Clerics, Specs and spells...



A real N00b question here..

I have a cleric 10th level.
I have the following specs. (roughly)

9 Rejuv (with a plus +1 item)
4 Enhance.
2 Smite.

What effect do the specs actually give?
Since the actual acquisition of Spells is level based, and it doesn't seem to matter what specs I take, I just get my spells as normal.
i.e, I have only lvl 9 rejuv, yet I have REzz..

Is there some sort of specialist spell lists linked to the Specilizations?

Or have I completely missed something here?




Thanx for the links and info...

Regarding the Specs making your existing spells more powerful..
Yeah, I was wondering if that was the case..

But I'll get extra spells as well (outside of the character level based spells) as well? hmmm cool...

I'll have a look at the sites you linked and see what they are, and what I should be putting the rest of my points into then...

Thanx :)


This is something that fustrated me when I first started, so I'd like to make this as clear to you as I can.

I use this site here for info on cleric spells :

It gives you a massive list of spells, separated into sections. The first section is Rejuvenation. This has nothing in brackets after it, and all the spells in this section are base. That means that the level listed is your character level not your spec level.

Under the rejuvenation section, is rebirth. This has (rejuvenation spec) after it which means you only get these spells by speccing in rejuv. Therefore, the level listed by each of the spells is the amount of spec points you have put into rejuv NOT the character level.

This then applies for the other two spec lines :

Enhancement (Base + Character Level)
Guardian Angel (Spec + Spec Level)

Smiting (Base + Character Level)
Terrible Hammer (Spec + Spec Level)

I don't mean to talk down to you by making it so easy to understand, but I really didnt understand these spell lists when I first started so I hope that helps.

Also you could try the catacombs character builder here :

It separates all your spell types out for you, and highlights the spells that you currently have and a little extra information on the highest spell in each section that you currently have. I really like it.


OK, thanks both for the links and info...
It seems that the spec you choose is a major part of the road your char whill go down..

I remember when I started playing someone told me my REjuv should be equal to your level.
Which, even tho that's not quite accurate, as I guess it depends what sort of Cleric you want to be.
It was luckily the best choice for me, as I was interested in a Multiplayer character with a strong ability to heal.
So, perfect for me to spec in Rejuv..

But it seems to me to be a good idea to maybe spec some points in Enhac or Smiting as a back up...As the base lists are pretty good anyway.. And Rezz seems to be the spell that maks me so much demand in groups.
Hell, I even get requests many times now from people in the general area for rezz's to help out even when I'm not flagged as seeking a group.

It seems to me that if I'm interested in a group char, then this is the way to go.
Altho I have a few points in enhancement, which is useful.

Well, I've printed out the info from both pages...and thanx for the assistance..:)


Rejuv definatly sounds right for you then - this is where you get all of your good resses, heals, group heals and instant free heals.

Then you get a choice whether to put your left over points into smite or enhance (or a mixture). I only decided what to do a couple of levels ago, and I went with smite. I don't like using it in a group but it will be nice to be able to solo yellows when I don't have the time to group or if I just want to farm some gold.

If you really only ever like to group, I'd suggest enhance - its probably the weakest spec line at the moment for clerics but the wiz's will like you for the int buff :)

As you see from my sig, I'm a newbie myself but I've had to make the decisions you're making now so I know what its like :)

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