Chronicle: (Part 3/4) A Bold Strike



[Note: Part three out of four, enjoy! :)]

Having taken both Dun Crauchon and Dun Crimthainn with exceptional tactics and good leadership, our spirits were now high and our numbers many. With almost three full groups at our disposal, the armsman Aikmore proposed a particularly bold plan of action. We would move swiftly and stealthily through the Hibernian frontiers and penetrate deep into the remote Gorge of Crauchan, avoiding detection at all costs. There we would mount a raid on the keep Dun Ailinne, on the very threshold of the Hibernian heartland, in easy striking distance of the relic keep in the Gorge. By bringing siege rams to the battle, we would be ensured quick entry to the keep. Regardless of the outcome of this fight, we knew that such an outright provocation would bring many Hibernian defenders to the scene, allowing us to ambush and annihilate many enemies before being killed ourselves.

Proceeding swiftly to the newly taken Dun Crauchon, we acquired the rams necessary for the raid, and then moved south again, towards distant Dun Ailinne and the Crauchan Gorge. Attempting to avoid enemy patrols, Aikmore led the army west along the northern fringes of Briefine, finally turning south upon entering the Gorge and making for the keep. However, as we crossed the road leading east towards the battlefields of Briefine and Emain Macha, we came upon a Hibernian Nightshade scouting the area. Knowing that the fate of our raid depended on a stealthy approach, we quickly attacked and killed the enemy assassin, but surely not before he got off a warning to his fellow Hibernians. Our hand was now tipped, and we had to work quickly to take the keep before the Hibernian defenders arrived in force to deter our assault.

Undaunted by the pending arrival of the Elf scum and their vile brethren, we made haste to the bottom of the hill that Dun Ailinne stood a silent watch upon, and formed up for battle. Time was of the essence.

Your chronicler, speeded by the hastening rhythms of my trusty ebonwood drum, was appointed to lure out the Hibernian soldiers protecting the keep. Those powerful guards could surely not resist the temptation of a seemingly lone minstrel appearing haplessly on their doorstep, and soon I was able to turn back towards my fellow Albions with the enemy hot on my tail. However, those guards surely got the shock of their lives as their prey suddenly turned around, whipped out his flute and mesmerized them just as he was joined by the likes of Issingrunt, Gendarion, and Cerverloc appearing from below the ridge; calm, professional Albion men at arms who handled their weapons with the ease of many years of practice. It did not take long for these valiant men, aided by the smiting powers of the holy clerics Kirennia, Chim, and Goozu that rent the air with their devastating lightning, to strike down the fatally-surprised enemy.

The approach to the mighty Dun Ailinne now lay open to us. Moving up to the sturdy gates of the keep, we deployed for the siege and prepared ourselves for Hibernian assault. The border keep of Druim Ligen was only minutes away from the keep, and while it would surely take some time for the enemy to gather a sufficient force, we knew our time was limited and thus set to work immediately. The siegecrafters of the assault force, including the witty minstrel Incetes, the stalwart paladin Brynn, and the audacious armsman Aikmore, quickly deployed three siege rams on the first gate, while the rest of the force spread out to guard the approaches of the keep. Within minutes, the pounding of the rams on the heavy gate doors were resounding all around the area.

The first door was almost ready to give when a small Hibernian force appeared from behind the keep, moving under the speeding influence of a bard's song. Despite our vigilant guard, the assault force was unable to stop the rushing enemy, and all save one managed to slip through our defenses and gain access to the keep. Cursing our sloppiness and knowing our task was now many times harder, we sent out a number of stealthing scouts, your chronicler included, to intercept any additional Hibernians looking to join the defenders. Within minutes, I was able to mesmerize and kill another bard attempting the same feat. No more defenders were going to be able to slip past us!

We were now on the second door and the siegecrafters were soaked in sweat as they desperately worked to deploy a new ram on this door. Those Hibernians who had slipped inside were surely only a vanguard, and the next wave would almost certainly seek to engage us directly. While the infiltrator Hysteric, her twin gauches moving in a flurry of steel and posion, again and again scaled the keep walls to bring mayhem to the defenders inside, the assault force prepared for the onslaught.

Your chronicler, scouting far south in a grove of trees barely in sight of Dun Ailinne, was the first to detect the Hibernian army approaching in full force. Speeding back to the keep, I raised the alarm and witnessed in satisfaction how the Albion force quickly and with good discipline reformed for battle, temporarily abandoning the almost fully destroyed keep door. When the Hibernians arrived, climbing the top of the Ailinne hill, we were ready for them and swept down and through their lines like a raging whirlwind. The battle, although short, was extremely fierce, and would have ended in disaster would it not have been for the trusty clerics numbering in our ranks.

The Hibernian threat temporarily thwarted, we returned to the keep assault and quickly knocked down the final gate door. Instead of rushing inside, however, we stood back a bit to reform our forces and prepare for the final push. On the command of Aikmore, we charged in, weapons at the ready and magical force crackling around us, quickly clearing the lower floors of the keep of guards. Meanwhile, the Hibernian defenders had withdrawn to the room of the Dun Ailinne Lord in the top of the keep tower. However, against our disciplined charge, they stood no chance, and were readily dispatched along with the keep lord. Dun Ailinne was ours, and what a challenge it was to the realm of Hibernia!


I love the way you make Zerging sound romantic and heroic. Amost makes me want to delete my chars and become one of you lot.:sleeping:

"almost 3 full groups at our disposal" my arse. Everyone knows that the Alb portal keep wont work unless there is aproximately 50 Albs sat on it. :puke:


I beg to differ...

Well, of course, the task of a minstrel is to boost the morale of his peers by glorifying their deeds! :)

But if what happened this Friday can be classified as a "zerg", I'd be curious to hear your definition of that term. I think all of the Albs present were amazed at the good discipline and tactics we employed during that raid, as well as surprised by what we could accomplish when we did fight a little more "intelligently".

And no, there were no more than 3 groups at Dun Crimthainn (barring a few scouts and infiltrators sneaking about, of course).


Oo... Novamir you are still my favorite hib tank..:p


My favourite hib tank has gotta be that Really handsome Tusk guy Hes really uber

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