Cleric RAs



What's your spec?
Which RAs are you going for?

I can't decide.


Well most of them are naf... just are, but aside from that.

Aug Acuity 2 (4), Cons 1 (1)
Mastery of Healing 1 (1), Wild Healing 1 (1)
Mystic Crystal Lore 1 (3), Serenity 2 (4)
Avoidance of Magic 1 (1)
Bunker of Faith (10)
Purge (10)

Acuity to get Serenity, Cons for some cheap extra HP, MoH and WH just a cheap increase in heals. MCL goes without saying but left at lvl1 due to increasing costs and not same returns, Serenity 2 is a bit debatable but cheaper than MCL2 and that power always comes in handy. AoM is another cheap ability with good returns, and finally BoF and Purge cause they are v.good RvR abilities and wild cards.

Overall not that many choices, one thing I did opt out was Raging Power. At 16pts I found it a bit too expensive for what it does, though I'm sure it's a good aid to the instas. Future points will go towards more 1p abilities, Long Wind, Toughness, Master of Magery, Aug Dex, Etheral Bond. Maybe boost Wild Healing some, as Evaders know a 5% chance goes of rarely but a 10% chance does fairly regurarly.


First up I'm thinking...

Acuity II (4pts)
Serenity I (1pt)
Mastery of Healing I (1pt)
Wild healing I (1pt)
MCL I (3pts)

Which takes me to 2L1

Then Bunker of Faith (10pts)

And up to 3L1

From there it's Purge, Serenity II, and whichever of Wild and Mastery of Healing that I think works best after trying them out.

I might put the odd point in Lifter or Aug STR, to help out with siege work, and in the Aug CON for extra HPs, because everyone likes extra HPs.

Also, Bunker of Faith will drop further down the list if, as in the US version, it's bugged in version 1.50. It seems it worked incorrectly as a self-only effect in the US 1.50. If it's the same here I'll delay buying it until the following patch.


i realy wouldnt bother with wild healing.. I tried it in gorre on with WH2 and it rarely worked (to be expected 10%...) when it did work it wasnt overly usefull either.. with the 4points you speant you could get somthin that you KNOW will help.. not somtin that could help if your lucky

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