Clan Wars Restructuring



As some of you may know Shill has stepped down as Clan Wars bossman leaving me in charge of the whole shooting match.

So what is going to happen between now and next February is as follows:

This week: Ra3 league begins, TDM league finishes.

Once the TDM league finishes it will then be on indefinite hold until we get admins sorted out.

We will be completely overhauling the admin hierarchy at Clan Wars, so that each league will have it's own Head Admin.

This person will be responsible for running the admin side of their specific league: Assigning admins to divisions or matches on league nights, ensuring admins fill in match reports and send demos to myself for uploading to the CW Webby, ensuring admins get their matches called and running on time, sort out any minor disputes between/with clans/players...

These Head Admins will have Rcon and admin access to their respective servers.

So what we need is a few things:

1) People willing and dedicated to take on a Head admin position for:

*Team DM League
*2v2 League
*RA3 League
*RA3 2v2 League
*CTF League
*Other leagues as they're formed

2) Admins to run games. These must be willing to be available on league nights, so only apply if you're willing to sit on a Q3 server once/twice a week for a couple of hours watching some quality games and think you're capable of resolving minor disputes on a server (otherwise go to your head admin, failing that come to myself).

Extensive training will be provided for everyone so that by the time you come to admin your first league matches you will know exactly what you're doing, and you'll have the confidence to deal with situations as and when they arise.

If you're interested in becoming a part of the funkiest leagues in the UK then get in touch with me:

Irc: #clanwars

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