Cleric Spec'ing



At the moment i'm upto level 33 after two weeks and i'm quite good at soloing and grouping because of my current spec... but i can't decide on my final spec that i will have at level 50...

My idea is:
30 rejuvination
27 enhancements
35 smite

Do any other Clerics have any suggestions? (Please don't say all rejuvination because i want to be good at solo and group combat :))


i have suggestion

The specc u have just chose is more a lil bit healer lil bit buffer lil bit smite and smite is nrlly useless coz u need to have decent heals and buffs u are not build to kill peeps!

my 42th cleric is goin


i hope u will go sumthing like it to


My cleric is:

37 enhance (16% resist on all 3)
39 rejuve (2nd best spreadheal, good in RvR when no LoS)
4 smite (can't solo, but then again how fun is that?)

Thats my spec and I think its great.


Re: i have suggestion

Originally posted by Aldoran
The specc u have just chose is more a lil bit healer lil bit buffer lil bit smite and smite is nrlly useless coz u need to have decent heals and buffs u are not build to kill peeps!

my 42th cleric is goin


i hope u will go sumthing like it to

:eek: you actually don't have the AoE DD or a more powerful version of the insta-shout that stealthers hate? I can't cope without them now-a-days lol... i am not going 43enhance though, it's too high for me, possibly rejuv.... i'm still not sure... i'm going at least 30rejuv because of that new healing pool thingy :)


I've had/tested quite a few specs, and find there are two viable ones at the moment:

35 rejuv
40 enhance
9 smite


41 rejuv
35 enhance
3 smite

The second leaves no points left over, and is the spec I use at the moment. The second spec gives excellent buffs, very good healing capabilities (including the 2nd best spreadheal from 1.57), full res (with the 4sec timer, and 50% res sick time from 1.57 = nice) and the basic PBAE mez to get the odd tank off you for a few secs.

The top spec is also decent, but I found I missed a bigger group heal, and not having that top res bugged me.

IMO, smite spec is pointless after you've got 50 - as clerics are in short supply you will hardly ever find yourself smiting enemies in RVR, too busy healing/stunning/ressing etc.


Originally posted by Eggy
IMO, smite spec is pointless after you've got 50 - as clerics are in short supply you will hardly ever find yourself smiting enemies in RVR, too busy healing/stunning/ressing etc.
Ummm, i never thought of it like that :/ guess i won't need smite at 50... i might respec at 40 then... but without smite soloing is so hard :( and with your bottom spec don't even have insta-shout DD i love that spell! lol

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I think the most important spec is the one where you can enjoy your character. As long as you can do a bit of healing now and then groups will love ya...unless you start smiting mid-battle. ;)


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
I think the most important spec is the one where you can enjoy your character. As long as you can do a bit of healing now and then groups will love ya...unless you start smiting mid-battle. ;)
The incident last night was embarressing, doing AoE DD's to stop mezzers then i got mezzed myself by someone that had got past me... from now on i only heal and rezz and pick of stealthers in RvR lol


Well i got quite a bit in smite :) i really enjoy it :)
Not had any probs grping with peeps and i get to smite in rvr too :D


Yes, smite soloing is very useful, I soloed advisors mainly from 47-50, very fast xp that was.

But, a cleric is one of the easiest classes to level - everyone wants you, and this continues to RVR. You said you were 33 right? In that case, do tanglers at about 36ish (if they are still viable, dunno), and diamond DF groups at about 43ish or so. Especially late at night, you'll find you get very decent groups, particularly if you are rej/enh specced.

But yes, spec how you want to spec and ignore all the flames and shit everyone gives you - it's your £6 a month, your account, your game - do what you feel you want to.

PS: Don't forget about dragon respec stones that will be dropped in a few patches time!


From lvl 1 - 50 i had the same as your prjected spec m8 and i loved it, once the smite nerf came in my dmg dropped off with the lvl 35 spec smite so i dropped my enc and took my smite higher.

I don't regret dropping enc a but if i could i would like to regain my buffs and keep my DD high, my heals are fine IMO. With the next patch i am going to respec to:


this will give me the first spread heal, the first of all the spec buffs (you never know there are some people out there without bufbots) and the high end spec smite as well as an ok pbmezz.

However when 1.60 goes live and we get another respec I think i will drop back to:


as with the extra range and shorter cast time my Dmg should remain constant with the lower version of the DD, and with self dex/qui buffs and a bit in MoA the cast time should go down to 2.5 or with a bit of luck 2 (planning capped Con Dex Qui and Pie on my SC armour, what cleric ever uses his mace in RvR anyway)

But it is your char, play it how you like and spec the way you want, i don't seem to have any trouble getting groups in emain with my current spec, clerics are still rare and even a smiter can still heal :)


Originally posted by Eggy
PS: Don't forget about dragon respec stones that will be dropped in a few patches time!
I've not been keeping up-to-date on the Mythic patches (only the ones we're getting today) so i didn't know about that, thanks :D i'm gonna stick with my original spec plan and if i don't like it i'll get one of those stones, thanks for telling me :)


Also, worth considering are these spell lines that appear in enhance spec in 1.60....

1) These spells are 10 minute group cast buffs, which for the duration give the chance to proc a healing effect when hit.

29 Strength From Adversity
38 Test of Faith
49 Trial By Fire

2) These spells are 15 minute self buffs which raise melee damage output.

17 Refiner's Strength
28 Purifying Strength
39 Mercybringer

My Spec?

45 Rejuv
29 Enhance
6 smite

Hit ^_^

reju40 enha35 smite9

uber spec.

im speced reju35 enha40 smite9 tho but im mostly buffer.


Rejuvenation 41
Enhancement 35
Smite 3

You gonna love healing (at least I do). Sit back and heal your buddies who are being crushed and slammed at. Try being picked out by tanks and stay out of their range and all you do is heal heal heal and some occaissional stunning and smiting to interrupt :) I even have the first pbae mezz which I sometimes use when we run into an enemy to stop them for just a few seconds to gain control back :)

This new patch brings in Spread Heal and a new RA for clerics Spread Heal Battery (10 points). And as you saw the new beta patches with even a spell which lets team members procc heal spells... I can't wait till they do that :) I'm happy they didn't make clerics useless by only healing. I'm still a very cool class to play :)


My current spec is:

46 rej
27 enh
rest in smite

I was a full smite (46 at lvl 50) before the nerf also. And i didn't had too many probs finding a group (pve) god i luved the insta mezz hehe.
It all depends on the way you play your char. Smiting while your teammembers are getting killed by a mob or a player in rvr...well..i'm sure they won't invite you the next time they need a cleric for the heals.

While i was almost full smite leveling to 50 (couple of months ago of course) i could heal enough to keep most people alive in my group while getting xp. In RvR it was a lot harder...and people would die..even if i had only 1 person to keep alive...the heals weren't high enough vs the damage he got.

So i did the respec to rej at lvl 50..and RvR became fun also. People luve a rej & enh cleric in 1 group, cause they know they gonna get good heals and good buffs. With smiters it's always a gamble...will he heal or smite? Of course solo you won't kill a fly...but that's a choice you have to make.

But like said's your char, your money, your do what you like most. I jst want to say that at lvl 50 rej is a nice option too :p (and when leveling being rej cleric...make sure you got guard and protect on you all the time...heal = big aggro taker)

old.chim aira

I specced as wannabe buffbot with

40 enhance
35 rejuv
9 smite

I got some very nice buffs, which, imo, are very usefull, especially in RvR, some ppl go down in more hits :rolleyes:

but still my rejuv is a decent lvl to heal my grp, so i don't have any problems finding one

and i still have a ae mezz of 11 seconds to get my ass out of a fight, or to delay my own doom

count some nice Ra's in that spec and you're gonna have a lot of fun, at least i do


Originally posted by old.chim aira
I specced as wannabe buffbot with

40 enhance
35 rejuv
9 smite

I got some very nice buffs, which, imo, are very usefull, especially in RvR, some ppl go down in more hits :rolleyes:

but still my rejuv is a decent lvl to heal my grp, so i don't have any problems finding one

and i still have a ae mezz of 11 seconds to get my ass out of a fight, or to delay my own doom

count some nice Ra's in that spec and you're gonna have a lot of fun, at least i do

I used to have that exact spec - the buffs were great, always got complements about them, and yes 35 rejuv is adequate to heal groups. Personally, I still prefer 41r, 35e, 3s, especially now rezzes are all 4seconds cast time, and the new spread heals are out :)


41 rej/35enh > 35rej/40enh indeed

The 5 extra in enh might give you noticable more powerfull buffs and (especially) resists, but with 6 rej less you have
1) only the weakest spread heal (which is no more then adequate)
2) a weak group heal which is of little use in RvR
3) no full rezz, which is with the new changes rather uber and way way better then the other rezzes
4) remarkable weaker spec single heals

In short the advantages of 41 rej easely outweigh the advantages of 40 enh imho, unless you plan to spend your carreer mainly as a bot.

old.chim aira

I still like my spec, 40 enhance has it's advantages too, ppl will do more dmg with the buffs, and with mastery of the arcane 3 it's even better. I agree with the healing remarks, they're not that good, but they're good enough to keep a grp alive.

And when i RvR i almost always have another cleric in grp, who's mostly rejuv specced. So the combination of my buffs with his healing are a very good combination for success imo


My PB group cleric is going to be 50rej/20enh.




Aye a combo of a rejuv cleric + enh cleric always equals pwnage :clap:

It's just hard to make such a combo, with the already existing shortage of clerics + the fact that quite a few of em are badly specced :/


I've decided :)

My final spec will be:
Rejuvenation 41
Enhancement 35
Smite 3

I'll miss my long mezz and AoE shout... but at least i'll have the short mezz through this spec :)

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