Chronicle: Ambush at Ellyls



[Note: I posted this chronicle here since this event has already been discussed here and may be of interest to others. However, it was not really a realm-wide event, so if you think that this is not of interest to everyone, please say so. :) ]

Yet another fair day dawned on beautiful Albion, the first probing tendrils of sunlight finding your chronicler speeding north from the hamlet of Cotswold after a night of performance in the local inn. Setting my course for remote Castle Sauvage, I quickly entered the Highlands, planning to meet up with a few of my fellow guild members to travel to the land of the Ellylls in the savage Pennine Mountains. However, upon reaching the powerful castle guarding the very entrance to the Albion heartland, I was met with worrying reports of warbands of Midgardian invaders roving the far-flung Pennines. One group of Albion defenders under the able command of the master wizard Eraser of the Templar Knights had reportedly met their demise at the hands of one such group of cursed enemies encroaching into our frontiers.

Something had to be done.

Forgetting our own enterprise of trying to get our hands on some of the useful items held by the Ellyll people, we joined with the Templar Knights group to put an end to the Midgardian reign of terror in the Albion frontier. Travelling north on swift feet, we treaded our way through perilous routes bordered by gnarlwoods and rock bounders, finally being rewarded by the stunning sight of the valley of the Ellyll people open up before us. Maintaining our ruse of looking for Ellyll items, we moved into position on the desolate mountain ledge leading to the ancient ruins hulking in the southeast part of the valley, knowing that the Midgard invaders surely would attempt to strike at us once our attention was fully turned to the task of disposing of the Ellyll foe charging our ground. To prevent this from happening, your chronicler put away his flute and drum and took to melting into the background, moving behind the Albion party to guard its rear.

Sure enough, it did not take long for the foul invaders to show themselves, approaching speedily from the rear, clearly under the hastening influence of a skald. Fortunately, your chronicler was able to quickly detect the appearance of the Midgard force and move aside in time, holding my breath as one of the invaders charged past not three feet from my position. Desperately relaying the information of the imminent attack to my comrades ahead, I quit my hiding place and took to pursuing the charging enemy, beating a hastening rhythm of my own on my drum. The enemy clearly had the advantage of surprise, but they did not know of me, something I intended to make full use of.

Unfortunately, my companions were busy dispatching a group of Ellyll guards, and were unable to respond quickly enough to my desperate warning. Within seconds, the dark-clad vermin had reached our position, their first blows scything down brave Uridith, master theurgist, to the cold ground. However, as the huge Norseman leading the assault turned to his next victim, the snickering Kobold at the rear of the group choked on his laughter as the sweet music of a flute wielded by a Virtuoso reached his ears from behind and rooted him to the ground.

Aye, your humble chronicler had caught up with the enemy and had mesmerized the hapless Kobold. However, as I completed my spell, a surge of cold rage overtook me, wiping out all logic and reasoning. Instead of moving on to mesmerize the next invader in line, I put away my flute and drew my axe and shield, leaping to attack the Kobold caster in a fury of blows. This mistake cost me and my group dearly; as I was dispatching the midget invader with great difficulty, my companions fell around me, one after another. First, the wizards Ziro and Eraser went down under the onslaught of the enemy warriors, and then the friar Tazmina caught a mortal blow to the head, soon to be followed by her guardian and partner, Boramire. The brave paladin Rushie, attacked by both the Ellyll guard and the huge Norse warrior, also fell beneath superior force. When at last I was able to turn from the sagging body of the Kobold shaman, I was devastated by the sight of Albion bodies littered across that arid ledge. Funnelling my rage onto the nearest target, I engaged the huge and stinking Norseman directing the assault, my anger giving me the strength and agility that finally allowed me to fell its huge bulk before me. However, in doing so, I was all but spent, and did not have time to react to the second enemy coming up from behind. The next thing I knew, darkness was engulfing me and the ground was rushing up to embrace me.

Of the rest of the battle, I know nothing but which has been told to me upon the friar Feac reawakening me from the dead; that the armsman Tempestblade, clad in burnished gold plate armor and wielding a terrible sword with the expert skill of years of practice, alone remained standing; that Tempestblade managed to engage and dispatch the wicked Midgard warrior that slew me; that the Albion defenders at last stood victorious against the Midgardians, their encroachment checked. I only know that I will regret my choice to not continue mesmerizing the enemy to the end of my days.


Guess I get on your tits in game huh?

Nice to know I'm singled out by you. I must be doing something right for a gimped class to be your first target.

Wait until I get PBAOE, AOE root and Ichor. Then the real fun begins ;)



Originally posted by old.Ebeneezer
Guess I get on your tits in game huh?

Nice to know I'm singled out by you. I must be doing something right for a gimped class to be your first target.

Not really. This was written in the spirit of a chronicle and the cold rage I was referring to was due to your entire group's cowardly ambush, not you particularly. :) Besides, I think my not being part of the main group and fearing I would get no RPs if I just mezzed had something to do with me going into melee too early. :rolleyes:

Wait until I get PBAOE, AOE root and Ichor. Then the real fun begins ;)
Yeah, I guess so. :)

(Btw, I hope no one takes this reply nor the chronicle as some kind of flame or whine, because that was not my intention.)


another nice story belomar :D
keep em comming :)


Re: Well...

Originally posted by Belomar

Not really. This was written in the spirit of a chronicle and the cold rage I was referring to was due to your entire group's cowardly ambush, not you particularly. :) Besides, I think my not being part of the main group and fearing I would get no RPs if I just mezzed had something to do with me going into melee too early. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I guess so. :)

(Btw, I hope no one takes this reply nor the chronicle as some kind of flame or whine, because that was not my intention.)

Yeah nice post though. Hope to see more soon. Maybe I'll get off my blue ass and write one from a mid perspective.

Do an edit mate...we never had a troll:

Ebeneezer = kobold
Killgorde, Barbar, Oloren = Norsemen



All right, Ebeneezer, I'm back from my trip and I've updated the story to remove any references to a Troll. I just assumed Killgorde WAS a Troll, having seen the screenshots you posted.

Anyway, nice to be back.

/em sharpens his pen


Re: Updated

Originally posted by Belomar
I just assumed Killgorde WAS a Troll, having seen the screenshots you posted.



Another nice one Belomar! :cool:

Damn love these kind of stories :) Maybe I should team a bit up with you to be part in one ;)


:clap: :clap: :clap: @ belomar !!!!

great story you wrote there.

as a witness of tempestblade's brave fight against the last 3 standing mids i have to mention how unbelievable it was he maganged to get them all down one by one.

i got this nice pic here


showing the last frightened mid trying to escape.

tempest was laughing as hell while chasing him to death cause he couldnt believe it eather that he still lived.

was a nice action we had there, orders...anytime again :)


dammm good stuff belomar!!:clap: :clap: :clap:

wot an honor for us !:)

great 1 !


!!! Newsflash!!!

Kill stats at the Ellylls:

Albs 20
Cutting Edge 121 (Albs that is)
Ellylls 3 (CE members)

/salutes belomar's gang for being the only crowd to put up more than token resistance (even though we had only a shammie and no mezzer if memory servers me).




Nice stats! However, it's probably CE 120 because Rushie in our group was xp-killed by an Ellyll we were battling when you attacked, not you. :)

Btw, we were there tonight on a guild raid and when we got "Killgorde has killed Turtle!" from Hadrian's Wall we thought there would be some more action. Alas, it seems you were alone this time? At least we found nothing. :(


Either way we are in the lead as far as kills count, so this this is only a minor set back, and as killgorde stated whe where a bit undermaned at the time, nice story tho :clap:

Herbal Remedy

wow youve killed 120 albs that where fighting lvl 50 - 55 mobs arnt you just the uberest:rolleyes: :sleeping: :puke:


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
wow youve killed 120 albs that where fighting lvl 50 - 55 mobs arnt you just the uberest:rolleyes: :sleeping: :puke:

No. As the stats above show, Ellyls claimed < 1% kills. That strongly suggests we do not xp kill (or try not to). Talk to the victims too and ask if we wait for them to pull.

Of course if you were found there we would seriously consider letting an Ellyl bag you, just to show our appreciation for your sagacious, impartial and intelligent remarks on these forums :D

Herbal Remedy

shame u tend to have this habit of talking completely out your arsehole guild group of 8 got wiped by killgorde and his merry men all xp kills and ive heard from alot of other people who have been xp killed. Dont mind xp killing its the fronteers you should expect to be xp killed - all fine by me . What pisses me off is when u come on here bragging about how good you are killing people while they are fighting mobs or resting, it just shows how lame you are u cant go out and rvr without the oppenent having no end or mana or while a lvl 50+ mob is waking them as well. And dont even start with we are not bragging becuase kilgordes 120 kills post sure sounds like bragging to me. Is it an in built problem with killgorde etc that omg we have no relics so lets go take renaris (rofl oh no the y have renaris:rolleyes: ) or go xp kill albs and act like we are l33t?



Re: Well...

Originally posted by Belomar

Btw, we were there tonight on a guild raid and when we got "Killgorde has killed Turtle!" from Hadrian's Wall we thought there would be some more action. Alas, it seems you were alone this time? At least we found nothing. :(

I was actually alone in the roman villa shooting the breeze when the poor lad wandered past. I did watch about 2fg albs run past about 10 minutes after he met his fate and considered waving...but considered it impolite to delay whatever business they were on ;)

As for the Ellyll stats Ebe...they were our peeps who got killed. I think the albs have had about 5 exp deaths out of the 120. Sad...but you cant make an omlette without cracking Albs - err eggs.

Herbal sadly has consigned himself to the RvR whinging brigade. Or aren't noobs told in Albion that they run the risk of being killed when they step outside their border keeps? By the time they get there all 40 - 50's accept this as a fact of life. Maybe someone should reinforce this point to Mr Remedy as he appears to have lost the plot (or his sense of humour) completely. I would have though the element of danger Cutting Edge's semi-permanent presence in Alb frontier brings would spice life up a bit for the Albs. You dont see many level 50 middies complaining about our lowbies being ganked every day at the crabs in Upplands - a lot of the time deliberately exp killed. Shit happens Herbie old man...instead of whining like a noob help your realm mates out by protecting them. Or have you discovered the harsh reality that it takes a 2-1 Alb superiority to take down a CE crew if you are lucky? I rarely do Hibernia - I do's a helluva lot more fun than "Who Zergs Wins" in Emain.

DF will probably make the Ellyls redundant for the Albs, so we are just making hay while the sun shines - and lots of it ;)


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
shame u tend to have this habit of talking completely out your arsehole guild group of 8 got wiped by killgorde and his merry men all xp kills and ive heard from alot of other people who have been xp killed. Dont mind xp killing its the fronteers you should expect to be xp killed - all fine by me . What pisses me off is when u come on here bragging about how good you are killing people while they are fighting mobs or resting, it just shows how lame you are u cant go out and rvr without the oppenent having no end or mana or while a lvl 50+ mob is waking them as well. And dont even start with we are not bragging becuase kilgordes 120 kills post sure sounds like bragging to me. Is it an in built problem with killgorde etc that omg we have no relics so lets go take renaris (rofl oh no the y have renaris:rolleyes: ) or go xp kill albs and act like we are l33t?


ROFL - been on the "herb" tonight have we? Maybe you should take a "leaf" out of Belomar's book and not be such a miserable twat :). We spend a helluva lot more time around Sauvage than we do at Ellylls fyi - just a pity Albs are so pisspoor about avenging their realm mates and cower in Sauv keep until you have 3FG to come hunting us. If that happened in Upplands I would be ashamed to be a Middie.


Originally posted by Killgorde

If that happened in Upplands I would be ashamed to be a Middie.
be ashamed happens in uppland and yggdra :p

Herbal Remedy

as i seem to remember it took 40 mids to kill 13 albs only 3 lvl 50 and 6 lvl 45+ when gol camped the yggadra border keep. And killgorde go back read what i said im not bitching about what you are doing i clearly stated i didnt, what im moaning about is that fact u brag and think your uber about xp killing. Its kinda amusing how pathetic you are when u get kicks out of xp killing - and although u dont admit it im sure a hell of alot of your "kills" have been while fighting or after a group has finished fighting eg no mana and no endurance.

But then again you are a group of elite trained seige masters who can take an undefended keep with only 7 people and can gank people while they busy xping or have little chance to fight back, oh how albion runs scared when they hear the name killgorde on death msgs in pennines / sauvage :rolleyes:

shame id love to come kick ass in uppland yggadra and be leet like you but then again theres little or no point because you seem to be missing some relics ;)


Re: Re: Well...

Originally posted by Killgorde
I was actually alone in the roman villa shooting the breeze when the poor lad wandered past. I did watch about 2fg albs run past about 10 minutes after he met his fate and considered waving...but considered it impolite to delay whatever business they were on ;)
Argh, that was our guild raid posse, led by yours truly and out hunting for your sorry Norse behind. :) We were killing great brown drakes at the time and thought we'd police our frontier a bit when we saw the death message...

Oh, and as for not having a mezzer with you swinging the balance of the fight described above, do remember that I appeared from behind and mezzed the good Ebeneezer before he could do anything. That'd have happened to any mezzer you brought with you too :)


Err Herbie? You still dont get, it do you? Zerging in Emain bores the crap out of me. Relics are irrelevant ( a damned good rp farming exercise for both sides). CE considers Alb frontier it's own territory to police. And we enjoy the freedom to dominate it curtesy of an unwillingness of your crowd to enter it unless your relic is "apparantly" under threat.

If you consider provcation in the vain hope of changing the "Emain is the only place to be for RvR" culture that is so prevalent "bragging" (and any number of Middies can tell you I detest braggarts) I suggest you sniff some smelling salts.

With the advent of DF our emphasis with Sauvage and Pennines will shift to encompass Snowdonia (when we arent hunting enemies inside DF that is) so be warned. Albs will always have access via the Camelot Hills portal...but I would strongly recommend giving the relic portals a wide berth (or would you care to whinge about that tactic as well? ;))

As to "Exp Killing" quit talking bollocks before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you have already on this thread. There are times when I've taken out the aggro mobs first before Albs at Ellylls to prevent this happening. The distinct lack of graves that invariably appear after we are finished is, I believe, a good indicator of the values that Cutting Edge adhere to.

/Salutes Belomar and his brave and dedicated men. Its folk like you that make the game interesting to play. Apologies for not being able to appease your bloodlust in Hadrians ;)

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