cleric RA's



The time has come for me to make a choise, ill probably only be able to have only one of these RAs, do I get MoC or raging power. I see MoC as another battle winner like BoF, though i think raging power would be more useful in a lot of situations, especially as im OOP very quickly (although im an inefficient healer, the the results of fights tends to be the same, only if we loose we loose quick and if we win more ppl die)


my personal healbot!

/edit: I have never really played a healer (friar doesnt count, he has 1 rejuv and I soloed almost all the way to 24), but MoC seems very expensive for such a short period of time. I'd go for Raging Power because of those spread-heals seems to drain velly much power, and I reckon Raging Power can turn a battle to your favor as much as MoC can do.

I may be wrong.


I'd go RP. The reason I tend to feel most clerics find they need MoC is because they are standing in the wrong place. And you will run oop. A lot.

When a battle starts you want to be standing a way the hell back. This mostly removes the need for MoC.

Oh, and try not to get landed with the driver role - because you, as a cleric, will want to run backward as soon as you see the bad guys, when the rest of teh group need the driver to charge until they wake up and come off of stick.

All the above from the pov of a rejuv cleric. Smiters may find MoC more useful I guess because they will want to stand in the thick of things nuking.


Well, in my experience you have three choices:

You can go for purely 'passive' RAs (excluding mcl), this is my spec as much as i remember of it:
Aug dex 2, aug con 1, aug quick 1, aug acuity 2, Mastery of magery 1, wild healing 2, mastery of healing 2, toughness 2, Avoidance of magic 2, mcl 2 (probably missed a lot as it's monday morning and I'm at college, anyway you get the gist)

Or purely 'active' RAs:
Bunker of Faith, Purge, Aug Acuity 3, Mastery of Concentration, mcl etc (expensive for what they are imo)

Or a mixture of both, you choose :)


Originally posted by old.Ramas
All the above from the pov of a rejuv cleric. Smiters may find MoC more useful I guess because they will want to stand in the thick of things nuking.

My spec is 40 rejuv, 26 enhance, 25 smite. Battle cleric. I get the best of both worlds, I can stand back and smite the enemies that my team are attacking (hitting for anything up to 250 on lvl 50s) or I can heal them ;)


Yes, Raging Power is very important for when you are standing at the CS. ;)

I love you, Schmerf. You are good. :(



I went for RP in the end so i can keep rure alive for longer when im his healbot.

Last few days ive been working on my positioning in a fight and trying to loose my spread heal addction, so easy as before last patch i was a smite cleric and had only had a 400 point heal so it was hard work to keep a grp alive in even small fights, now i have this great spread heal, its all too tempting to hit it when my major heal would do just as well and cost less.

Now i have BoF, Purge, MCL2, Raging Power, acc1

I dropped my colloction of 1-3 point passives and will hopefully add em again as i get more RPs.

Now once once MCL2 is fixed(next patch) ill be able to rez 5 ppl in 1 go at the CS \o/


Originally posted by smerf

Now once once MCL2 is fixed(next patch) ill be able to rez 5 ppl in 1 go at the CS \o/

Or we could just get the relics back and hold on to them and never have a CS again :rolleyes:


Rure quit hoggin the heals...Daemy needs some too :p


Originally posted by smerf
I went for RP in the end so i can keep rure alive for longer when im his healbot.


I still want an insta summon schmerf heal bot when soloing.

/edit wtf... daemyr, you can have my powerfull heal song. 9hp every 6 secs!


thats no good when some bloody moose is trying to insert his spear up my backside...or some stupid chanter is pbaoeing me :p

and Zerkers...dont get me started :)


Now once once MCL2 is fixed(next patch) ill be able to rez 5 ppl in 1 go at the CS

Bear in mind that after the next patch...

2. Characters now will not earn Realm Points in the 30 minutes following a resurrection at a corpse summoner.

... so outside a relic raid there probably won't *be* 5 ppl to rez in 1 go at the CS.

And for that matter....

1. Characters who are defending their home frontier against invaders with a corpse summoner in their realm will now receive a 15% RP bonus for each enemy relic they currently control (Up to a 60% total bonus) to recognize the added difficulty of defense in this situation and as an additional relic reward.

.. so there proabably won't be a corpse summoner either.


Originally posted by old.Ramas
When a battle starts you want to be standing a way the hell back. This mostly removes the need for MoC.
Hah. I uncovered Arindra's little trick the other night (quote from memory):

Group member: "But why didn't any of them stupid hibbies go for you, Arindra?"
Arindra: "If they do, I just run a bit and they grow tired and run after Cerdin instead."

BAH! :mgwhore2:

And then again, if you have a zerker (or two, why not three?) on your ass while fighting in a zerg, a good trick is to run past another casting Avalonian and problem is solved quickly. :D (Strondor did this quite effectively to me once, eh, Lord Frostmane? ;))

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