Claim smart!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Well, it's obvious that alb/pryd has a problem getting homeland towers (sometimes even keeps) claimed atm.

Isn't it about time we face up to this limitation and start trying to work around it?

I see towers like beno3/4 and berks 3/4 claimed and lvl 9-10, while eras1/2 stand unclaimed. I see mids/hibs being able to completely destroy all porting in alb, in about 10 minutes, with 3 archer chars. We can change this, all we need to do is be more selective about which towers we claim.

If we can agree on this we can start discussing priorities. Roughly, all T1s and T2s (as well as mainkeeps ofc!) need to be claimed before we even start considering T3s and T4s. Once that's done, work out from the portal keeps towards beno claiming T3s and T4s.. Ren/hurb, then bold, then eras/berks, and lastly beno.

Or sod beno, leave everything unclaimed, and get a stronger position closer to home. Will probably make for good RvR in hw then also (might even move the brynja zerg :eek7: ). Whatever, this is open for debate.

My motives for making this post is, I want to care for the realm, I really do. But being farmed for hours and hours without ever getting into melee range of the enemy, only really useful ability is nearsight, sloooowly breaking down some wall or door, then going in and getting farmed several times before finally retaking a T2 - that then does not get claimed and is taken from us by 1 person in 10 mins.. Frankly, I cba anymore. And I'm sure many others feel the same.

Please, can we at least get a debate going about claiming smart? If we don't do something soon, we might as well not bother at all :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well you see the problem with your suggestion is ... that it's a perfect suggestion ... but it would require one thing...

And that is pryd/albs being organized ...

Not gonna happen.

Nice try though :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Huh? It's really not that hard. If any guild finds themselves without a tower, pick one out by going down the list. Check T1+T2 (and mainkeeps ofc) first, if all claimed get the unclaimed T3/T4 closest to sauvage.

I don't see how this involves massive amounts of communication and coordination. Just a person in each guild with claim rights and the willingness to spend 5mins clicking around on the warmap.

Edit: If need be, I will personally take it upon me to check all the "useless" towers like berks4 and beno3, and pm any guild that claims them and ask them kindly to move their claim closer to home.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
it's inspiring to see so much faith in our fellow realmmates.

Wish I still had it :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Well all it requires really is a person in each guild with claim rights and ~average intelligence OR the ability to listen when I ask.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
17 out of 28 towers claimed as of right now. Beno4, berks3 and berks4 are claimed, while eras1 and berks2 are not :(

Bledmeer looks nice though, but still, even with the low number of claimed towers in albland, we should be able to keep close towers claimed.

Just a bit of a bump tbh, hoping to get some sort of discussion going about this. Am very much open to better suggestions than what I've put forth so far, or just a statement of support.. Hell, tell me to sod off if you think getting claims under control is a really bad idea even. Anything better than apathy really :)


What's the point of claiming just t1s+t2s as a priority? It only takes 1 tower to ruin the porting pattern to the keep so just having 2 towers claimed is a waste.

There's easily enough guilds to claim everything, people just need to bother and not be greedy with their guild bps, even claimed at lowest level its a big improvement.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aoln said:
There's easily enough guilds to claim everything, people just need to bother and not be greedy with their guild bps, even claimed at lowest level its a big improvement.

Tower costs exactly the same at level 4 as it does at level 1 :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Aoln said:
What's the point of claiming just t1s+t2s as a priority? It only takes 1 tower to ruin the porting pattern to the keep so just having 2 towers claimed is a waste.

There's easily enough guilds to claim everything, people just need to bother and not be greedy with their guild bps, even claimed at lowest level its a big improvement.

This is exactly why we need some sort of debate about this.. Maybe there's plenty of guilds, but reality is they're not claiming. On average, I see 26-30 claimed keeps+towers, and if we had to claim everything in albland, we'd need 34 claimed. That's not counting any claims for stuff we take in hib/mid.

Maybe you're right, and we should just say sod beno, eras or berks and make sure the rest of them have full mainkeep+all towers claimed. I sorta have more hope about albs than Shanaia does, but whipping them into claiming EVERYTHING all the time is still a bit much I think.

Which compromises should we make? How to prioritize? Discuss :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I think claiming towers will become a bit more important when we rely on them for Darkness Falls.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
It's not about DF at all, it's about realm spirit. If there was just a slight feeling of coherency, people would be willing to RvR more, and enjoy it as well I think.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
I had my little weaponcrafter alt claim Renaris T3 if that's any help..


If only you could claim towers as an individual with self BPs :(


Apr 5, 2004
Albion needs a hero :p you guys are leaderless atm. you have a lot of wannabe leaders from small guilds, who play a small part, but you need a few real star figures that people will listen too, albion used to do well when they had them. now youre so easy to farm its almost embarassing

edit: i should probably add ive been playing hib/pryd recently, which is where this insight comes from, as well as playing alb for 3 years.


Apr 5, 2004
Aoln said:
If only you could claim towers as an individual with self BPs :(

as prydwen is an underpopulated server, i dont see why mythic cant reduce the claim requirements on towers and keeps.. taking tower claim requirements from 4 to 2 would be a huge improvement.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Jjuraa said:
Albion needs a hero

Only people everyone knows well enough and will listen to are either not active enough, or don't want the job.

My suggestion is sorta a workaround for this problem also. If we could get people discussing claim priorities and agree on something, it'll be easier to ask guilds to change their claim so we get as much as we can properly covered.

No one seems to want to even talk about it though :(


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
I can claim most towers when needed.

Just finding 3 others who will help me claim it, usually they are too busy farming rps


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Most guilds with any active members can ;)

Problem is, we need to discuss priorities, because we simply can't claim every single tower and keep anymore.

Do we for instance leave beno and berks t3 and t4 unclaimed? Or leave all beno towers and beno mainkeep unclaimed? Or some other suggestion.. Come on, comment/discuss, hell, even flame if you like :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Myself and Rhuethva are trying to get things a bit more organised in the nights when we're on, but my play time is limited as 2/3 weeks i pull a 65 hour week in work...If im on, happy to try and help lead...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Not enough people rvring atm, just as simple as that. Not much can be done with 20-30 players (often the majority are not very experienced either)especially when Hadrians is so active right now.

As for towers, priority should be all T1 and T2 imo and then T3\T4 towers starting from the top and left side of the map (Surs 3, beno 4 important cos they are next to boat drop offs). The closer towers to border keeps dont really need claims atm, especially when we have no relics and unlikely to have in the near future.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
Myself and Rhuethva are trying to get things a bit more organised in the nights when we're on, but my play time is limited as 2/3 weeks i pull a 65 hour week in work...If im on, happy to try and help lead...

Tbh what I'm trying to do is set up a simple system that doesn't require leaders to keep in place. If we can do that, we have a nice solid foundation to work from.

Eroda said:
As for towers, priority should be all T1 and T2 imo and then T3\T4 towers starting from the top and left side of the map (Surs 3, beno 4 important cos they are next to boat drop offs). The closer towers to border keeps dont really need claims atm, especially when we have no relics and unlikely to have in the near future.

That sounds reasonable. What about porting lines though? Surely leaving all towers close to the portal keeps unclaimed leads to having to walk everywhere?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
InertiaSlave said:
That sounds reasonable. What about porting lines though? Surely leaving all towers close to the portal keeps unclaimed leads to having to walk everywhere?

Well ideally having most claimed would be good but better to sacrifice those towers closer to our border keep imo cos we can easily just move straight there as a zerg if necessary and its harder for enemy reinforcements to get to the tower.

Closer u get to hadrians, the harder it is to retake towers imo cos the minute u have flames on a tower, u get all the opted groups homing in on it to farm the retake force.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Thnik priority keeps are beno, berks and boldiam. I think there the ones that need all towers claimed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
tbh with how cheap it is to claim a tower it shouldn't be a problem to claim all towers even with the low numbers ...

My old guild held a tower at level 6 I think for weeks with only 1 person still in the guild rvring like 2 nights a week... it wasn't till he stopped playing completely that our gbp's started to drop slowly...

What I see is loads of people who cba with towers... or cba to leave their group for 30 seconds to join some other guy so he can claim..

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