TV Choosing to die


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone watch this last night?

BBC - BBC Two Programmes - Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die

BBC - About the BBC: Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die

I thought it was very thought provoking and also a bit emotional watching someone take their own life...

It is certainly quite a controversial subject and I'm all for people having the right to choose. After seeing someone on the tv actually go ahead with it, it all seemed to feel a bit wrong. I don't know how I would feel about killing myself if I had a terrible illness that would destroy my life so much...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I already know all about it thanks, Emmerdale was on last night ffs.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
dysfunction;3765932 I thought it was very thought provoking and also a bit emotional watching someone take their own life... It is certainly quite a controversial subject and I'm all for people having the right to choose. After seeing someone on the tv actually go ahead with it said:
I'm not attacking your post or anything, i'm just taking it a step further.. :)

It's so incredibly hard to sit here all healthy trying to decide what's best for someone with a sickness that will guaranteed kill him/her.

In my opinion, if someone is so sick nothing will prevent him/her from dying, then they should have the final say if they want to live or not.

There was a girl about a year ago here in sweden that had, the doctors tried to remove the tumor but instead paralyzed her from the neck down while failing to get the tumor removed. She spent her life in a respirator with neverending increased pain that no medication helped lessen.

So she decided that she wanted to die while she could still make the decision to do so, and actually managed to convince the swedish government to let her (which in itself is a proper feat).

And i can see her point, why should she stay alive when she will guaranteed die from her illness, and in horrible pain? She had been fighting this for 26 years while managing to do everything she wanted to do.

And then she wanted to die, then who are we to decide that she couldn't be allowed to?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Anyone should have a choice to pop themselves to the nethernetherland.

Young, old, sick,, healthy, whoever.

It's a cowards way out, but still should have the choice to be one.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Hate the way everyone is on a bender about sanctity of life in the tv debates. Its like life at all costs to the very last agonising second.

I was relieved when my dad died, not that i was happy, but i knew he wasnt suffering any more. For the last 2 or 3 weeks of his life he really didnt know what was happening as he had brain tumours. It would have been nicer to go before the blindness memory etc etc got really bad. For everyone not just him.

You should have the right to request to end your life. Its your you own it. Hate the way the Nation sits there and says you will suffer to the bitter end but we will put an animal to sleep out of kindness.

Surely we should be kind to humans too.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Why it is a cowards way out?

Not for terminal patients who would only face pain etc, but for others. If you have such problems, you solve them and deal with it. You don't cause your family&friends trauma, financial trouble and other sh*t by popping out. Cowards way out instead of facing your problems.

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