clearing vault



so here it is =] all 100 % con/dur

jewelry, weapons, cloaks:

Gwrm-Iledrith Cloak, lvl 50
Power: 4
Intelligence: 10
Thrust: 8%
Hits: 9

Puzzler´s Globe Gem, lvl 50
Hits: 57
Energy: 12%

Icebender Chocker Necklace, lvl 50
Dex: 12
Strength: 9
Cold: 6%
Energy: 5%

Stone of Evil Emanations, lvl 50
Hits: 27
Heat: 4%
Energy: 4%
Spirit: 4%

Earthsplitter Wrap, lvl 50
Strength: 4
Matter Magic: 5
Body: 4%
Hits: 9

2 x Infernal Jewel of Venom, lvl 50
Envenom: 5
Dex: 7
Str: 7

Rusted Exhaust Pipe, lvl 50, 95% qua
Instruments: 3
Charisma: 16
Hits: 44
Thrust: 8%
-----------------------------------------> current bid 50 gold by snk

Fortifying Cloak, lvl 50
Constitution: 19
Hits: 13
Flexible: 3
Piety: 1


Brilliant Oro´s Sleeves of Bale, af 100, 94% qua, leather
Dex: 13
Str: 13
Qui: 13
Body 12%
Magical Ability: Health regen

Brilliant Speedy Friar Robes, af 98, 93% qua, leather
Heat: 3%
Hits: 20
Qui: 19
Parry: 3

Regal Gloves, af 98, 93% qua, leather
Envenom: 3
Parry: 3
Strength: 13
Qui: 13

i will let this auction last 3 days (i do reserve the right to make it 4 tho if im not available on tuesday). minimum bid on every item is 50 gold.

happy bidding ;]

Hit ^_^

Puzzler´s Globe Gem, lvl 50
Hits: 57
Energy: 12%



rusted exhaust pipe goes to snk for 50 gold. auction closed.
try to msg me ingame snk, the nicks are Flint/Epos/Too

thanks all for not participating :p

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