Chinese Cash Farmers?


Dec 26, 2003
These seem pretty widespread throughout WoW selling game cash for real money - I'm on Pvp server Zenedar and we have a few and my friends on various US servers also have them.

They tend to be rogues and can usually be found in the 50+ zones mining thorium for crystals...

Anyone else spotted em on their servers? Interested to see how widespread - seems like a company has set up a pretty big cash farming operation to me...


Dec 26, 2003
Foadon said:
try get proof and report? :d

Hard to get proof - I have found the same individual logged in at 1AM 7AM 12AM 2PM 5PM 9PM 12PM so tempted to think that the char is being used on rotation. All you can do is report them but they can soon have another char at 60 using 24hr a day playing of one char so its just a setback to them - I think the money raised gets transferred to a seperate char on another account - if they find that one then it would be a setback but banning the farmer account does little...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
There's about 8-10 atleast on Bloodhoof Alliance. (characters, not accounts)

Could give names, but hey - I cba to farm those items myself ;)

Lucky guy...

Anyway, how could it possibly be any decent amount of RL cash for a money farmer to bother with a medium population European Normal server?


Edit: and no, the screenshot isn't proof of anything, it could be a guild's loot splitter char.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Or mabey you report them on suspicion, like I did.


They did get banned too :D


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
rynnor said:
Hard to get proof - I have found the same individual logged in at 1AM 7AM 12AM 2PM 5PM 9PM 12PM so tempted to think that the char is being used on rotation.

Sorry if I am being thick ... but if you were online at those times, why couldn't they be? Also, farming gold and items is part of the game (apparently, not that it appeals to me much) - maybe they are trying to make money for epic horse etc?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
On Aszune we got em also, called Golden Dragons, proof aint easy to get :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Haven't seen Florah or Goodlovego for a while now :D


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 8, 2004
rynnor said:
These seem pretty widespread throughout WoW selling game cash for real money - I'm on Pvp server Zenedar and we have a few and my friends on various US servers also have them.

They tend to be rogues and can usually be found in the 50+ zones mining thorium for crystals...

Anyone else spotted em on their servers? Interested to see how widespread - seems like a company has set up a pretty big cash farming operation to me...

Hmmmm may i ask what ur point is, why do you care if there farming gold, be it for them selves or be it for a friend, or be it for cash, is there a tad bit of green envy going on ?

Or do you think your self cleaner than clean, and never put a foot wrong.... as you say proof is hard to get, may i ask what proof u got to accuse these people of farming or are you just jumping to conclusions.....

it is people like you that i think are sad, becasue you have nothing better to do than complain about others, becasue of your overactive mind, thinking that they cant have that if i have not got that, maybe if u was to spend a bit of time farming gold and items u will not have time to sit grumbling about others, (but just a train of thought) if you do that then maybe you would get someone put a post on FH complaining about you farming for gold, be it you doing it for your own gain, btw epic mounts cost a fortune, and it takes a long time to get these,

i also farm with my lvl 60 hunter for my alts, i must have some of the best dressed and richest alts going, at the start of any alt, they get a post from my main of 20-50 gold, and a set of armor either brought for them or made by myself, for lvl's 10, 15, 20 etc

Lvl 60 hunter shadowmoon 300 leatherworking, 300 skining, 300 firstaid, 300 cooking
Lvl 45 mage shadowmoon 225 alchmist
Lvl 45 mage Silvermoon

Plus lots of rich alts :)

so to you rynnor :kissit:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Bone's said:
i also farm with my lvl 60 hunter for my alts, i must have some of the best dressed and richest alts going
You see, in the real world where the rest of us live; the money farmers aren't farming money to be used in-game. That is just fine and dandy and more power to them!

No, they are farming in-game gold to sell for real life cash, which is not only forbidden (people are getting banned for it) - it also screws up the economy on the server as there will be a lot more money floating around that's easily obtainable (if you have real life cash that is).

The point is, prices will go up, as people will have disproportionally more money and you would have to purchase money for real life cash to be able to compete about just about anything on the auction house.

This isn't as widespread a plague as it was in Daoc or FFXI as most of the top gear is bind on pickup, but it's still something that shouldn't take place at an industrial scale.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
1 rogue on my server same spot every day killed him there 17 days in a row now, he doesnt even fight back or stop hitting mobs even u stand there waiting for him to pop .

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Lvl 60 hunter shadowmoon 300 leatherworking, 300 skining, 300 firstaid, 300 cooking
Lvl 45 mage shadowmoon 225 alchmist
Lvl 45 mage Silvermoon

And yet curiously, still clueless..


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 8, 2004
And yet curiously, still clueless..[/QUOTE]

Nope, but if someone wants to earn money that way, is there choice, as to whisp's statement about there would not be that amount of gold around on the server, but there is due to the person farming the gold, so if 100 people farm 1 gold each or 1 person farms 100 gold on that server, It still works out to be 100 gold on that server, (i know you are going to mention that if he/she was not selling that they would not be farming in the first place, but if theres a way theres a will, look at daoc, was/is a mass market for items and gold, once again illegal, but i personally i cant see it stopping, u ban one, another will take that spot)

I know what you mean by it is illegal to sell gold, i understand, but then all the buyer has to do is sell the farmer 1 piece of linen for a bumped up price, if i rember rightly there is no law against setting ur own prices for materials sold and then it is not illegal, and as to what people do outside the game is down to the people....

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