Cleric Seeking RvR guild



Right before you all scream i am going to be specced:

30 Rej, 11 Enc, 43 Smite,

after the spread heal patch, i am capable of healing and i really hate it when people tell me how to play my class, i notice that a lot of people are looking for clerics for their guilds and i would like to know if any would like a cleric with such a spec.

(pls note my other chars will still be in my old guild and i will be taking my cleric to help them if requested)

currently at rr4l0 (working on rr4l2, BoF is next ability) and lvl 50 as most should know. i'll check this post when i get in after work and keep on checking for a few days, give me opinions, and no flames about smite clerics being nerfed and crap in "L33T" speech.

thx, cya in emain :)


I think the "problem" with smite clerics in RvR-only guilds is the fact that those guilds have PLENTY of damage-dealing casters.

Yes, you're "capable" of healing but you ultimately have two roles (I won't start on to what capacity you can fulfil either.) in RvR - causing damage and healing. But RvR-only guild clerics really seem to benefit from only concentrating on healing and letting the other group members do the damage. Ambulance rocks!

I'm not dissing your spec but just saying that you should be prepared to be given offers based on you being able to heal; I know that if I have one more smite cleric standing on my dead body...I am going to kill Eggy. :p

Good luck!



Legion of Darkness are shortly sorting out a much heavier RvR role although we are kinda doing alright at the moment. Another cleric is top of our agenda though (as long as they arent assholes) and I've known ya from before so no worrys there. Yer spec don't read all out smite cleric to me, its extremely similar to mine so you can come in for 426 heals if necessary as well as deal dmg, mezz, melee if necessary and stun as well for a group. Smite spec is not 100% about damage you do, it's more about utilities.

Anyways, to cut a long story short, gimme a bell in game if you are interested


"Right before you all scream"

In the same vein... sorry, but the enhancements line is VERY important to a cleric. Without decent buffs, a group is, like it or not, doomed. Without decent resistance buffs, the same applies.

Smite really has no application in RvR. PBAE mezz is really no good any more with mezz nerfs, and a frag-happy hero will be only too happy to purge and play hide-the-spear with your body as you're running away.

(best spec IMO: 40enh 35 rej 9 smite)



With the growing buff bot trend and Mythics threat to make DAoC run windowed buffs ain't that important to a played cleric anymore, soon anyone who can afford it will have a buff bot.

Pre buff bot/smite nerf/RA and the rest i was a buff heal cleric with a bit in smite incase i had to solo, when smite got nerfed the easiest way to keep my smite dmg and utility up was to increase the spec (was around 35 then) so i took it higher, this had to come from some where...

After a bit of RvR i noticed that a lot of people didn't need my buffs and often if i did have to buff it was for all the group and i found base buffs better for that anyway, so in order to increase my smite i dropped buffs.

Not a hard choice really, but i do miss the resistance ones tbh, mezz used to last for piddly sh*t when i had 30+ in all my mezz resists :)


The common oversight is that buffbots work for soloers but not for groups. If a soloer dies then they of course go back to APK, rebuff, and go out again. What if a few group members die? They're then stranded without the buffbot's buffs until the group takes the time to go past APK again to pick up buffs.

You will find that needing to buff bases is simply down to poor group composition - get a friar.


/hugs White
Best resist buffs and fastest ram-builder in the land ;)


wish you luck in finding a new Guild m8.
There will be an unbiased rvr guild out there somewhere m8


Ok a few things ...

(best spec IMO: 40enh 35 rej 9 smite)

Sorry WF, but this is a very poor template. 36 rejuv gives the next group heal, which is the single most important heal in RvR. So you simply go ... 40enh 36rej 4 smite (why you waste extra points on useless smite ffs :p ???).

Personally I'm 46rej/27enh and while many claim that going rejuv that high is a waste of spec points, my RvR experiences have taught me the opposite (before respec I had only 40rej). Throwing in heals that big that ppl sometimes think they're insta's is handy you know when the heat gets on in a fight :cool: .

2. You NEED reasonable enh if you want to become a good support cleric - 27enh is really the bare minimum. Ppl apparently think (you're not the first I hear saying this) that with all the buff-bots nowadays enh is useless on a cleric. It is not, for 3 reasons : firstly not EVERYONE has buff-bots, believe it or not, even most hardcore RvRers still don't have (always) access to a buff-bot, secondly as been said before here when someone dies "in the field" you can't just run back everytime to your buff-bot at apk to reapply buffs and thirdly resist buffs wear off after 10 mins, who is going to reapply them ?

3. What is often forgotten is that a cleric must heal too and that for effective healing in RvR you need to be pretty high specced in Rejuv cause dmg gets dealt at a far higher rate.
To often I see in RvR enh clerics crop up with extreme high enh (like 44-45) who apply uber buffs (woohoo !) then run into combat and have to try to keep their group alive with pitifull baseline heals which do under 300 hp a heal.
For effective healing in RvR you need at the least a group heal that's powerfull enough to bother, and only the 36rej group heal (and of course the 46rej one) are high enough to make a difference, so IMHO you need to spec that high in rej to really become a GOOD healer in RvR and quallify as a "support" cleric.

4. Smite cleric is still a potent dmg dealer (though they got their balls cut a bit a few patches ago), but as been said before, RvR guilds will rather go for nuker+support cleric combo's then smiter clerics, as the former is more powerfull.


I went the 41 r 35 e 3 s which leaves 0 points left over.

i agree with alot of what Abel has said, apart from the 46 group heal which i found so dam mana hungry i didnt go higher than 41 for the second best heal.

imo if you are a cleric and are going for the last rezz please think about going for 41 rejuv or higher as the cost of taking it to 40 rejuv just for the rezz just isnt worth the cost in spec points.

But getting back to the point of Dgit getting a rvr guild (the whole point of this thread btw ) like swords said, find a willing guild to take you on and as long as you dont stand there smiting your ass off when people need a little heal, who cares then what your spec is and how you play YOUR cleric ;)

Eagle Knight
<First Cohort>


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
(best spec IMO: 40enh 35 rej 9 smite)

Too bad that looks really bloody boring. The idea of being a portable buff bot just doesn't do it for me.

Rejuv - I like 41, excelent heal, but maybe some people are happy with less. I think they are happy with less cause they haven't tried the 41 heal ^^
Enhan - Must have 27
Smite - I have as much as I can

This all changes with new heals and enhan spells coming out.

The smite cleric is pretty much dead and gone. Mythic don't want smite clerics - just look at the changes they are making. Huge improvements to enhan and rejuv specs and pretty much nothing for smite. If the new enhan buffs go live, then clerics will be gimped if they don't get them. It's sad cause it was a fun spec to play back in the day ;)



Cleric needs alot of love... cause what the maingroup in this thread has said is that smite is useless, and i dont belive that this was mythics intension. As for now it seems theres only 2 valiable spec lines and smite isnt 1 of em...

Me as Digit are a smiter, thats what i builded my char for. when the nerfs arrived i really tried hard to become an Abelardus (wannabe :) ) but that wasnt working for me, so i specced back.

i hope mythic still will give smite some more use in RvR (little more dmg output), increased stunlength is nice, but it wont do the trick.
Ive specced 43 s, 25 rej, 20 enh..and i hope thaose 43 points could be given some better value in RvR.


Fair enough abel's spec is better, i was just basing that on my experience of playing a couple of different clerics - the best of which is daivana, specced as above.


3. What is often forgotten is that a cleric must heal too and that for effective healing in RvR you need to be pretty high specced in Rejuv cause dmg gets dealt at a far higher rate.
To often I see in RvR enh clerics crop up with extreme high enh (like 44-45) who apply uber buffs (woohoo !) then run into combat and have to try to keep their group alive with pitifull baseline heals which do under 300 hp a heal.

While this is true today - do bear in mind that the spread heal in the next patch does pretty much make a mockery of the idea of adding value with high rejuv.

While higher rejuv (my rejuv is staying at 45) will still give a benefit - it is much reduced when 30 spec rejuv clerics can spam spread heal all day and do almost as well as 50 spec rejuv.


2. You NEED reasonable enh if you want to become a good support cleric - 27enh is really the bare minimum.

I'm personally not so sure - but what is true is that if you are going to put a single point into enhance, you should try to go up to 29.

29 gives you the new self-only dps buff and the new heal proc buff.

As, for smite.... well, you either take it up to 43, or ignore it - smite spec anywhere between 1 and 43 seems rather pointless....

pbaoemez - pointless at any level, combination of pbaoe nature, duration dropoff, and 5 minute timer means it's next to useless in rvr.

pbaedd - In pve this is effectively an extra swing every 20 seconds. in RvR it's pointless due to low damage.

dd - The single target dd is less powerful than your baseline until spec 43.

aoedd - Again, a waste of time before high smite spec.


All Clerics dont have to be lookalike.

With cleric nukes going down to 3s casting time, a smite cleric buffed with dex gets to nuke pretty fast, and for damage that is not that far away from a real nuker. On top of this he can spec ok enh for bufs og rejuv for the first few instas.

I would be happy for having a nuker along that can heal or buf.


My Lvl 31 Cleric is presently 31 Rejuv 1 Smite 1 Enhance. My final template will be 50 Rejuv and rest Enhance.

I refuse to make a 'buff bot' out of sheer pig headed stubborness ;)

I'd really like to be a great healer - I play Riverwind pretty well, but need a lot more RvR experiance with him...


Cleric specs

Very nice little thread i got going here about clerical specs, however, i have already chosen my spec and don't need/want advice on it. Do could we stay on topic pls :)

(BTW having read 1.60 patch notes i may be droping back to my old "balanced" cleric spec with 35 smite and rest in heal/buff, extra range and lower cast time should keep dmg at same lvl)


RvR Guilds

Guardians of Light
First Cohort
Black Falcons
Shadowlords Society
HErfolge Boldklub

These are guild concerned with RvR on a major basis with regular guild rvr groups spotted. Then to a lesser extent:

Dragon Knights
Legion of Darkness
Ferus LEgionus
The Brethren
Covenant of Zak

Why not try contacting a few of these guilds in-game, i'm sure at least a couple (my own guild, strife, for example) will welcome more clerics no matter their spec, as long as they are prepared to work in their role as needed (ie. you may be a smiter, but if healing is gonna give the group a victory, do it.)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
I think the "problem" with smite clerics in RvR-only guilds is the fact that those guilds have PLENTY of damage-dealing casters.

Yes, you're "capable" of healing but you ultimately have two roles (I won't start on to what capacity you can fulfil either.) in RvR - causing damage and healing. But RvR-only guild clerics really seem to benefit from only concentrating on healing and letting the other group members do the damage. Ambulance rocks!

I'm not dissing your spec but just saying that you should be prepared to be given offers based on you being able to heal; I know that if I have one more smite cleric standing on my dead body...I am going to kill Eggy. :p

Good luck!




Originally posted by Danamyr
My Lvl 31 Cleric is presently 31 Rejuv 1 Smite 1 Enhance. My final template will be 50 Rejuv and rest Enhance.

If you want to go 50 rejuv thats your choice - but why have 31 rejuv at lvl31 - its really not benefitting you or your group.

You could put the points from you next few levels into enhance to at least get the first few specline buffs, then when your over 40 you can get rejuv back up to your level with the extra points from half-levels.

You can have the 20 enhance by the time you get to 38, which unless your groups always have a buffbot standing beside them should be very helpful :)

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