Clan Games on Public Servers



This really needs to be stopped, the number of complaints recieved about clans taking over a public server to have a clan game on is far too high. Ok, you can use the server for a game, and ask people nicely to leave, but you CANNOT force them too. If they want to join they can, and you have no reason to kick them, so the admin has to come and sort the problem out. Why 2 clans think they can have a server to themselves like that is beyond me, and also be surprised when an admin comes along and complains at them. The standard response is that
'Bw run many servers so we can use this for 1 hour' - Well, take ra3 for example. They run 4 servers. On Sunday, 2 were in use by clans for games, who kicked everyone who joined. This is clearly not acceptable as it only leaves 2 servers for public - as the clan games were 5v5 , 12 usable slots out of 64 were forced empty by these clans. Also each ra3 server has a different map cycle, so using one means people might not get to play their favourite map.

'Voting is enabled so we can do this' - No , voting is enabled so that maps can be altered if all the server agrees, and if some1 is causing trouble, they can be kicked. It is NOT there so you can take over a server.

If you want to have a clan game then there are bookables available. Ok, so more bookables would be nice, atm theres only 6 shared between all of q3 and the mods bw run for it, but this is no excuse to stop people who don't want to join a clan having a game on the servers provided for the use of everyone.

So, basically, don't use Public servers for clan games. However if you must, you must allow anyone to join, and not callvote kick just for joining. You may ask nicely if some1 will leave, but they are not to be forced to leave. These servers are for the enjoyment and usage of anyone with a copy of q3 and a internet connection ( and a pc , but that goes without saying :)).

Before you say 'But I've seen you playing clan games on publics', I'll admit too it. I have done it, but I have always asked nicely for people to leave and always supported the person who joined when he has been kicked ( voted no, then explained to person who called vote that he shouldn't kick people for no reason other than that).

And finally, please don't insult the admins when they come to stop kicking people, comments like the one on sunday are not acceptable. (me -> This is a Public Server, For use of Public, Them -> yes well so's your mum etc). I have mentioned no names, and will not mention any.

For the people who are at the recieving end of this, come to #barrysworld on ( or any quakenet server) and ask for an admin.

Mr RoboStac
Barrysworld Ra3 Public Admin and q3tdm League Admin

ps. These are only my views, but as everyone I have spoken to seems to agree, these are probably also the view of the majority of people.


I've also had the same experience. Wandering around by my bored self I happen upon a tdm server with people on. I connect and get immediately kicked by people cheeky enough to be playing a 2v2 match and still voting me off the server. I find this far more annoying than the prospect of not being able to kick someone if they are being a total numbnuts. People like that generally get bored quickly and leave of their own accord anyway. It might be an idea to disable kick voting to prevent server abuses by clans. See how it does for a few weeks maybe?



Clan games

Well, what you say is partly right, but say 2 clans wanted to play each other in Clan Arena. What's wrong with them voting Competition mode on, Locking the arena and then just letting other people join the OTHER arena's? some maps have up to 6 different arenas, what's to stop them playing in them? Clan-Arena is what it says, clan arena - not "cheeky little public git who joins just to mess up the teams arena". I partly agree with what you say, the kicking is wrong i suppose, but servers are there for practice, clan-arena is there for even sided team games, not people that join for 10 mins, get 1 frag and then piss off, completely throwing the game.

Anyhow, good work Robo, i agree with what you say to a certain extent.


well in fairness riceman theres lots of people who enjoy playing on clan arena but don't like the other duel arenas and tbh I am one of them


A good idea would be special "clan arena only maps" - A special map that only has Clan arenas on it. Every1 would be happy then :)


A clan have no right to lock the CA. The whole point of it is to practise, not to over take the server. There are bookables there, why not use them? Plus as someone said, quite alot of people don't like duels or the duel arena's in certain maps. Though this is irrelevant because they shouldn't have to be forced to do this. Plan clan games and book the bookable servers in advanced. Maybe more public admins are needed? (This is the case in RA2 in my opinion).


I think clan arenas a stupid name for it tbh, its designed as a team based rocket arena style thing. Its there for everyone, not just clans.
/me emails crt and slaps him with trout till he renames it :(

I didn't expect everyone to agree , and I know from talking bout in inside mr that some people are far less against it than others.

Oh and riceman, not everyone would be happy, some people prefer duels more :)

Also some clans are calling the vote before the player joins *ANY* arena. I myself have been kicked numerous times for just joining and watching, not a good think at all :(.


CA is called 'pickups' in RA2, which is even worse.


Problem is tho, you still get those people that join just to irritate people playing team games, i was playing a game in competitive mode, and some guy joined in - causing the game to pause because of uneven teams. We had to wait ages, then he just quit. What's the point of that?


Re: Clan games

Originally posted by RiceMan
Well, what you say is partly right, but say 2 clans wanted to play each other in Clan Arena. What's wrong with them voting Competition mode on, Locking the arena and then just letting other people join the OTHER arena's? some maps have up to 6 different arenas, what's to stop them playing in them? Clan-Arena is what it says, clan arena - not "cheeky little public git who joins just to mess up the teams arena". I partly agree with what you say, the kicking is wrong i suppose, but servers are there for practice, clan-arena is there for even sided team games, not people that join for 10 mins, get 1 frag and then piss off, completely throwing the game.

Anyhow, good work Robo, i agree with what you say to a certain extent.

Just because a map is for a team game, doesn't give clans the right to kick off other people on the server who want to play CA.

Neither does it give you the right to lock the arena to stop other people joining the game, that's nothing more than a pre-emptive \callvote kick :(

I blame the likes of Clanbase for this as well, because I've been on both sides of the argument, but more often the clans have been trying to kick me for wanting to play on a public server. I am one of those people that prefer Clan Arena to 1v1 or 2v2 etc. 1v1 is boring, it's either 0wn or be 0wned, for the whole 30 mins. At least CA affords you some breaks when you're not playing your best.



Re: Clan games

Originally posted by RiceMan
Well, what you say is partly right, but say 2 clans wanted to play each other in Clan Arena. What's wrong with them voting Competition mode on, Locking the arena and then just letting other people join the OTHER arena's?

What's wrong with them buying their own fucking server if they want to keep it to themselves?


You can't lock BW RA3 arenas. I haven't found a public server where you can. It's disabled to stop people from being unfairly left out.


Why would u bother putting competition mode on in a public server anyway?

I mean, it's not like you're trying to have organised clan games on a public is it?.....oops, I've said too much :)


This had stopped, but as it seems to have restarted again, I feel I should bring post back to top.


As a member of The Dominion, we have on probably 2 occasions had to venture on to a BW public server to have a match, however we've never kicked anyone off, and if anyone joins they are, of course, welcome to join in since the server is a public one. I think, from what I've seen, it's a minority of clans which must be doing this since there are bookable servers here and at other gaming portals.


Name and shame them!

I've been kicked quite a few times from the public servers by clans doing this and I think it should be stopped somehow. I think we should keep a running post of whos involved so that admins can identify the culprits and take action.
It just has to be the clan name rather than individuals?

What do you think



If it happens come to #barrysworld and report it. If an admin is around they will try to help.


It happened again last night. Clans fighting, locking teams and kicking people from the public TDM servers. I know the 2 clan names if anyone wants me to post them. To them I say :upyours:


One was ESP the other was SCsomething


Yeah i totally agree with you on this matter, maybe BW should give clans a couple more hours a week to book servers there is always a spare slot somewhere (well most of the time), I always seem to get kicked too ive prolly been kicked from 10 public servers by clans playing allready this week!, not mentioning names but the tags :) EA, HOBB, AM, BIO. ViR are just a few that i remember. If i join a public server i should be able to join straight into a game if their is a spare slot, shouldnt i? i mean what about joe bloggs, he's just installed q3 gone to the supposedly number 1 uk host for q3 (BARRYSWOLRD) he's waited 15 mins with his poxy 56k to get the latest osp and as soon as he joins he gets booted for joining the game or even chatting! wtf is wrong with that? i mean half these clans dont even know how to disable spec chat and lock up teams! something needs sorting

Is it possible to set up a server where clans (or even just 2 guys) cannot LOCK teams until say there is at least 4 in your team! i mean whats the point in having a public server that can take 12 players yet most the time the majority of slots are taken by specs

But back to where i started about time given to book servers, and the original post by Robostac, ive alately seen quite a few clan wars going on in the public servers, ie 5 or 6 players from both clans, This is surley a sign that there isnt enough Bookable servers or the time given to them for bookin isnt enough, i mean cmon do you really think that these clans having wars in the public servers want to keep getting interupted by JOE BLOGGS and his first q3 experience? :) it must be either not enough bookable servers or not enough bookable time

how about converting some of the less used servers to either bookables or teamplay servers, 50% of the time i ping bw servers theres always empty FFA servers

neway thats my thoughts on the matter and i have plenty more too but i just cba getting it all out :)



Maybe an idea could be to change a few of the bookables into "Clan TDM Servers". So clans with a pick-up game can jump on these and happily tell people to bugger off if they are not in the two clans.....

The standard TDM servers could then have callvote kick disabled. The way how I see it, you very rarely have to boot someone for being a dumbass.

Just an idea. :)


OK. I'm posting on this thread again to show my annoyance :)

I joined up to the BW TDM 2 server just now and kept getting voted off it. Now I don't mind people asking me to leave if they're having a serious game etc. This was hardly a serious game.
Clan f. aka f34r were pissing around on there by themselves and renaming themselves to various "star" players. ie at one point it was iC vs All*.

All very childish, yet very annoying. If you read this guys, I hope you understand just how annoying it is.

BTW. Isn't a requirement of clan participating in BWDML to have a website up at the address pointed to on the league website. Chuck them out Bif ! ;)


As it is we are looking at the box the pub TDM servers are on as we believe it to have too many ports as it is. This may mean some get axed, if this causes a problem then we will look at ways to allow clans to get some good practice time but there are bookables and in the near future clan servers....


If ure trying to interupt a 4v4 just cause u wanna play. Then u get what u deserve. There should be a Kteams for q3, it's the best way 2 work things.


They are public TDM servers, they are not public servers for clans to take over and kick people off / stop people playing on. If you want proper practice then get a booking account and use it, or alternatively become a league admin.


it's called a public server for a reason. You shouldn't be having an organised 4v4 on it in the first place, so interrupting it wouldn't be a problem.

How many bookable servers are there atm for q3 just out of curiosity? Perhaps there could be a way of setting up a couple of the bookables so they couldn't be booked before the day that someone wanted to play, that way if teams have booked everything solid and one is needed last minute, there'd be a better chance of getting one ?

could/would that work?


Pass me my longbow

OK, I've just been booted off a public BW TMP server. There are no Q3 admins in #barrysworld now apparently, so I'll have a rant here instead.
Although I have admitted to using the servers for clan praccy I can assure you our clan has never kicked people to get a game.
Earlier on I was doing some 1v1 on server 2 with a chap from clan WaR (I forget his name), when a load of anuses from clan f34r turned up announcing "leave the server - we have a clan war" I replied that this was a public server and got the retort of "blah blah, yeh yehh". Then both me and the WaR bloke were booted off the server. I rejoined to have a rant (and write down their names - I'm petty) and was booted off again.
The tossers were f.pika, f.adrazor, f.zophren and f.willow. they were playing a clan called [:D]chirer, gommer and traitre.
I've never encountered this kind of childishness on a Q3 server before (Q2 yeah - the games got more pricks than a hedgehog). I don't know if you can ban clans simply for being arsewipes, but at least give them a yellow card. If anyone else gets treated like this by these dirtboxes, pls add something on here because I would love to see justice done.


I joined up to the BW TDM 2 server just now and kept getting voted off it. Now I don't mind people asking me to leave if they're having a serious game etc. This was hardly a serious game.
Clan f. aka f34r were pissing around on there by themselves and renaming themselves to various "star" players. ie at one point it was iC vs All*.

All very childish, yet very annoying. If you read this guys, I hope you understand just how annoying it is.

BTW. Isn't a requirement of clan participating in BWDML to have a website up at the address pointed to on the league website. Chuck them out Bif !


Maybe I should have read Martyr's posts more closely - He had trouble with these mud chutes just 2 days ago. That's two yellow cards for the slagz...


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