Alot of shite here, but also some nice stuff
Heatbender Wrap - Str 15 Int 21 Heat 9% Dex 15
Glacial Diamond Ring - Power 8, Dex 21, Crush 8%
Ring of Protection - Str 7, Con 6, Energy 6%, Heat 6%
Blackthorn Ring - Light+2, Mana+2, Int 9
Shadow Ring - Emp 7, Dex 9, Con 9, Thrust 10%
Matterbender Wrap - Str 9, Matter 7%, Con 15, Qui 18
Matterbender Wrap - Str 7, Matter 9%, Con 6, Cold 4%
Twisted Truesilver Ring - Slash 6%, Body 6%, Con 6, Str 6
Bracer of Dire Omen - Con 21, Str 21
Acid-Etched Bracer - Dex 6, Hits 12, Matter 6%, Qui 6
Blue Crystal Bracer - Cold 12%, Int 6, Con 6
Bracer of Hidden Talent - Parry+2, Str 7, Con 7, Body 4%
6x Ancient Stag Femur - Hits 60, Int 15, Str 15
Song of the Scythe - Scythe+4, Str 7, Int 6, Thrust 6%
Infernal Black Diamond - Cold 10%, Body 10%, Str 10
Song of Stealth - Stealth+3, Celtic Dual+3, Dex 7, Cold 6%
Orb of Venomous Dreams - Envenom+5, Qui 10, Dex 10, Hits 24
Ancient Stag Skull - Crush 6%, Slash 6%, Thrust 6%, Spirit 6%
Mighty Girdle - Str 18, Con 12, Hits 27, Heat 4%
Calignous Shroud - Power 7, Con 18, Dex 15, Hits 48
Shadowwalker Cloak - Con 18, Dex 12, Stealth+4, Hits 9
Crushing Choker - Crush 5%, Dex 7, Blunt+3, Qui 3
99%Q AF51 Cloth Helm
Also selling Pre SC'd + Alch MP Cloth SC kit for Eldritch, all jewelry included. (just need Eld Epic Pants)
Str: 19 Int: 91 Hits: 202
Con: 78 Dex: 86
Body: 26 Energy: 26 Crush: 27
Cold: 27 Matter: 25 Thrust: 26
Heat: 26 Spirit: 25 Slash: 26
50 Mana or Light Focus (I have 2 staffs, 1 with Light 1 with Mana)
Heatbender Wrap - Str 15 Int 21 Heat 9% Dex 15
Glacial Diamond Ring - Power 8, Dex 21, Crush 8%
Ring of Protection - Str 7, Con 6, Energy 6%, Heat 6%
Blackthorn Ring - Light+2, Mana+2, Int 9
Shadow Ring - Emp 7, Dex 9, Con 9, Thrust 10%
Matterbender Wrap - Str 9, Matter 7%, Con 15, Qui 18
Matterbender Wrap - Str 7, Matter 9%, Con 6, Cold 4%
Twisted Truesilver Ring - Slash 6%, Body 6%, Con 6, Str 6
Bracer of Dire Omen - Con 21, Str 21
Acid-Etched Bracer - Dex 6, Hits 12, Matter 6%, Qui 6
Blue Crystal Bracer - Cold 12%, Int 6, Con 6
Bracer of Hidden Talent - Parry+2, Str 7, Con 7, Body 4%
6x Ancient Stag Femur - Hits 60, Int 15, Str 15
Song of the Scythe - Scythe+4, Str 7, Int 6, Thrust 6%
Infernal Black Diamond - Cold 10%, Body 10%, Str 10
Song of Stealth - Stealth+3, Celtic Dual+3, Dex 7, Cold 6%
Orb of Venomous Dreams - Envenom+5, Qui 10, Dex 10, Hits 24
Ancient Stag Skull - Crush 6%, Slash 6%, Thrust 6%, Spirit 6%
Mighty Girdle - Str 18, Con 12, Hits 27, Heat 4%
Calignous Shroud - Power 7, Con 18, Dex 15, Hits 48
Shadowwalker Cloak - Con 18, Dex 12, Stealth+4, Hits 9
Crushing Choker - Crush 5%, Dex 7, Blunt+3, Qui 3
99%Q AF51 Cloth Helm
Also selling Pre SC'd + Alch MP Cloth SC kit for Eldritch, all jewelry included. (just need Eld Epic Pants)
Str: 19 Int: 91 Hits: 202
Con: 78 Dex: 86
Body: 26 Energy: 26 Crush: 27
Cold: 27 Matter: 25 Thrust: 26
Heat: 26 Spirit: 25 Slash: 26
50 Mana or Light Focus (I have 2 staffs, 1 with Light 1 with Mana)