Choosing my first character's class/race



I will start the game very soon and was just wondering people's opinions of different clasess/races. Obviously there's no best but which are alot of fun? :cool:


I personally like firbolgs , they are big and scary but dont look rockheads like trolls :rolleyes: they make great druids too

second place is for elfs,female elfs are so cute you never believe it ;) suppose elf`s are good as rangers

Finally got chance to make cow-smilie :m00:


And don't forget Luri's - they are so cute and funny (and in fact make the best rangers :)) But it depends what class you want to play.

If you want a fighter then Hero or Champion (not Blademaster).

If you like to support the others by healing etc - Druid or Bard.

Mix healer/fighter - Warden.

If you like to snipe with a bow, or sneak around and backstab (also scouts in RvR) Ranger or Nightshade.

If you like magic users - big damage magic=Eldritch, Pets=Enchanter, support (healing, mezzing etc) Mentalist.

Bards are always wanted in groups (healing, mez, endurance song, speed song etc). Most groups always want a mix of tanks, healers and nukers (magic users).

I've heard rangers and nightshades have more difficulty getting groups, but most people I know won't usually turn them away.

Basically it depends what you are going to enjoy playing - all are fun and have quite different play styles. I suggest you pick a couple you think you would enjoy and play them for a bit - upto level 10 or so ? You'll then have a good idea of whether your going to enjoy playing it or not. It's also quite nice to have a couple of characters so you can play one when you get bored of the other !

Feel free to /send me in game if you need any pointers :)


One word of advise.... For the love of god please dont make a ranger, its grouping hell, and after 40 lvls you wont like the solo aspect. Save yourself from making the mistake some of us did(well ok it wasnt a mistake, the rage comes out in rvr :p).
Just if you like to group lots, try for a healer or tank, if you want solo, chanter or ranger my advice ; )


One thing i noticed is that almost every highlevel tank has a midlevel caster or healer + a ranger and almost every highlevel caster or healer has a midlevel tank + ranger.

Rangers are beeing nerfed in later patches, but i think they are fun to play.
Supportclasses (Bard, Druid & Warden) are always welcome in groups
A blademaster with bluntweapons(very rare out there) can deal a great amount of damage, but cant stand much pain (getting better in later patches)

When it comes to classes *shrugs*... firbolg is one of the best class allaround, celts do excelent champions, elves are good as casters and lurikeen are cute (great stealther, caster and good piercing champions)

What ive heard the easiest class to solo with is enchanters.... but from experience i can tell u that pet/buff specialiced firbolg druids have no problem soloing oranges with little downtime (not a very usefull grp player tho).

As a defensive elf champion specced in valor + shield/sword soloing yellow isnt much of a problem after lvl 40 and getting groups isnt much of a problem either.... but u are getting outdamaged bye lurris with largeweapon (hate when it happens)



I love my ranger he is great fun, so what if they are getting nerfed its not going to make them totally un-usable and it could be ages by the time we get the patch anyway:D


Yes and I like my champ too, so whatever you choose just give it something of you and you will love it!!


Well it is up to you

Fighter class Hero celt or firbie shield better for xp Spear/Large Weapon for RvR. Champs celtic large weapon and valor and the rest id parry are very good. Blademaster cant cause as much damage as a CS/LW hero but cant take it :(

Mage take your choice? echanters are popular (mana speced for pbaoe) of elds are the most damaging class in Hib and ments are very good for mana crack :) and mez.

Stealther ranger are very good soloer but find it hard to group NS are exelent in rvr but find it very hard to group :(

Healer druids are very good for buffing and healing pet line is not much used but good for rvr (but if u spec in that u will not be asked to groupu will be know as a solo druid). Bard are always usful in rvr or xping but dont spec in regrowth, spec in music and nurture music for mez and blast and nurture for songs ()speed/endurance/mana), Wardens are a fighting healing class spec in nurture for Blade Turn and blunt for RvR with a little in Parry, again dont spec in regrowth.


Everyone saying Bms are not that good well i have to argue with that. While a CS spear hero hits hard and the LW users too, they are slow as hell and got no defense at all(parry <not much> + scale + 1 lifesaver the moosemode). So if they got blocked, missed, fumbled or hit a bubble then they will try to find little insects in Emain pretty fast. Bms in that matter will get Evade 3 (high dexed celts evade much) + high parry + triple wielding + they can miss whenever they want, becouse they attack pretty quickly. Btw at that event with the bard and his blademaster, our champion, hero failed to kill the Bm but the BM killed the Blademaster. So imo they dont suck (maybe their combat styles should be a bit more effective), just a different char and gamestyle.

yep lurikeenz (points at himself:) ownz :D


As far as ive read on the 1.46, 1.47, and 1.48 patches there is no nerfing of archers, they do however get some much needed pve loving.

Lets say yay for the improved to hit bonus and damage on reds while grouped :D

Nemesis Warlock

Rangers get following changes in 1.46 - 1.48:

- Faster Shooting when grouped ( former 3secs .. now 2)
- More dam Crit shot with bow
- More chance to hit in group (melee + bow)
- Doing less aggro with bow + melee + Crit shot

*-* The more players in the group, the more the bonuses are *-*
*-* All bonuses only apply in PvE - not RvR / PvP *-*

Have Fun!


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