Cleric RA's



Yep another one of these posts... any suggestions please? Rhyveth is only 23 atm (rejuv spec) but I'd quite like to start planning her RA spending in advance, kthx :)

edit: if there's another cleric RA post elsewhere (cant see one) plz just put a link to it here and close this one kthx :)


just pissed off that bunker of faith dont stack with Friar self AF buff :(


Hit ^_^

Bunker of faith
Mcl2 and that 100%(39min timer)full power regen ra.
i tried to play whit no pruge for a while but realised you cant live whitout it.


For PvE:
Aq 2
MCL 1 (don't get 2 - it only adds 10% - unless going for Raging Power)
Serenity - as high as you can afford. I have 3 atm - don't think I will go higher
BoF - this only affects the cleric right now, but it is very good for when you use a group instant and have massive agro, just cast BoF and hope the mob is dead by the time it wears off.

For RvR:
The above are still good obviously.
Purge - a must for a cleric I think.
MoC - I don't have this but I think I will try to get it if I can. I think I need RR 8 first :p

For an ickle cleric go for aquity and mcl first.


Already got BoF and purge

Purge saved my group (the times i do go RvR) numbers of times...getting me near the casters after being mezzed first and do my little mezz myself, giving time for the free tanks to gank em dead :p

BoF is still bugged this patch i believe...but seems nice to have in combat...

Next thing i'm aiming for is MCL1 at least....and think some other passive RA

but i really need to stop playing alts and drag my clercic to the RvR grounds :p



isn't there a RA that give the abilitie to purge a full group?

don't know, but otherwise, the most inactive part of a group, beceides ressing, buffing and healing, this would be ideal to counter the mezz, so most ppl in the group would not need to buy purge and can go in magic resistance...

i don't know if such a RA exists, i hope it soes..


Sadly we don't get group purge :(

Does noone think much of the healing RA's?
I currently have Wild Healing 2 and Master of Healing 2 and they do make a noticeable difference especially when you get a crit on your insta heals.

I'm wondering whether it would be worth using a respec to try out some more active Ra's (BOF, purge, raging power) since if you are dead/mezzed/oop it doesnt matter how much you can heal for anyway :-/


I've used purge since day 1, It saved my life plenty of time. well thats a lie :) but saved my groups life i die anyway (damn cast animations :p ). BoF gets fixed next patch be very nice for rvr an even pve, Sernity lvl 2 is nice, Power song isn't always on hand and MCL for a quick power boost in them long fights.

Just timing BoF after patch you could prob have it running for 2mins :)


Well I know that Xanatae, the mid healer has Avoidance of Magic 3 as there arn't that many good RAs for Healers, which sounds like a good idea for staying alive longer.


Healer can get Mastery of Concentration though, whereas bard can't.
So just in case a healer has used all his insta cc stuff he can just hit MoC and mezz away.
Not much can stop a healer with purge and MoC :/

Of course sorcies can get MoC as well, shame they die in the bat of an eyelid.

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