Cleric RA's



Okey so heres the situation:

Atm I'm rr6L2 and back RvRing again buit have recently respecced to rej/enh to try it for mill rp's or summit til I can decide between that and smite. The first major problem I have come across is that it takes up so much mana to do the bigger heals. 25% mana for a 706 + crit heal which okey is great but also too much mana consuming.

So then, to counter this, I am considering an RA respec I still have banked. Atm I have the following

Aug acuity 3
MoC (requires aug acuity 3)
BoF for obvious reasons
MCL 1 (want to take this higher)
Purge which I'm starting to reconsider
Wild healing 1 (very useful)
Serenity 1
Mastery of healing 1
Mastery of the art 1

Basically I want to get wild healing higher and get MCL2, possibly even Raging power. But to get all this without a respec, I in fact need rr7L8 but I wanted em earlier. Anyone got any suggestions what I could/should drop to get em? Preferably other clerics comment on the power usage whether it's in fact a big problem or not. As of yet I've only been in 7 equal fights (fg vs. fg) against the hibs/mids, won em all but lost a couple of people towards the end due to lack of mana


Maybe drop MoC for now until RR7+ and get RP and increased WH?

Either that or drop Purge. Whichever you use the least.



I don't know for a cleric but for my Theurg I dropped serenity for raging power and it makes a great deal of difference in RvR when I'm petspamming :)


dont respec RA's just get a skill respec stone and go 50 smite :D

Id love to see what a smitor could do with purge bof and moc :D


Originally posted by Apathy
Either that or drop Purge.

Don't even think about it.

Purge is still an essential RA for a cleric, even with sorcs and mincers filling up groups.

Eggy is 6L2:

Aug Acuity 2
MoHealing 2
WildHealing 2
Raging Power
AoM 1

I don't find mana a particular problem any more, I use spread heals far more than I use single heals, depending if you're fighting the sort of mids/hibs that know what they are doing or not. The spec heal is 726 at that level of MoHealing by the way (41rejuv). Wild healing 2 is valuable to me, and I find myself critting a lot of the time, healing for over 1300 rather often.

As MCL is almost always able to be used in battle, I get a full mana bar and 70% from MCL almost every battle. If battles conside shortly after each other, RP is used, and is VERY VERY (very) useful shortly after being ressed mid-battle if you are lucky enough. There's nothing like popping up with 10hp, casting RP and getting a crit spread heal in just when it's needed. Besides, if you're in a decent group you'll have yellow-con POM anyway.

I wouldn't even consider respeccing my RAs, and I've tried most combinations in the past. MoC is nice I guess but to be honest, as long as you have the sprint key bound, and/or SOS, and/or intelligence to stand in the right place I don't often see the need for it. As well as it costing 20 points over zilch. I'll probably get serenity 2 next to boost that mana even further, and a bit more AOM.

Any questions hun contact me in-game :)


Not sure if you did know this but all players get 1 realm Respec for free. If you already used it, bad luck... But a lot of players seem to forget this.


ps: Purge is a must, saves life a lot, and prevents down time when you are rs


aye, used 2 in the past, still got 1 left :D Ta for info so far

MoC can be very useful though stun/mezz will still stick on you even whilst you are MoCing and very often the first 2/3 seconds of it is spent with the bugged (you must wait 2 seconds before you can cast this spell). It's a damn good RA but thinking of dropping out of it atm : /


Originally posted by kirennia
MoC can be very useful though stun/mezz will still stick on you even whilst you are MoCing and very often the first 2/3 seconds of it is spent with the bugged (you must wait 2 seconds before you can cast this spell). It's a damn good RA but thinking of dropping out of it atm : /

MoC+Bug+Slam = 20 wasted RA points


Drop MoC and go for MCL 2 and RP

There is nothing like being able to chain spread heals during the whole fight and do up to 3 combat rezzes a fight.

Maybe also weed out on the passive RAs, I know it's only one point per lvl 1 passive RA, but one point at higher RR means quite a bit of farming. (and do I know it ...)


I think Eggy's RAs are the best idea Kir. I am going to respec to that myself. Except I might leave out raging power, go for serenity 2, and maybe a few other passives.


all i can say is FOOK passives ^^

mcl2 (prereq for raging power)
raging power

then you set for active ra's imo as battery seems to be kinda waste (above requires 4l9)

then get aug acu3, moc, then mb some passives like wild healing etc, but before raging power, passives are a waste imo

my cleric is currently 4l2, has 1 point spare, mcl, purge, bof, aug acu2, moa2, respeccing to raging power at 4l9


What Ceix says, forget passives - they add only a very little.

You should go for the following RAs in the following order :


Or first MoC and then RP to finish, depends.

Only THEN think off passive RAs :p

The reason is pretty simple : it's the active RAs that really make the difference for a cleric, the passives add only a small advantage.

Now you say : what is a few points spend on Serenity/WH/MoH/whatever ? Well, once you get higher RR a few points means TONS of RPs (easely a few 100k) and then you seriously start to regret for example having to wait 4 lvls for MoC 'cause you put 4 points in MoH to get 6 % higher heals.


Originally posted by Jiggs
avoid pain is amusing :D

Been looking into avoid pain lately but the description is hazy, i.e does it add a full 10% extra absorb or does it add 10% of your absorb (i.e on a 34% plate wearers absorb does it add 10% of that absorb which would only be 3.4% per level).


Originally posted by Kagato.
Been looking into avoid pain lately but the description is hazy, i.e does it add a full 10% extra absorb or does it add 10% of your absorb (i.e on a 34% plate wearers absorb does it add 10% of that absorb which would only be 3.4% per level).

Its 10% on top of your armor absorb so 34 becomes 44 afaik


I agree with everyone else, for a cleric the actives are best, specificly BoF,purge,MCL2,RP all great RAs, on top of that id go for the 1 pointers, toughness, AoM, aug dex/con/acc, wild healing etc. Maybe if i ever hit rr7.4ish ill get my hands on MoC too :>


heh, told him couple times in game I aint, hope he dont still think i am :help:

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