Class advice please

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Well I’ve gone and done it. 2 months after quitting I want back in – just re-ordered disks and will be starting again from level 1. I could use some advice.

Which realm would you start up with if you could choose again; which class would you prefer? I acknowledge that it’s a personal thing, so here’s my likes/dislikes:

I’m a RvR addict, generally hate PvE – played Friar, scout, reaver, pac healer, necro amd cleric. I may well be doing much of this solo without the aid of a bot unless it’s on Mid Excal where I may have limited access

Dislike the idea of:

Warrior/Armsman – dull
Stealthers – require bots so I would need 2 accounts
Any mezzers – I’m not of the CS generation ;-)
Healers – don’t solo so well

Kinda like the idea of:

Cave shammy?
Paly – though block bot may bore me

Cheers :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Cave shaman is hilarious to play. went through lvl 1 - 22 in notime at all. and that was solo ofc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
A cave shammy is much fun m8, else try a supp or darkness spiritmaster


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
[TB] Benedictine said:
Well I’ve gone and done it. 2 months after quitting I want back in – just re-ordered disks and will be starting again from level 1. I could use some advice.

Which realm would you start up with if you could choose again; which class would you prefer? I acknowledge that it’s a personal thing, so here’s my likes/dislikes:

I’m a RvR addict, generally hate PvE – played Friar, scout, reaver, pac healer, necro amd cleric. I may well be doing much of this solo without the aid of a bot unless it’s on Mid Excal where I may have limited access

Dislike the idea of:

Warrior/Armsman – dull
Stealthers – require bots so I would need 2 accounts
Any mezzers – I’m not of the CS generation ;-)
Healers – don’t solo so well

Kinda like the idea of:

Cave shammy?
Paly – though block bot may bore me

Cheers :)

PacHealers, warriors are the most wanted classes in mid groups if you don't have a bunch of friends with you to get you a rvr group. Btw, how do you know a warrior/armsman is dull if you never played one(a thid warr/arms means nothing if you tried those). I find guarding quite exciting in rvr. Bodyguard also adds to my 'I defend y0 mofo' arsenal, but you have to know who to put guard/bg on and stuff, so it is faaaaaaaaar from dull.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bonedancer - look into it. I wasn't sure i'd like it but it's now my fav class, followed shortly by my cave/aug shammy :)

BD will have to solo a vast majority of the time though :(

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry didnt mean to offend the warriors out there ;-)

Is a cave shammy wanted in groups? My fear about BD is I will need to solo in RvR :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
spec high cave for solo till lvl40, then respec to 37 aug at least and start searching for groups.

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
thanks - Im guessing shammys will be wanted in groups again with the introduction of buff shearing?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Unless they decide to nerf buffs/end to Hell and back, we will need shammy, yes :)

If I could choose again; I would have chosen Midgard, and made my first char a troll warrior, then a norse female healer :p Don't regret much there.

But over to you; with post-TOA rvr, casters too get grp in non-zerg rvr, so maybe a supp/dark SM or a RM (any spec will do I think)? If you want to choose a class that can level solo, but still get rvr groups, I agree that a shammy is good too. It's a shame that one of mid's best soloing classes, the Bonedancer, is never getting grp, else you could have tried a supp BD.

I will have to add (like some before me) that
- warriors are perhaps the most advanced tank to play in mid (yeah yeah, fellow non-warrior mids + hibs/albs: flame away ^^)
- aug healers can solo :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
With NF coming ranged chars really seem like more fun to me. I plan to make a 48 rune 24 dark RM as soon as i get some free time.

this spec RM has soo many toys to play with at keep defence you wont ever get bored:

2 bolts
Debuff baseline nuke
full speced nuke

Looks like great fun. just wish my theurg had half the spells :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
If you wanna get in groups as a shammy most will want you to have 37+ aug which leaves you with 39cave if you want. 48RC/24dark RM are really fun, bolts hit like trucks and the debuff nuking owns, then with keep / mg fighting gtae/ae are really cool :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
[TB] Benedictine said:
Hhm a Runemaster called WayneRunie - has possibilities :cheers:

rofl, lo bene ;)

shammies are nice, what about a skald, although i dont think they'll be wanted too much in rvr groups?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Taglim said:
rofl, lo bene ;)

shammies are nice, what about a skald, although i dont think they'll be wanted too much in rvr groups?

Skalds are always needed in rvr due to their speed. Nothing else has mach 5 if im correct.

For doing rvr i´d say its going to be quite unclear. Its tough as a non determ tank in rvr, but that might change alot when NF comes out.

But in the moment for going to rvr, i´d suggest you play shammie, BD supp specced for solo (although i like the zerging BA spec :-P) rm and sm...they get grps too ^^
Mostly what i know of so far...could point out Thane, but people dislike em cause they don´t get determ. Blocks nearly as much as warrior, but have selfbuffs and decent interupt abilties :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Stinkie said:
With NF coming ranged chars really seem like more fun to me. I plan to make a 48 rune 24 dark RM as soon as i get some free time.

this spec RM has soo many toys to play with at keep defence you wont ever get bored:

2 bolts
Debuff baseline nuke
full speced nuke

Looks like great fun. just wish my theurg had half the spells :D

Just a small note, RC runies dont get spec line DD, baselines drain power like theres no tomorrow :)

but with the massive battles, RC will rock :)
Though supp and dark will as well :)

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
thanks all - me and a m8 are gonna duo with RC runie (Waynerunie - already reserved the name :) ) and a BD supp.

Cheers again to Mids :clap:

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