Meeting in Volcanus at 5bst/6cet. BG on Shaarmain.
mods from last weeks farm are
Moritan +5
Impending +5
Lenore +5
dharken +5
bulgari +5
slamblade +5
chap +5
gustav +5
tusse +5
megarevs +5
bertol +5
You need to state your class you are rolling for before we set out on the day of the raid. This applies only to the vests, all other drops can be lottoed for regardless of class. But only 1 item per person.
mods from last weeks farm are
Moritan +5
Impending +5
Lenore +5
dharken +5
bulgari +5
slamblade +5
chap +5
gustav +5
tusse +5
megarevs +5
bertol +5
You need to state your class you are rolling for before we set out on the day of the raid. This applies only to the vests, all other drops can be lottoed for regardless of class. But only 1 item per person.