.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Yeah well it wasnt just to add a path, had to make those gallery files as well.
At least thats what I assume? Would be nice if there was a way for it to update dynamically, but then I wouldnt be able to put them in categories and assign keywords...

Oh well, made an msi install of it all so I can push it out to all workstations \\o

Also realized this should have been in Hardware, but oh well...

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