Classic braking haha!!


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Lol loved the braking bit.

Then the rest made me angry, as a Geography teacher.

Calfornia are doing a decent job. The vast majority of the rest of America are doing fuck all. The sadly informed individual said '<The US> is one of the most wasteful on the planet.' Fuck that - per capita, they're easily the most - China has just overtaken them on gross pollution but there's 4 times of many of them.

And if you think they give a shit about renewables at the moment don't - they're busy proving that arctic sea beds are an actual extension of their land and claiming that for oil rights, as are Russia, Canada, Norway and Sweden.

I love all this carbon footprint and that stuff. If only they knew it all.

DOOM I tell you, DOOOOOM! :(

That said, I would now want to drive that truck and practice what splatter distance I could get :p

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