Clerics -- how you speccing with impending doom?



Future smiters changing your specs from now? From what i have read the americans are buggered by the whole 1.51 smite nerf and we are not so far away from that ourselves (gorre is running 1.50?)

I doubt they are going to group 1.52 with 1.51 and 1.52 is quiet large, i believe (with all the changes to RvR and with respec). so it may not come for a while after 1.51.

Anyway, the way i see it, better get a head start?

The two specs i am looking at are:

24s 33r 35e


37e 36r 15s


41r 31e 16s

you could still spec to 43 smite and have that temp, but with the point blank AE mez nert as well, smiting is *alot* harder.

I am leaning towards the 37e template myself. you get the nice resist buffs, and you can heal pretty well more or less without running out of mana too quick. plus in RvR it is really hard to heal people, execpt with the group heals, which you get a 36 rej.

anyway, i just wanted to see what you higher lvl clerics thought smiters and rej'ers



50 reju rest in enhance and ill only log on him with him for guild events, will be funny when the nerf comes in to smite, i smited a hibby celt the other night 6 times and he was just above half HP so i have no idea what it will be like after that :)

but ill be 100% reju


had a cleric i was lvling but stopped for the time being ... end template was supposed to be -

40 rejuv - gives excellent healing & last (full hp 1/2 pow) rez :)
27 enh - good buffs, as well as the first set of resist buffs
23 smite - gets you the 3rd best PBAE mez (20 secs i think) and easy to get to 35 or so (with items/RR) for a decent smite ;)


Stop paying for old account until respec comes, buy new account, start levelling an inf...
respec cleric to pure enhance/rest rejuv buffbot :>
problem solved

/em twats mythic bitterly


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Stop paying for old account until respec comes, buy new account, start levelling an inf...
respec cleric to pure enhance/rest rejuv buffbot :>
problem solved

/em twats mythic bitterly

not everybody has 2 computers :) and even then ive heard news on the grapevine that even buffbots are gonna get nerfed because they might be putting buffs on a radius , so if u out of range of who buffed u the buffs go bye bye .
hence if this happens the lvl 50's who spent so long gettting a cleric to lvl 50 will basicly have 100% useless chars ,


I am primarily Rejuv anyway...
But my secondary was Smite..
So I'll probably make Enhanc my secondary and just put enough in smite so I can pull stuff...

Current spec at lvl 33

28 Rejuv

12 Smite

8 Enhanc

gonna stop my Smite development and pump some into Enhanc for a lvl, eventually swapping the ratios of Enhanc and smite...

And if that doesn't pan out by patch time, I'll respec it in that way.


Originally posted by old.¥ØÐÄ

not everybody has 2 computers :) and even then ive heard news on the grapevine that even buffbots are gonna get nerfed because they might be putting buffs on a radius , so if u out of range of who buffed u the buffs go bye bye .
hence if this happens the lvl 50's who spent so long gettting a cleric to lvl 50 will basicly have 100% useless chars ,


Think about it :) .. would Mythic (money-mashine) nerf buff-bot? When ppl are paying for 2x accounts? :) I think NOT.

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