Cleric template


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
suggestions are welcome

Config Report

Str: 0 Int: 0 Hits: 304
Con: 77 Pie: 90 Power: 0
Dex: 97 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 26 Energy: 20 Crush: 23
Cold: 23 Matter: 5 Thrust: 23
Heat: 22 Spirit: 11 Slash: 25

3 Smite
3 Enhancement
3 Rejuvenation


Cap Increases
13 Piety
23 Dexterity
120 Hits
5 Constitution
25 Power

Other Bonuses
21 Healing Effectiveness
13 Spell Range
51 % Power Pool
20 AF
11 Stat Buff Effectiveness
6 Duration of Spells
11 Casting Speed

Piece Listing
Name: Snake-Lord's Runed Hauberk
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF: 102 Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 24 Dexterity
Effect 2: 24 Piety
Effect 3: 56 Hits
Effect 4: 2 Casting Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 8 % Power Pool Bonus

Name: Blessed Balm Sleeves
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF: 102 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 15 Constitution
Effect 2: 7 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 6 % Power Pool Bonus
Utility: 24.00

Name: Blessed Balm Circlet
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF: 102 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 18 Dexterity
Effect 2: 6 Body Resist
Effect 3: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 4: 40 Hits
Effect 5: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Quality: 100 Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 22 Dexterity - 99 Precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Cold Resist - 99 Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Heat Resist - 99 Polished Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Crush Resist - 99 Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel
Proc: Empty -
Utility: 64.67

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Quality: 100 Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 22 Constitution - 99 Precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Thrust Resist - 99 Polished Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Slash Resist - 99 Imperfect Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Crush Resist - 99 Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel
Proc: Empty -
Utility: 64.67

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Quality: 100 Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 68 Hits - 99 Flawless Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Constitution - 99 Faceted Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Cold Resist - 99 Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Thrust Resist - 99 Polished Airy Shielding Jewel
Proc: Empty -
Utility: 61.67

Right Hand
Name: Cleric Dextera Mace
Level: 51 Quality: 100 DPS: 16.5 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 4 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 2: 6 Healing Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 3: 4 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 4 Casting Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 6 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 7: 4 Spell Range Bonus

Left Hand
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Quality: 100 Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 68 Hits - 99 Flawless Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Body Resist - 99 Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Cold Resist - 99 Polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Heat Resist - 99 Flawed Heated Shielding Jewel
Proc: Empty -
Utility: 63.00

Name: Zahur's Necklace
Level: 50 Quality: 89 Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 2: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 3: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 4: 6 Body Resist
Effect 5: 12 AF Bonus
Effect 6: 5 Power Cap Increase

Name: Cloudsong
Level: 51 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 8 AF Bonus
Effect 2: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 3: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Casting Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 5 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 7: 12 Acuity

Name: Egg of Youth
Level: 49 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 5 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 5 Thrust Resist
Effect 3: 5 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 32 Hits
Effect 5: 8 Healing Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 7: 12 Acuity

Name: Jacina's Sash
Level: 45 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 6 Stat Buff Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 2: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 3: 5 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 4: 5 Spell Range Bonus
Effect 5: 6 Duration of Spells Bonus

Right Ring
Name: Immolated Ring
Level: 50 Quality: 89 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 4 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 2: 4 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 3: 8 Energy Resist
Effect 4: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 5: 15 Dexterity
Effect 6: 15 Acuity

Left Ring
Name: Ring of the Twilight
Level: 49 Quality: 89 Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 21 Constitution
Effect 2: 3 All Magic Skills
Effect 3: 7 Healing Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 4: 7 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 5: 9 Acuity

Right Wrist
Name: Bracelet of Zo'arkat
Level: 45 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 4 Spell Range Bonus
Effect 2: 18 Acuity
Effect 3: 6 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 4: 5 Spirit Resist
Effect 5: 5 Matter Resist
Effect 6: 5 Body Resist

Left Wrist
Name: Ceremonial Bracers (DEX)
Level: 51 Quality: 89 Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 2: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 3: 40 Hits
Effect 4: 6 Slash Resist
Effect 5: 18 Dexterity


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Personally I would check out the forums for far better templates than that with those items. Mine has 25% heal, 24% buff bonus, 41% power, 26 dex/pie, Eternal Plant, Sash, Croc Ring etc etc etc, all you need in a cleric template really.

Overall decent attempt for a first template, but with those items you can surely do better mate!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2004
I prefer more power pool instead of buff bonus, tbh


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Jarahl said:
Personally I would check out the forums for far better templates than that with those items. Mine has 25% heal, 24% buff bonus, 41% power, 26 dex/pie, Eternal Plant, Sash, Croc Ring etc etc etc, all you need in a cleric template really.

Overall decent attempt for a first template, but with those items you can surely do better mate!

i like 51% pool, pie cap is nice but not very usefull

i am very intrested in seeing the template you describe


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
here's one example of a better one.

There's no point getting that much powerpool if your not going to cap piety, your missing arti's like EP, croc ring, 11% buffbonus sux for in combat rebuffing..

6 months ago it would of been an awesome template.. cleric templates have moved on since tho. There's plenty of great ones posted about the place.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2004
eggy's template is nice, but low hits/con
Even a support needs ~2,2k hp no 1,4k like the casters...
and with skill, is easy to change items for rebuff the ppl


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
hmm yes,

i like the ~200 more hits i have

Eirene's is nice to have though

Extra pie doesn't give a lot of extra power so i can't agree on that remark (tested the power return in fop with more or less pie and it wasn't very impressive


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
NeLSoN said:
I prefer more power pool instead of buff bonus, tbh

With Eternal Plant, Champ Mace, Power Pots, RP, MCL and Ethereal Bond I never go oop, even with 41% pp.

I got 112 hps in template but still hit 2000ish with 76 con, 10 con in beginning as briton iirc.

And the buff bonus remark? Skills? It will ALWAYS be easier to rebuff without switching in items, you cant change that.

And the pie vs power pool remark, Im fairly sure that 90 pie/51% pp its nearly the same as 101pie/41% pp, if its a tad more keep in mind I got artifacts like Croc Tear Ring that has 5% damage reduction, Eirenes Hauberk AND Eternal Plant in mine aswell, not to mention capped buff bonus.

You asked for my critisim, no need to sound angry when I bring up ideas ;) (Goes for both Nelson and original poster) ;)

Edit : Just saw you wanted to check out my template so here it comes, I usually dont post templates in other peoples threads tho ;)

Config Report


Str: 0 Int: 0 Hits: 112
Con: 76 Pie: 101 Power: 0
Dex: 101 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0


Body: 24 Energy: 17 Crush: 22 (2)
Cold: 25 (5) Matter: 9 Thrust: 23
Heat: 22 Spirit: 16 Slash: 25 (3)



Cap Increases

26 Dexterity

80 Hits

26 Piety

22 Power

Other Bonuses

25 Healing Effectiveness

10 Spell Range

39 % Power Pool

24 Stat Buff Effectiveness

10 Duration of Spells

10 Casting Speed

Piece Listing

Name: Eirene's Hauberk Level 10
Level: 51 Quality: 94
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Acuity
Effect 2: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 3: 5 Slash
Effect 4: 5 Thrust
Effect 5: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 6: 5 Healing Effectiveness
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 30.00

Name: Arcanium Lightning Etched Chain Sleeves
Level: 51 Quality: 94
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 8 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 2: 8 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 3: 2 Casting Speed
Effect 4: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 5: 12 Acuity
Effect 6: 4 Duration of Spells
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 8.00

Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - 99 Flawless Vapor Essence
Gem 2: 9 Crush - 99 Polished Fiery Shielding
Gem 3: 9 Cold - 99 Polished Icy Shielding
Gem 4: 5 Heat - 99 Flawed Heated Shielding
Utility: 62.67

Name: Chausses of Intrepid Souls
Level: 51 Quality: 94
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Dexterity
Effect 2: 7 Thrust
Effect 3: 6 Power Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 6: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 24.00

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 28 Constitution - 99 Perfect Earthen Essence
Gem 2: 28 Dexterity - 99 Perfect Vapor Essence
Gem 3: 9 Body - 99 Polished Dusty Shielding
Gem 4: 2 Cold - 99 Uncut Icy Shielding
Utility: 59.33

Name: Arcanium Lightning Etched Chain Boots
Level: 51 Quality: 94
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Constitution
Effect 2: 40 Hits
Effect 3: 10 % Power Pool
Effect 4: 2 Casting Speed
Effect 5: 8 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 20.00

Right Hand
Name: Dextera Mace Cleric
Level: 51 Quality: 94
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 2: 4 Casting Speed
Effect 3: 4 Spell Range
Effect 4: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Healing Effectiveness
Effect 6: 4 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 7: 4 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 0.00

Left Hand
Name: Arcanium Golden Runed Defender
Level: 51 Quality: 10
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 18 Acuity
Effect 2: 18 Constitution
Effect 3: 10 Healing Effectiveness
Effect 4: 6 Power Cap Increase
Effect 5: 2 Casting Speed
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 24.00

Two Handed
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Name: Eternal Plant Level 10
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 15 Acuity
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 5 Heat
Effect 4: 5 Cold
Effect 5: 5 Energy
Effect 6: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 50.00

Name: Feathered Wrap
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 6 Body
Effect 2: 6 Crush
Effect 3: 6 Slash
Effect 4: 11 Spirit
Effect 5: 6 Thrust
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 70.00

Name: Egg of Youth Level 10
Level: 51 Quality: 94
Effect 1: 12 Acuity
Effect 2: 32 Hits
Effect 3: 5 Crush
Effect 4: 5 Slash
Effect 5: 5 Thrust
Effect 6: 8 Healing Effectiveness
Effect 7: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 46.00

Name: Jacina's Sash Level 10
Level: 51 Quality: 94
Effect 1: 6 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 2: 6 Duration of Spells
Effect 3: 5 % Power Pool
Effect 4: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 5: 5 Spell Range
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 0.00

Right Ring
Name: Crocodile's Tears Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 94
Effect 1: 4 Heat
Effect 2: 4 Cold
Effect 3: 4 Matter
Effect 4: 4 Energy
Effect 5: 4 Body
Effect 6: 15 Acuity
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 50.00

Left Ring
Name: Immolated Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 94
Effect 1: 15 Dexterity
Effect 2: 15 Acuity
Effect 3: 8 Energy
Effect 4: 8 Heat
Effect 5: 4 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 6: 4 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 52.00

Right Wrist
Name: Ceremonial Bracer Level 10 (Dex)
Level: 51 Quality: 94
Effect 1: 18 Dexterity
Effect 2: 40 Hits
Effect 3: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Slash
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 34.00

Left Wrist
Name: Bracer of Zo'arkat Level 10
Level: 51 Quality: 94
Effect 1: 18 Acuity
Effect 2: 5 Matter
Effect 3: 5 Body
Effect 4: 5 Spirit
Effect 5: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 6: 4 Spell Range
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 42.00


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
NeLSoN said:
eggy's template is nice, but low hits/con
Even a support needs ~2,2k hp no 1,4k like the casters...
and with skill, is easy to change items for rebuff the ppl

FYI, I have 2080 (?) hits without using Sceptor.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
as said above buff bonus should be 24/25%.

EP and ctr should be in there without a shadow of doubt.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
didn't mean to sound angry. If i did i blame Derrick

Anyway, i'll rework a bit. I am not happy with the alternative templates so ill fiddle around some more.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
reworked it a bit, opinions please

Config Report

Str: 0 Int: 0 Hits: 172
Con: 70 Pie: 102 Power: 0
Dex: 98 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 20 Energy: 19 Crush: 23
Cold: 21 Matter: 5 Thrust: 26
Heat: 20 Spirit: 5 Slash: 23



Cap Increases
23 Dexterity
120 Hits
5 Constitution
25 Piety
21 Power

Other Bonuses
32 Healing Effectiveness
13 Spell Range
42 % Power Pool
16 AF
27 Stat Buff Effectiveness
6 Duration of Spells
13 Casting Speed

Piece Listing
Name: Eirene's Hauberk
Level: 51 Quality: 94 AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Acuity
Effect 2: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 3: 5 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 5 Thrust Resist
Effect 5: 5 Healing Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 6: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 30.00
Name: Blessed Balm Sleeves
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF: 102 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 15 Constitution
Effect 2: 7 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 6 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 24.00
Name: Blessed Balm Circlet
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF: 102 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 18 Dexterity
Effect 2: 6 Body Resist
Effect 3: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 4: 40 Hits
Effect 5: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 46.00
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Quality: 100 Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - 99 Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Constitution - 99 Faceted Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Cold Resist - 99 Polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Heat Resist - 99 Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel
Proc: Empty -
Utility: 61.33
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Quality: 100 Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 22 Dexterity - 99 Precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Crush Resist - 99 Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Thrust Resist - 99 Polished Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Cold Resist - 99 Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
Proc: Empty -
Utility: 64.67
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Quality: 100 Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 60 Hits - 99 Precious Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Body Resist - 99 Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Crush Resist - 99 Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Thrust Resist - 99 Imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Proc: Empty -
Utility: 65.00
Right Hand
Name: Cleric Dextera Mace
Level: 51 Quality: 100 DPS: 16.5 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 4 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 2: 6 Healing Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 3: 4 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 4 Casting Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 6 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 7: 4 Spell Range Bonus
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 0.00
Left Hand
Name: Magma Infused Heater Shield
Level: 51 Quality: 100 DPS: 16.5 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 21 Constitution
Effect 2: 7 Healing Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 3: 7 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 7 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 5: 15 Acuity
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 24.00
Name: eternal plant
Level: 51 Quality: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Acuity
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 5 Heat Resist
Effect 4: 5 Cold Resist
Effect 5: 5 Energy Resist
Effect 6: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 50.00
Name: Cloudsong
Level: 51 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 8 AF Bonus
Effect 2: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 3: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Casting Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 5 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 7: 12 Acuity
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 8.00
Name: Egg of Youth
Level: 49 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 5 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 5 Thrust Resist
Effect 3: 5 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 32 Hits
Effect 5: 8 Healing Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 7: 12 Acuity
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 46.00
Name: Jacina's Sash
Level: 45 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 6 Stat Buff Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 2: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 3: 5 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 4: 5 Spell Range Bonus
Effect 5: 6 Duration of Spells Bonus
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 0.00
Right Ring
Name: Immolated Ring
Level: 50 Quality: 89 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 4 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 2: 4 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 3: 8 Energy Resist
Effect 4: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 5: 15 Dexterity
Effect 6: 15 Acuity
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 52.00
Left Ring
Name: The Scorpions Tail
Level: 46 Quality: 89 Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 AF Bonus
Effect 2: 6 Stat Buff Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 3: 6 Healing Effectiveness Bonus
Effect 4: 4 Casting Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 7 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 0.00
Right Wrist
Name: Bracelet of Zo'arkat
Level: 45 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 4 Spell Range Bonus
Effect 2: 18 Acuity
Effect 3: 6 % Power Pool Bonus
Effect 4: 5 Spirit Resist
Effect 5: 5 Matter Resist
Effect 6: 5 Body Resist
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 42.00
Left Wrist
Name: Ceremonial Bracers (DEX)
Level: 51 Quality: 89 Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 2: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 3: 40 Hits
Effect 4: 6 Slash Resist
Effect 5: 18 Dexterity
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect10: Empty
Utility: 34.00

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