Cleric RA - Need advice.



I don't have that much points to spend on RA's (16).
So i ask you would you rather (in pvp) group with a cleric that has:

#1. Bunker of Faith,
(30 seconds of 50% bonus to group's melee absorption, which means your group will be able to absorb much more damage than normal. (Re-use time is 30 min.))

#2. Purge,
(Dispel all negative spell effects from your character, such as rez sickness, DOTs, poisons, mesmerization, stun, etc. (Re-use time is 30 min.))

#3. Or alot of passive ra's such as
Mastery Of Healing (better heals), Mastery Of The Arcane (better buffs) Mystic Crystal Lore (mana boost every 5min, less downtime)
Wild Healing (chance of critheal)

Please help me out here, i can't decide myself.


better buffs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
cough* sell hakke *cough


Mally should be up and running again soon so don't worry Aussie :). Bought the new parts for my computer but blew it up again, so going to get some more this weekend lol.

Anyway back onto the topic, heard a lot of good things about Bunker of Faith so personally I would get that.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by [DK]hakke
I don't have that much points to spend on RA's (16).
So i ask you would you rather (in pvp) group with a cleric that has:

#1. Bunker of Faith,
(30 seconds of 50% bonus to group's melee absorption, which means your group will be able to absorb much more damage than normal. (Re-use time is 30 min.))

#2. Purge,
(Dispel all negative spell effects from your character, such as rez sickness, DOTs, poisons, mesmerization, stun, etc. (Re-use time is 30 min.))

#3. Or alot of passive ra's such as
Mastery Of Healing (better heals), Mastery Of The Arcane (better buffs) Mystic Crystal Lore (mana boost every 5min, less downtime)
Wild Healing (chance of critheal)

Please help me out here, i can't decide myself.

pls pls pls do not waste a single point on bunker of gayness it seriously sucks ass

wouldnt bother with purge either good for 1sv 1 but seing as you have 16 points to spend that would leave u with next to none left

mastery of healing is good as is wild healing healed myself other day normal heal 500 hps healed for 1300 with crit o_O

mystic crystal lore is the dogs bollocks i have it at lvl 3 and its almost 50% boost to mana when fresh ressed/ totally oom and the retimer comes up so fast :)

havent tried mastery of the arcane yet thats next one my list ::D


I'm going for Acuity enhanc lvl 2. (prime stat enhanc)
and then Serenity after that. (faster mana recharge).
I need to have the Acuity enhanc as a prerequisite for the serenity ability.


BoF does, as herbal suggests suck the proverbial atm.

It's bugged and does not correctly affect the group.

However, the US clerics (who have a fixed version) seem extremely happy with the version that works; which we get in the next patch.

So consider buying later.

With 16 points I'd go for...

Acuity 2 (4 pts: +12 piety)
MCL 1 (3 pts: 30% insta power heal, higher versions have diminishing returns)
Mastery of Healing 2 (4 pts: +6% to all heals)
Wild Healing 2 (4 pts: 10% chance to critical heal)
Serenity 1 (1 pt : faster power regen)

Then I would start saving 10 points for BoF, which hopefully you'll get before the time of the next patch, when BoF becomes good.

Other things to consider...

Mastery of Magery, if you do a lot of smiting.
Lifter, if you do a lot of siege work.
Aug CON 1, if you like HPs.
Avoidance of Magic 1, +3% to all resists.


BoF has a very major effect when activated, got a few chances trying it out in duels on Gorre, but as stated once its group effect is gone so is the real meaning of it. One to keep a lookout for no doubt.


For anyone that's considering Toughness... Don't, unless you're capped on Con from items and can get basebuffs from a lvl50 cleric/friar and spec-buffs from a high enh one, when you take the RA. It's dumbly (debatable :p) just checking how much con you have when you take it, apparently.


Need to Respec

I have BoF and Purge atm.
The problem for me with BoF (other than it doesn't work :( ) is that it's really hard to decide when to use it. Sometimes I cast it thinking I am going into a big fight and it turns out that we didn't need it at all. Even if it is a big fight, it's hard to judge which 30 seconds are the most important. My group tends to get mezzed right after I cast it :rolleyes: . Now knowing that it's only effecting me will help with this :p Also the timer is so damn long.

Purge is actually working well for me. Too bad the timer is so long.

MCL is very very very very very nice. I am going for MCL 2 as soon as I can. Means I can do almost 3 full rezzes and if that is three rezzers then they can at least do a rez each.

I have some AC and Serenity 2 - taking Serenity to 3 because it's supposed to really make a difference at 3.

I haven't decided if I will keep BoF or Purge. If the cure mez spells are good (and I can actually group with a sorc) then I will probably drop it... but right now it's saved my life quite often. More than BoF.

I will trade BoF or Purge for determination. I am not going for wild healing atm as it's not really a case of healing for enough as whether or not I CAN cast. I think wild healing is great for a smite/hybrid cleric.


Agree with kate on the 'when to use' point about BoF. To my mind it's really only for the key set-piece moments - charging through the amg, arriving in the lord room, taking on Mordred and so on. But regardless of how much good it really does, you always have the sheer joy that comes from knowing that somewhere there is even just one troll sitting at his or her PC swearing about how little damage their character is doing. That has to be worth 10 points. ;)


Re: Re: Cleric RA - Need advice.

Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

mystic crystal lore is the dogs bollocks i have it at lvl 3 and its almost 50% boost to mana when fresh ressed

Yeah I guess that happens a lot ;)

You're right's the dogs...

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