clerics, read



im a little worried that mythic tries to set an end of us (do u have that ittchy feeling aswell?)...
i think the 48/23/9 has worked great, but i wonder how hard the nerf hammer will be.
so i wonder if we have any clerics that have maxxed smite and about ur dayly life in emain(groups, 1v1, amusing?, boring?).
i made this char for mostly smite, but still be hybrid, suxx that after all the days off plays, u cant decide urself how u wanna play.

can u keep dmg high with RA or is smitechars doomed to to be gimpchars?

would also love to hear from full reju(Herbal?), and what u think about RvR, and chances in a 1v1 combat(when those moments occur).

/just another whining cleric ;|


Looking at what happened on the USA servers it's sad to say but smite clerics will become gimps.

Most american smiters have either left, rerolled or respecced into heal/buff-bots.

For me it won't have that big consequences cause i'm mostly rejuv - I don't kill much in RvR, but then I didn't spec to be a killer - but putting the timer of the PBAE mezz to 5 mins will hurt too.


I am gonna respec to 45 rejuv I think when the nerf hammer comes, as I anyway spend most my mana on heals when I can (damn I want quicker cast time and longer range). But cause of that damn timer (saves me alot of times so others in group can handle attacker). Cant say I smite alot as I am almost always group thx to guild =)


well being almost full smite cleric i think i'm gonna wait what they done to the smite spells...and see if i still like it

untill now smite does a lot of dmg...maybe a bit too much, but as a cleric we dont stand a chance without smite/mezz anyway, no styles when we use weapon

i know clerics are supposed to heal (and i do that when its needed/possible)...but they gave clerics the smite ability for a reason -> without them they are easy preys 1 vs 1 imo

of course full enchance/rejuv seems really nice for a group (it is), but going RvR to /stick to Mr.x just to heal the group all the time..buff them up all the time...not being able to kill someone..ever

pretty boring if u ask me...clerics aren't designed to be top-killers, but the reason i choose a cleric was that they ain't a wuzzy healer class either (untill next patch that is)...they can defend themselves just enough...they not gonna kill 3 enemies anyway



Kessica has 47 (52 with adds) in rej, she cannot solo. I wont be respeccing into anything other than absolute FULL rej, e.g 50. But only because I am a healer. I enjoy grping and Im uselss at fighting anyway..

I dont have any testosterone <grin,duck and run> :D

I suspect the best way to go is rej, enh, peeps will alwasy want buffs.


Thing is, the smiters - and feel free to tell me firmly if i'm wrong here - did not intend their chars to be adequate healers with a little bit of damage-dealing as backup to the tanks/casters. They are smiters first, clerics second. Now, as far as I can see, there's one hell of a difference in temperment (sp?) and attitude between the completely passive buffer/healer and the 48smite spec 'lightning wizard'. (completely stupid term as they don't even come close to wizzies in terms of damage)
I doubt very much that more than one or two exceptional cases will respec to 40rejuv/rest enh and continue enjoying their cleric. They will either turn their attention to alts or they will respec to buffbots and start new chars on 2nd accounts.

For the original poster's information, the damage reduction was thus:
-spec DD above 43 removed.
-all DD's reduced in damage by approximatedly 22%.
-power use/range/cast time not improved.
-PBAE mez timer increased from 30secs to 5mins (1.52 patch - rest is 1.51)


Thing is, the smiters - and feel free to tell me firmly if i'm wrong here - did not intend their chars to be adequate healers with a little bit of damage-dealing as backup to the tanks/casters. They are smiters first, clerics second. Now, as far as I can see, there's one hell of a difference in temperment (sp?) and attitude between the completely passive buffer/healer and the 48smite spec 'lightning wizard'. (completely stupid term as they don't even come close to wizzies in terms of damage)
I doubt very much that more than one or two exceptional cases will respec to 40rejuv/rest enh and continue enjoying their cleric. They will either turn their attention to alts or they will respec to buffbots and start new chars on 2nd accounts.

For the original poster's information, the damage reduction was thus:
-spec DD above 43 removed.
-all DD's reduced in damage by approximatedly 22%.
-power use/range/cast time not improved.
-PBAE mez timer increased from 30secs to 5mins (1.52 patch - rest is 1.51)


From what I understand you can cancel out the nerf with RAs, but only just, and you will have to use a lot of rsps to do so.

That would leave you back where you are now.

You'd still only be 75% of the dps of a cloth caster, without crits, decent range, a sensible size power pool, quickcast, or any of the RAs the caster would have bought while you were unnerfing yourself.

Even so, I suspect it is a viable template, in the style of the thane (though not a very strong one, and without the melee damage of a thane too).

I'm more worried about the damage it does to balanced/rejuv clerics. Goobye soloing *anything*, undead or otherwise methinks. Also goodbye to occaisional pbaoe mez/damage in the field and aoe dds at a keep siege :( . As a rejuv cleric what I have in these areas is weak enough as it stands - heaven knows how awful they will be soon...


Oh and since you asked, 1v1 isn't too bad for a rejuv cleric - so long as you go in fully buffed, get in range of your spells before you get hit by a caster/archer, get your stun off (4 sec cast for nominal 9 second stun), are willing to use both instas, and don't mind taking a hell of a long time about it. If all this happens the odds are probably about 60/40 in your favour against most other even con classes.

After the smite nerf I suspect the odds will change - to about 70/30 against the cleric, if the cleric gets the jump. Even as a rejuver you really need to be able to rely on the baseline smite to soften up a target while they stand there stunned.

If *anyone* gets the jump on you - then you're going down.

Of course, this is a very hypothetical situation. In practice cleric 1v1 battles take so long that either some more albs, or some more hibgard chars will arrive before the battle is over and quickly package up and the return the ass of the appropriate individual.


I'm probably gonna remove most of my smite (if not all) and go 80% rejuv 20% enhanc.


the way i see, the best way to deal with it is to be a hybird... i mean, the problem with clerics now is that all the little things before are now a big deal. healing not being as effect because of the huge power drain the groups heal and other heals take. a good way to keep people alive is to have they powerful before. i like these templates

24s 33r 35e

the first one is good if you wanna smite more than heal. the 35 enchance come in handy cos you get the the resists and you still get one of the heal spells if i remember correctly

37e 36r 15s

you get the better resists buffs which from what i hear really help in keeping people alive. you can still smite but not as well.

i am just glad that i already have an infil in the 30s :D

one up on those clerics in america... muahaha


Pretty Much full rejuv now(40+10) and have been for awhile, so ill just take alot of the smite i had and put it into enhance.Its a shame mythic have decided to mold classes into the way they want them to be played,instead of letting the paying customer decide how they wish to play them and yes i know alot of people say the smiter was overpowered,sure in some aspects maybe they were, but i think imo mythic have taken it a little to far this time, especially with the timer on mezz from 30secs to 5 mins for all clerics. Whats the next step nerf the rejuv ?? "Oh my god he heals for 300" quick nerf him !!


thx guys

lots of good feedback. the boring part is, that when i looked at the chartemplates when i bought the game and had to decide what to play, cleric sounded awsome! By getting rid of smite and most off all, the mezz nerf, will not make my char the same.

So i guess i might reroll to rej after(yes wedge, u must be crying of happiness now ;) ) all( i.e. it suxx when u have lvled watching a couple of lifebars in 2X days, for finally reach salvation and have some fun, then its been taken away)...
might not be that bad, can always be buff bot for another char i guess.

Who kows, mythic might restore the dmg they've made ;-)


Hrm supposedly the 22% reduction in damage wasn't implemented...

whether you believe the whine boards or the patch notes I dunno :)

The biggest nerf is changing the pbaoe mezz to a 5m timer... i.e. it's not meant to be a repeatable crowd control thing it's now an escape thing...

The cleric smite line isn't as good as a wizard's fire line...

however, compare the damage it does with the amount of defence a cleric has (chain+hp) then it's about fair...

add in baseline buffs, baseline heals, the cleric's way way ahead.

secondary spec your wizard.. you get bugger all :)
it's pretty hard to get a split spec cleric that doesn't work well...

Oh well I'm glad to hear lots of people respeccing for more rejuv :) feel sorry for you smiters... but smite is still gonna be way better than cave :)


At first damage got reduced by approx. 20 % on Pendragon, but in a later Pendragon version the damage reduction got reduced.

On a second note about the USA servers : there aren't that many clerics around in RvR anymore, so don't expect a huge increase of new healers/buffers (bar buff-bots prolly).

You can easely see that most ppl who specced their cleric as an offensive smiter won't be happely living the rest of their RvR days as "un-exciting" (for most) healer/buffer.


I suspect most smiters will either quit entirely or respec as buffbots for a second char. All these people saying "yay more healing!" are going to get a big shock.


We end up with a 17% reduction - to spec and baseline dds, iirc.

- Pathfinder -

Spec DD at 48 is 225 base damage. Spec DD at 43 (same spell in 1.52) is 176 base damage. Damage reduction 21.78%, roughly 22%.

Still crap casting time, worse range than even a thane, and still not very power efficient. Fear the sudden upsurge of buffbots.


I specced in more of a balanced why, Wasn't what i planned but i hit wrong button way back an had to rethink :)

Rejuv 36
Enha 22
smite 33

I base smite for 250 - 300 after nerf that will change to around 210-250, Which imo isn't that bad. But saying that after patch I'll be respecing anyway. As was always my plan, I played a cleric for 1 reason only, Healing. (whack a mole)

rejuv 40 (finaly my 100% hp res)
enha 35
smite 9

That leaves me with my baseline smite an stun to solo with. Ok the power used is high but coupled with serenity lvl 3 an some mastery arcane the cleric is a formidable foe when walked into by any solo mig/hib or mob, 11 sec mez will do just fine, That either gives me time to escape or cast stun. As base smite has fastest cast time anyway, I use this when am seen in the wrong place at wrong time anyway. Cast your mez (pray they don't resist) run a bit to get max range, cast stun and you'll get off 4 baseline smites before they near you( even try 3 an a stun again, That can give time to get 5 off:)) add that with some very nice buffs 2 instant heals, An your cleric we all love to hate Becomes a threat to anyone, But with my luck mez will resist an i'll just die more, But such is the life of a healer :)


A few points:
Can't restun in RvR.
11s mez will last about 5-8 secs in rvr.
9s stun will last 4-6 secs in rvr.

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