Cleric items ?



Ello can any of you peeps give me a short list of the best
Jewel/Bracer/Belt/Ring/Necklace for a cleric please . i know i may not be high enough to use them but im the sort of person who likes to try collect these items before im ready for them . to save myself item hunting for hours on end when i need them most :) ,

the list i need is mainly for a smite cleric ."if that makes a difference in items"


Oracle of stone Protectors (or something): Shield with + 4 to all skills from some of the super tough stone giants in DM.

Danaoian Planters necklace: +1 to all skills from danaoin farmers in Lyoness.

Sacraficial Goblet (sp?): Jewel with +2 to every skill from Celtic Lichies in Barrows (havent managed to get myself one of these yet :( )

Clergymans Pious Cloak (I think thats whats its called): + 1 rej and + hp and Pie. Rare drop from the clergyman in lyoness.

There is also a + Smite shield which drops from the clergyman, but I have not managed to get one for myself yet, and the one DM is better anyway.

I have a better list at home, including stuff from the future patches, will post more later.

For bracers you could use the bracer of shaved bone (from barrows I think) for the +dex to try and get your casting time down, not sure there are any cleric specific ones.
As for a belt, well I'm looking for a new one as well since I still have one from Keltoi :)


Ancient Sacrifical Goblets also drop from the Sacrifical Souls in Barrows (the room with trees at the front, casters on the raised platform at the back)

From what Ive seen (spending far too much time in the Barrows) they drop more commonly here, and its tends to be safer than hunting the Celtic Liches.


Didn't know where the Ancient Sacrifical Goblet dropped in the Barrows but now know where 2 camp, makes sense really looking at the name.

Clergymans Pious Cloak never tried to get it, can't see +1 to rej would make much differance but might be a nice item to have.

Stole this from somone elses post on another Forum guess they stole it from somone elses on the VNBoards.

Found this in a post on the VNBoards. Awesome top end Cleric Equipment

+4 rej/enh/smite - Stone Oracle Shield (Dartmoor - stone oracles)

+2 rej/enh/smite - Ancient Sacrificial Goblet (Barrows - Druids or Celts)

+1 rej/enh/smite - Blessed Planter's Necklace (Lyonesse - Danaoin farmers)

+4 smite - Frozen Stone Helm (Saffron Quest)

+4 smite - Darkened Sledge (Pennine - Ravenclan Giants)

+4 smite - Diabolic Gauntlets (Darkness Falls - Diamond seals)

+3 rej - Abyssal Shadow Gauntlets (Darkness Falls - Sapphire seals)

+1 rev/enh - Ring in DF whose name I can't remember (Darkness Falls - Sapphire seals)

+1 rej - Clergyman's Mantle of the Pious (Lyonesse, Clergymen and Danaoin priests)

+2 smite - Clergyman's Shield (Lyonesse, Clergymen and Danaoin priests)

So main one u missed out is Frozen Stone Helm which is well worth hanging about for until Saffron turns up.

Not sure we can use the Darkened Sledge though but I could be wrong can't check as they're charging now.

Herbal Remedy

clerics can use darkened sledge - but u can only have +10 or 11 to skills and then realm rank on top , reached this cap awhile back as i have the protector of stone oracles , goblet, stone coif, epic rejuv hammer imo the cloak from clergy men is to low lvl to be usefull to a high lvl cleric - elyll mantle of champions is what i use hase nice + piety as well as hits and resists shaved bone bracers is what i use although ive heard a +10 to piety bracer drops in catacombs - might gog get a pare of them , but it seems i cant get piety above 193 , any other cleric has above this piety?


The items I have are +13 Smite but I only have +11 without RR so think that's the cap.

Will check my piety when I'm home.

Where did you get the Goblet Herb or was it a pressie ?


Might have a Goblet pressie for you Congo if you convince me you actually play and don't just sit at the pub :p

Believe it was 2 weeks ago I promised you a pair of chain gloves I've yet to deliver to you (cause I've never seen ya :( )

Would this be a good thread to try and get some trade for most of the above items? :)

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by c0ngo
The items I have are +13 Smite but I only have +11 without RR so think that's the cap.

Will check my piety when I'm home.

Where did you get the Goblet Herb or was it a pressie ?
from the =sacrifical souls room had 3 drop in there easy room to cler with a lvl 50 cleric tank and minstrel and hardly anyones eve down that end of barrows


From the lack of people with the Goblet Im starting to think Im the only person that enjoyed hunting the barrows.

Ah well, roll on Darkness Falls, barrows is too easy to be fun anymore ;)

- Pathfinder -

Huhu never use PotSO or the ASG myself in RvR :) Tend to be quite useful in PvE, though, at least with my rather feeble base rejuv ;)


They drop from the Druids in Barrows. (At least I got my 2 drops from them each time). They are very easy and I do them with someone else without downtime :)


There is also the Pin from Dartmoor (can't remember name but I'll check tonite). This gives the same stats as the Goblet and dropped from a named Excavator.

Belt of the Protector has great +piety but I don't know which type of Giant dropped it as it was given to me by a Guildie.

Stonewatch Bracers have mega str/dex and piety bonuses and dropped from Pounders


The frozen stone helm is still a 1 time drop till its changed to quest in 1.49 (i think). Might be worth grabing it or get a tank to grab it for you. I know it drops for paladins, as i have 2 atm :D

He is named cockatrice in peninnes around loc 15 - 20 or north of berkstead for them that run round wild.

bracer i sugest Sonewatch Bracer drops in dartmoor has +12 piety +12 strenght an +7 dex (got 2 am happy with em :) )

Ring again dartmoor drop Etheric ring con pie an dex all +6 an body 6% resist

Asmine for pie cap think i have more then my cap 182 at lvl 47 an rises when i lvl so will have to check what i have in the rest of my items see what points am loseing to cap .


Can anyone confirm where abouts the etheric rings drop? I've heard people say Dartmoor and others say off the Ellylls or Cyhraeth. Does someone have one and know where it came from?


I got an Etheric ring from a named Ellyl Champion


Originally posted by Tigerius
Might have a Goblet pressie for you Congo if you convince me you actually play and don't just sit at the pub :p

Believe it was 2 weeks ago I promised you a pair of chain gloves I've yet to deliver to you (cause I've never seen ya :( )

Would this be a good thread to try and get some trade for most of the above items? :)

Lol forgot about that and I'm still using the gloves I wanted to replace as well.

I'll message you tonight. If you want to try a hunt for any of the above I''ll be happy to come along with you.

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