classes, gimped-pah!



right something u see all the time on these boards is a thread saying my class is gimped or which classes r gimped etc.
its been done b4 but id just like to point a few things out.

there are different classes out there

seems simple but really its not. from somone with a tfc background i know that classes have a job, we seem to relise this sometimes ie awe all want a PBT guy in malmo and we all want a pac specced healer but we forget this in other times. SB's i think realise they cant kill tanks so they pick targets carefully. others aint learnt this yet, most hunters who spend more than 10 mins in rvr learn this, they pick target kill and relish in the fact they just won cos iof they pick the right target they will. each class has thier job, if somone out thier genuinely thinks thier class has not even one useful aspect then plse say.

anyway go play a game like tfc and ull see what i mean about team work we cant all play uber classes but we all have a point!!


I'm not quite seeing how this is relevant :>
The classes that complain of being gimped either HAVE no 'good target' or can't kill the ones they have.
I mean, no TFC class is 'gimped' because they can all do their jobs. When a DAOC class can't do its job (or any job) then it is gimped.


Some classes are gimped, some need a little improvement to do there job right, others could just do with a little tweak here and there, some are fine.

Unfortunatly I think any improvements or balancing we are likely to see has either already taken place or in the next couple of patches, I don't think theres going to be anything new and tasty for any classes we havent already read about. The DAoC we are playing now is pretty much as its going to stay I think.


We're probably not even MEANT to kill other players. RvR is one huge big unplanned bug.

Patch 1.84c - (PENDRAGON ONLY) - Fixed bug where it was possible to go to a frontier zone and kill players from other realms. Added 14 new /kiss and /dance styles.



In TFC there your team has no different classes from your oppenents. One side has exactly the same units as the other so your point kinda falls flat. The whining about gimped classes in daoc comes from people seeing what other classes in there class cathegory in other realms has so they want the same for there class. And lets face it, alot of the whine is'nt without reason, daoc is far from balanced. But then again, id rather have a dynamic game where there is difference's between the realms and not just different color on the uniform. ;)


I remember the end days of TFC. Well6. 3 top snipers in well room. No one gets through. That's overpowered. Put some good snipers in the defence and that's all you need, no need for team work :)


A few chars do lack balance, and even a good grp cannot make them any better. The point is that DAoC should be playable solo, as well as in a grp.

Thanes are now one of the most unpopular chars to play, 20% caster, 60% melee and 20% Mythic didnt know what to do with. Hell, even my healer with all his instas can give a red con a run for his money, even without weapon skills.

Yes team work can play a major role in game, but TFC is no comparison to a game like this.


Originally posted by erl
I remember the end days of TFC. Well6. 3 top snipers in well room. No one gets through. That's overpowered. Put some good snipers in the defence and that's all you need, no need for team work :)

It wasn't called Well6, it was just called Well :p
Thinking of QWTF? :F

Anyhow - load of rubbish :p


:( The trouble is, now my Thane is getting higher, I don't really know what his job is, its not a caster since I can normally get about 3 spells off in a fight, each of which around the same as I can do in a melee damage hit, its not a meleer since I have terrible hitpoints and rarely do comparable damage with any other tanks. Its not caster killer, since I have no stealth to get close enough to do anything before the typical stun/mezz before I get close enough to hit em, and my spells can't do enough damage to make a sensible dent :(

So basically I'm just a great PvEr, some nice damage pulling spells, shield spec, health doesn't matter so much since I can take aggro from healers, and I get a nice aggro grabbing shout for incoming adds. None of that translates to PvP, my only hope is that now I've got 42 Shield finally I might have a chance to do some damage to people before I collapse. I love my class but in PvP I can't help but feel a little let down :/


~points and laughs~

THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANES! It should have been an Albion class.



Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
~points and laughs~

THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANES! It should have been an Albion class.


Then their spells would do more damage and they would have more hit points.


Don't be stupid. Their spells would be 4s castables on the Body resist table and they would wear cloth.



Ohhhh forgot all alb classes are gimped. Nah. An infil getting killed by a thane the infil player is truly gimped.

And as all albs know our spells hurt like hell :)

But then again we get our recast lowerd on our bellow ohhh and the damage increased on our 3 sec castable dd. Wont be a change, only if you get the jump on you enemy, will be a small change in making us better in pve, but what thane use his bellow in close quater pve when you have 3+ mobs mezzed.

Something Mythic should put in is change the str buff to str/con buff to make up the our shitty hits. And perhaps give us the evade the thanes in the new frontier dungeon Gruva of Dode got.
And perhaps add the mastery of the arcane to our RA list.


get ur facts right u muppet.

Recast lowered on Thors Lightning from 30 sec to 20 sec (thats the 3 sec castable single target nuke fyi)

Damage increased on the Single Target Insta DD


Originally posted by Solid
Damage increased on the Single Target Insta DD

Ohhh you mean the one that are never resisted :)


Woot! My realm is gimpier than your realm!

Ace :)

Thanes probably wouldn't feel quite so gimped if they didn't have to get told in their group chat how much damage the zerkers are doing :(

If they drop the recast timer from the thors lightning it could be interesting....

A thane ain't gonna do the damage of a pure tank up close, or the damage or a pure caster at range, but they can do _some_ repeatable damage at range. You lose hp/melee damage to get soem versatility - curse of the hybrid :) everyone's better than you at something.... Paladins suffer the same thing.

You can do it at the moment with Mjolnir, but since you actually have people out there aoe mezzing most of the fights you can't use it... the Thane should have been an alb class :) they'd be able to function fully there.

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