Hiyas all, me again with yet another rant 
This is about last nights epic attempt at a "coop" in the campaign.
Firstly, i balied out early on this event due to a severe beer shortage, and a local pub calling me up saying they had ordered way to much and they needed a hand with the excess (ya, like they gonna beleive that!). Nevertheless, i have beens speaking to a few m8s about this who all seem to share the dissapointment.
You see the event was (IMO) a great attempt to get the 3 realms to fight together for a change for a common goal, but, GOA forgot one key point in the equation, that is that 1/2 the population are as thick as 2 short planks. Firstly, some see an enemy and decide they want RPs instead of the real goal. Shame because we have all now seen the drops given, and aint they great? Shame cause you aint getting any!
Secondly, did any of you take a look at the RPs you were getting, feck me do the math and youd know you were getting BG2 RPs, what a waste of space.
Now other threads are naming and shaming already, but lets try and be a bit better than this and perhaps come to some sensible arrangement to get this task completed. The CK obviously required the assistance of all 3 realms to defeat, so why dont we make a pact to help each other on this and stop the dumb arse ganking? Please leave that for emain.
Oh, and the other thing, ppl have cried out for a COOP server for ages, well this is i think a good test of it. Perhaps a sign of things to come?
OK, flame away you lot
This is about last nights epic attempt at a "coop" in the campaign.
Firstly, i balied out early on this event due to a severe beer shortage, and a local pub calling me up saying they had ordered way to much and they needed a hand with the excess (ya, like they gonna beleive that!). Nevertheless, i have beens speaking to a few m8s about this who all seem to share the dissapointment.
You see the event was (IMO) a great attempt to get the 3 realms to fight together for a change for a common goal, but, GOA forgot one key point in the equation, that is that 1/2 the population are as thick as 2 short planks. Firstly, some see an enemy and decide they want RPs instead of the real goal. Shame because we have all now seen the drops given, and aint they great? Shame cause you aint getting any!
Secondly, did any of you take a look at the RPs you were getting, feck me do the math and youd know you were getting BG2 RPs, what a waste of space.
Now other threads are naming and shaming already, but lets try and be a bit better than this and perhaps come to some sensible arrangement to get this task completed. The CK obviously required the assistance of all 3 realms to defeat, so why dont we make a pact to help each other on this and stop the dumb arse ganking? Please leave that for emain.
Oh, and the other thing, ppl have cried out for a COOP server for ages, well this is i think a good test of it. Perhaps a sign of things to come?
OK, flame away you lot