


PvP is nigh, and im still undecided, and so are many more of you ive spoken with. So to ease things up a bit for ppl who wanna play a totally new class I was hoping that ppl here could share some info about their class, and what they have found out is good/bad about it.
Something like this:


I think id advise you to make a norseman zerker now that evade/parry get fixed, that little extra dmg output doesnt cut the cheese when u evade an extra attack. Another thing with norsemen is that Trolls are lumbering targets, I always seem to get nuked first in RvR

When you solo, be prepared to do oranges pretty simple in the earlier lvls, and soloing in spindelhalla is e-z since most mobs there have -dmg gainst studded.

Be prepared to take aggro from maintanks several lvl's higher than you

As a zerker you miss out on all the wonderful chain-loot-arguing, which has left me with very good equipment every lvl.
You also have access to two damagetypes, leftaxe/hammer.

Frenzy can be very good (good crits) or not so good (bad crits) so its kind of a gamble there.
They also have very good (15%) base thrust resist, and with the epic-armour (30%), so spearoes and such are not your primary concern.
With 2 attacks every round pbt-casters are not a prob at all :)
So, if someone else feels like sharing it will maybe narrow the choices down a bit, and its so much better than just the dry numbers u get at catacombs :)


As an infiltrator i will kindly ask all people out there not to roll
Infiltrators... start a Minstrel instead. Youll like it, trust meh. Wanna be Uber, Wanna wear sexy chain, Wanna stun mids from stealth.... then join us .... be like us.... be a minstrel :) Pref Highlander Minstrel :) Ask Danyn shell tell ya how uber minstrel are


thing is, where as a chain-wearer will have mid/alb chain and hib scale to choose from, a zerker is only going to have... what, bard/ranger/scout studded? Not going to be any non-mid studded with good bonuses, which means you'll have to either impoverish yourself through (spell)crafted items or do a lot of hunting in midgard.
I guess that's not such a terrible thing if you know mid well already, but.. bah =) Not the case with me i'm afraid


drops suck anyway :)

so spellcrafted stuff it is ..,. :)


I still wonder why anyone should be motivated to craft on the PvP server.


Maybe because crafted weapons are so much better than drops, and make all the difference in a PvP enviroment?
Also, I've heard from the US that crafters stop leveling at 9 so they can move about safely and be able to craft in i.e. Gna Faste...


Originally posted by ivan_tribbiani
As an infiltrator i will kindly ask all people out there not to roll
Infiltrators... start a Minstrel instead. Youll like it, trust meh. Wanna be Uber, Wanna wear sexy chain, Wanna stun mids from stealth.... then join us .... be like us.... be a minstrel :) Pref Highlander Minstrel :) Ask Danyn shell tell ya how uber minstrel are
Nah be a chanter, use the pet! ;)
Also Briton > Highlander kthx ;)



I am definitely not going to choose an infil for the PVP server. My reasons are:

- Infils need that surprise element, without it they're just weak tanks. Imagine having to 'run' around in stealth all the time for 50 levels. Exactly didn't think so.

- Infils are good at solo but in PVP its all about having lots of 'friends'. You can only go so far as a soloer in PVP.

- Infils level terribly slow as no-one wants you in their group. So you'll lose out on the race to 50.

I am making a mentalist and steph is going to be an enchanter as these are both group friendly chars and work well together in pve and pvp.


Maybe because crafted weapons are so much better than drops, and make all the difference in a PvP enviroment?

Spending 20+ days of real time so you can make the best equipment and allow everyone else _except_ you to have fun with it. Great.


Originally posted by old.Hendrick

Spending 20+ days of real time so you can make the best equipment and allow everyone else _except_ you to have fun with it. Great.

tee hee.

you speaking out of personal experience thhere Hendrick? :)


well if you are the grand master crafter on the server... it's "kill me and no swords for you" :)

have alliances protecting you ;)


Aye Hendrick. What Fing said =)
You can bet your bottom dollar there'll be as hot a race to 1000 as to 50, and the high-lvl crafters will be considerably better protected a lot of the time :]
Plus of course spellcrafting will make crafted gear undisputably the best in all situations anywhere anytime ever :p


On PvP server Crafters wont level past 9. They dont need to.


I'll be there as a Light Eld (uber nuke + stun) or a Skald.

Generic Poster

I'm thinking of a Skald aswell. I want a speed class, but I don't want to mees around with instruments.

The only problem is, I want to level in Albion. Aside from a lack of drops, I guess the journey to Midgard each time I want to train will be tedious aswell :/


Originally posted by Generic Poster
<snip>The only problem is, I want to level in Albion. Aside from a lack of drops, I guess the journey to Midgard each time I want to train will be tedious aswell :/

Not really my good sir. Because when you are killed on a pvp server you can type /release city and then you will release to your home city (i.e jordheim/camelot/tnn). Swanky eh? :)


Might as well give a 'lil write-up on the skald while I'm at it:


::Speed song, damage song and rest song without the annoying instruments.
::Two handed weapons and double dd's mean a heck of a nasty frontload which means alot on the pvp servers.
::They can solo yellows easy (oranges if bonus/penalty damage is right) and downtime ain't that big with rest song.
::You can use Chain mail/Norse chain/Scale armour


::Not that many hitpoins. (I have 1424 unbuffed with Con I and Toughness I).
::Only 1.5x spec points so you can say bye bye to Parry. (Which will have alot to say in 1.53)
::DD's, snare and mez really eats out your power so you can't use that many cycles.


downtime ain't that big with rest song.

as i have said many times when groups ask me to do rest song, it really isnt worth all 3 secs of me standing up, hitting the rest song button, and sitting down again.

it does squat all. zippo. NOTHING!

wow, and extra 8 hp gained every 5 seconds or so...

and with a healer it really is a waste of time.

but you were talking about soloing, and i suppose it does reduce down time an ickle bit.. a very ickle bit, mind.


Minstrels never play healsong either I always get asked for powersong. Luckily I can play that without standing up. :p


You can bet your bottom dollar there'll be as hot a race to 1000 as to 50, and the high-lvl crafters will be considerably better protected a lot of the time :]

Yes. There will be a few big guilds/alliances that strive to get as much cash as possible to powerlevel their crafters. But, being level 50 is fun, while being a 1000+ crafter is not fun. You are the equipment bitch of all the people that paid your skilling up. And that's it. What, you want to do something else but craft? No way, get your arse to the forge and make me a 100% weapon. You miss out on everything that makes the PvP server interesting. But that's just my own experience, I certainly could not drag a character through the crafting mill again. I just hope someone else is crazy enough to do it on the PvP server. I seriously doubt it though, at least not in the beginning.


if you check american boards youll find chanters are totally uber on pvp cos of the snare dd pet.


Yes the chanter is über on the pvp servers because of pet snare effect. I was considering making an assassin for the sole purpose of slitting the throats of those bastards :)

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