Clerics - the future



I firmly believe that Mythic has gone way to far on the cleric nerfs ie DD reduction, mezz on 5 minute timer.
Just to give you an insight , i play on one of the US servers and the upshots of it is healers are like rocking horse poop in albion. Groups are really struggling for healers now as everyone has shelved their clerics and unfortunately though not sure why Friars are not a widely played class. I think its a shame as theyve killed them as a class , not nerfed them and it has impacted on other classes as they often go a long time without healers.
Im not saying they were not slightly overpowered and i only really made mine for BG play but i really do believe theyve gone to far ultimately penalising other classes in albion. Anyone who doesnt i urge you to keep an open mind and visit the vn boards for some unhappy reading.



So my smiter is a long big waste of time ?

Buhuhuuuuuuuuu :(




Anyone who doesnt i urge you to keep an open mind and visit the vn boards for some unhappy reading.

Most comments on the vn boards are so off the mark and poorly thought out it's hilarious sometimes. If you want a good idea of what's going on, avoid VN boards like the plague - I don't say some posts are good/right, but you have to dig em up in tons of drivel. Before the nerf VN boards were full with "nerf cleric" posts, during when the nerf was tested many wrote "it ain't enough", now it goes "it's to much, Mythic blew it again" ...


Agreed on that , but having spoken to some ingame and also having a problem with finding balanced groups i have to agree with them. More often than not im the only one resembling a healer with my cabbies transfer health. Not good 8(


No offence but the smite cleric is overpowered.


i gotta agree most the main nerfs that have been flying around affect albion the most . putting insta mezz on a timer imo is stupid . yeai know they gave ae mezz to minstrals but from what i hear froma friend on usa server "lvl50 2nd highest rp mins on his server" that the new mezz spells sux big time and doesnt have much "if any impact on rvr" . ok so smite might be slightly overpowered but why the nerfed the mezz also isa joke . if they put timers likethat on clerics mezz they should take away or make larger timers for other classes stun/mezz/root etc the skald stun for example . imo if any char needs nerfin its a skald . good hp . good dmge . insta dd's insta mezz "or what ever it is" speed song . self dmge buff . heal song ,this imo is far to much for a tank class .

instead of nerfing the bolox of classes and pissing tons of people off . they should make the equivilant classes stronger . that on a whole would make a hella lot more people happy . albs would be happy cos there chars aint gettin nerfed , and hibs/mids classes would be happy cos there chars got made stronger . imo nerfing shouldnt happen . just making other classes stronger should . for example instead of nerfing smite/mezz . give midgard healers weapon styles, or some powerfull dd spells .or druids same sorta thing .


So basically the people who want to be wizards in chain has scraped their clerics?
Maybe alb will get some healing clerics finally then.


Well if someone reads the patch notes, atleast how I get it, they nerfed smite, it was to much, they put it back with the difference of Greater smite down to lvl 43 instead of 48 or something (less damage on it) and put an 5 min timer on insta mezz, well that timer sucks, bye bye saves the group when sorc misses mezz and give another shot, thats just how I have seen it, maybe missed something somewhere thou


umm no

I don't see how the number of "healing" clerics will go up as those have been nerfed as well. Why would more people want to play it after the nerf? :sleeping:


That was new to me, how are they nerfing healing clerics, interested to know how the hell they can nerf em


Aren't we getting respec options in some patch at some point?


Fix your smiters then.


Originally posted by Rhuric
That was new to me, how are they nerfing healing clerics, interested to know how the hell they can nerf em

Mez going from 30sec timer to 5 minute = nerf

I don't know how many times my mez has saved me in RvR.

Also, Darkan, it doesn't matter if we get respec as smiters aren't suddenly going to want to be healers ;) Maybe alot of smiters will respec to buffbots :p


If they wanted more healers they should have boosted the healing lines as well as nerfing smite, and left the mez. It leaves the cleric as the only main-healing class in three realms with no AE CC, nice. :p Given the healer already has the most overpowered CC game, why did they feel the need to nerf CC on clerics but not on healers?


You have a instant mez spell on a timer of 30 secs????!?!?!?

If this is true then it deserves to be nerfed as my instant mez takes 500 seconds to reuse (thats 200 more secs than 5 mins).


Originally posted by Dannyn
If they wanted more healers they should have boosted the healing lines as well as nerfing smite, and left the mez. It leaves the cleric as the only main-healing class in three realms with no AE CC, nice. :p Given the healer already has the most overpowered CC game, why did they feel the need to nerf CC on clerics but not on healers?

Have you seen how many healers midgards have?? we are scarce because of the fact that we cannot fight!!. All we can do is buff, heal and mez opposed to your smite. You should be happy that you even have smite because who ever thought of giving a healer class a dd spell spec must have bummed over clerics too much. Midgard healers suck, i know this cause i play one of them.

This is how it goes for a midgard healer :

Garnet : lvl 50 healer LFG
i get a group, then its
Stranger1 : Buffs us plz
Garnet : ok
I buff the group

then the tactics is i mez and then they go in and kill. Wheres the fun in that for a healer?

- Pathfinder -

Laff, nerfing smite will bring Albion more healers? Uhm, people who spec smite do not want to play online whack-a-mole in reverse, they want to be able to cause damage while holding their own. People won't respec to rejuv, they'll respec to enhance and buff their new mains.

For the Mid healer; I'll take your instant RANGED AE mez and stun over my PBAE version, k thx.


Stop moaning. Even after the nerf Clerics are still one the best classes daoc has to offer. A chain wearing caster with heals, buffs and CC. Ouch!!!


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
For the Mid healer; I'll take your instant RANGED AE mez and stun over my PBAE version, k thx.

Both of those abilities are on a 10min timer :rolleyes:

Bottom line is this, up until now, people rolled Clerics BECAUSE of smite. They were smiters who had these other wierd spells called heals. Smite was overpowered, Mythic have tried to fix this. The result will be less Clerics, for sure. But it will probably mean those that are left are healers first, and smiters second. I.e. they will actually be of real use to their realm :p

- Pathfinder -

I'd take the ranged instants now given the choice, so your point is what?

What goes around comes around, though, and we all know which class is up for the nerf bat now :cool:


My point is the insta mezz/stun is all that Healers have. We must spec Pacification to 28 for the first insta. All of these instas are on 10min timers. Clerics insta PB Mezz is in the Smite line, and you get your first 9s Mezz on a 5 min timer with 3 in Smite.

Oh and Smite also gives you bucketloads of offense, Healers got jack. Go figure.

Really, you should look at you class for what it is. Not what it once was. It would be fair to say that a post-nerf smite Cleric is poor compared to a pre-nerf smite Cleric, but Clerics are still an amazing class imho.

As a Middy healer, I can safely say that I truly feared Clerics in the frontiers..and I still will after this nerf.

Guys, you rock....stop moaning.


Mythic shouldnt have given cleric smite in the first place... why on earth give an healing class offensive power?:p

Thats why healers are 100% more effective.. CC + healer in one..

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