Chip of the old block



My little son has just turned six years old and last night his first tooth fell out, this was an expected event after all the calming stories of fairies and their endless supply of ready cash.

Typically, just like his dad, he wants _both_ the tooth _and_ the money.

A parent's dilemma, help me out, what happened to you or your kids at this time ?


I was told my tooth had been kidnapped by Al Ansar Q'aim forces in the disputed Kashmir border region. After agreeing to the tooth being sentenced to death, AAQ paid me 10 british pence. This occurence was eventually turned into a film starring Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan but based in Central America to appease US test audiences.

DVD sales were relatively poor however.


the tooth fairy LIES that my DECEITFUL PARENTS told me seemed to work ;)

yeh and i dont hate them for lying to me and i got 2 quid every time hur hur


Originally posted by xane
My little son has just turned six years old and last night his first tooth fell out, this was an expected event after all the calming stories of fairies and their endless supply of ready cash.

Typically, just like his dad, he wants _both_ the tooth _and_ the money.

A parent's dilemma, help me out, what happened to you or your kids at this time ?

Tell him if another tooth falls out he's going to get beaten to a pulp


I used to get a sixpence :(

Mind you in those days sixpence was worth something.........

I'll get my coat...


A pound is the going rate in the Lester household. We told em to put the teeth in a little ceramic pot thing, and lo and behold there appeared a pound the next day. The daughter is now 11 and so doesn't believe any of it now - she has her last four in the pot tho, waiting for us to pay up.

The son (6) doesnt seem bothered at all tbh. Wiggles 'em around like mad, when they're loose, trying to make his mum puke.

Panda On Smack

Originally posted by ~YuckFou~
I used to get a sixpence :(

Mind you in those days sixpence was worth something.........

was it worth six pence?


I haven't brushed my teeth for 6 years in anticipation of a windfall payoff.


I swollowed a loose thooth while eating an apple pie once. I was told that because it wasn't under my pillow I couldn't have any money. So to resolve this I suggested that we wait till it removed itself from my person and then put it under the pillow.

I was assured that the tooth fairy wouldn't except a shit stained tooth and so I slept with a pillow on my stomach that night and woke up with 50p on my sideboard.

I never knew tooth fairies were qualified in keyhole surgery. Not even a scar :)


Originally posted by Panda On Smack
was it worth six pence?

iirc teeth falling out wasn't optional :(
I could buy Bazooka Joes !!!!1


Originally posted by Panda On Smack
was it worth six pence?

When I was at tooth-falling-out age it was just about still six pence. Later on they downgraded the coin to 2 1/2 pence, but many parents still used it THE CHEAPSKATES.

Testin da Cable

my still has all of mine, cept for one that I burned. she showed me some time ago and I was frightened :(


Originally posted by Lester
Wiggles 'em around like mad trying to make his mum puke.

wtf :/

It's not the damn penis fairy

(aka Jordan)


I used to get 10p. (That was the days though when you could get 1/2 penny chews)

I remember when I was in France and one of my teeth came out and I got a toy. (that's what they do there I was told)


How weird is that? I get home tonight and am told there is uproar as one of the son's wobbliy teeth has finally come out today. He doesn't want the fairy to have it and he wants a pound. He's really upset. He didn't seem bothered at all before. I told him he looked like he'd been fighting so he feels a bit better now.


Originally posted by Xtro
I was told my tooth had been kidnapped by Al Ansar Q'aim forces in the disputed Kashmir border region. After agreeing to the tooth being sentenced to death, AAQ paid me 10 british pence. This occurence was eventually turned into a film starring Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan but based in Central America to appease US test audiences.

DVD sales were relatively poor however.

This made me laugh, thanks for making me laugh X, I've been in a foul mood this evening! :D

Oh, and on topic:

I used to get 20p :)eek: ) when my tooth fell out, but one day I found all of my old teef :(


I dont know Xane but if you find out let me know.

My daughter (6) is well annoyed as all her friends at school have lost at least one tooth and she hasnt.

For about the past 3 months she has asked me every night if her teeth are wobbly yet.(and this is after a further 3 months of being convinced that her teeth were wobbly as she felt them with her finger.)

If it doesnt stop soon Ill yank one out in her sleep ffs:)

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