Clarification (apparently)



A little clarification about the Subscription pages.

Many of you have been trying to connect to the subscription pages since yesterday afternoon. As some probably already noticed, it was statistically much easier to "register" an account than to "re-subscribe". There is a simple technical reason to that, let me explain...

The subscription tool only accepts a set number of simultaneous operations and, as soon as this limit is reached, any new connection attempt will get the lovely "too busy, try again later" message. As soon as one of the places are free, someone else can sit down and do what he wanted. This process allows a constant flux of registration/account updating without putting the whole system to its knees. To register, it is pretty simple to just hammer the refresh key.

For the "account" section however, you need to insert your account information before really accessing the account page. We have decided to change some things and to give everyone a better chance to connect (be it for registration of new accounts or do changes on existing accounts). This will make our web servers suffer a bit, but will give everyone easier access.

We are also keeping a close watch on the evolution of active connections, many among you are constantly and regularly subscribing and updating your account information, so the requests are currently being processed, the pages are not down, it just takes a little time.



Bottom line...

After three weeks they finally "fix" the subscription pages. Only the fix is fucked up as well. They "upgraded the billing system" for more simultaneous requests. So now 2 people can subscribe at the same time instead of 1. Shame about the other 5 thousand people needing to subscribe.

This REALLY could have been a chance for GOA to show the whiners that they were wrong. Instead they decided to fuck up again. *Sigh*


do i understand this right then?

with the new changes technicly we are put into a que system where no one else can get to account login untill there is a free space?

which is why we all have the same shitty inconvenience page, coz the current que is full?

anyone else think this is the case?

makes more questions than it answers really hehe


Colapsed 2 days and all hours?



I dont understand it, if we r in a que, how the hell do we know we r in a que!?.


imagine a football stadium with only 5 doors , and everyone has to buy a ticket on the door.

then try to imagine how long it will take 35000 people to get in.

(and i doubt there is only 1 slot tbh)



well technicly i dont think there is a line per say, just the folks who are in and the ones who aint. the ones who aint have to bash the mouse key till it works. ones who are in should hurry then feck up and get there damn subs done :p so we can get in:D

least thats what i think it meant... if not then fuck knows, frenchies prolly got something complicated on the go, involving snakes, gas masks, a pirates flag and 3 jars of jam /shrug


Originally posted by oldnick
imagine a football stadium with only 5 doors , and everyone has to buy a ticket on the door.

then try to imagine how long it will take 35000 people to get in.

(and i doubt there is only 1 slot tbh)


35000 people? ho ho ho, only 1000-2000 imo need to pay the account, coz the most people have got autorenewal.


I take it when the login screen comes up now, then you can renew your sub, instead of entering your user and pass and then that "sorry" page coming up... Now I just need to login screen to come up!

*keeps on clicking account*


Originally posted by uncle
I dont understand it, if we r in a que, how the hell do we know we r in a que!?.
You aren't in a queue.
When an socket opens there will be a space to fill, whomever makes the request to that socket will then get in....

Cue people spamming the registration server every 1/2 a second for hours trying to get in and thus bringing it down again due to too many socket requests....


Originally posted by tulda
35000 people? ho ho ho, only 1000-2000 imo need to pay the account, coz the most people have got autorenewal.

Thats true , but in my analogy 1-2k people would not fill a football stadium.


"As some probably already noticed, it was statistically much easier to "register" an account than to "re-subscribe". There is a simple technical reason to that, let me explain..."

Cmon they must be kidding, the subscription button worked for me over 10 times last two days and the account one hasn't worked yet......


Oh brings back happy memories of trying to get Shrouded Isles registered!! Hope they get a new system sorted before Trials of Atlantis!

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