clavius discovers a new realm!




After playing DAOC for two hours, and gained nothing more than frustration and a miniscule bit of experience, I began plowing that immense pile of cdroms next to my monitor.
I found a cd labeled; "Soldier of Fortune ][ -double helix-", i stacked it into my pc and installed the piece of software that was on it.

And what a surprise! This realm rocks!
It's something like a pvp server!

After i had created a char, I was thrown in a event (TALKING NPC's!!!), and in notime i had quests and stuff. Can you believe it! Exciting quests on a pvp server! Also the whole system of combat is altered.

A list of pro's and cons of this new realm:

+ extreme long range spells come with a conveniant scope thingy(instant lethal!)
+ walking speed is increased (about time)
+ overall shorter recast time (some spells i could cast about 99 times without any recast time!)
+ extremely effective pbaoe spells like 'shotgun' and 'RPG7', however the last one is harmful to yourself if used at to close proximity.
+ graphics are lightly enhanced
+ no resurrection penalty!!!
+ no need for selecting victims before attacking
+ you can bind at any point you want!
+ almost no boredom!

- there where no merchants in the game, but weapons and armor are easily found by killing opponents(how they got their stuff is a mystery for me...)
- people tend to be aggresive (most players I walked into, started casting spells at me at once)
- power does NOT regenerate! you have to pick it up, it is stored in small boxes, and most loot usually contains it.
- maybe i've chosen the wrong race or something, but i've met almost no friendly players.(one time some friendly chaps in green outfits, in the quest with the fly-thingy)

all with all, i think i'll start playing this realm a little more, coz i like a little challenge.


omfg how did you see me???????????

wallhaxxor aimbot blah blah blah blah

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