Children, in here plz....



Well, you've made half the journey already.

The next step is to pause.

Take a look at these forums. See who exactly is posting. It mostly regulars of the other forums. You're criticising the BW forums when they were kind enough to offer an official home to the European DAOC crowd.

If you want to go to the other forum then fine. Just please don't spam it in here. As Damini said, those who want to go to the other forums have most likely already seen and have gone.

There are a few however who feel the need to hang around just to moan on these boards.

I've only made a few posts in these forums, even less since the closing of the official ones. I feel that people need to stop and take a look at what THEY are doing to a place they have decided to set up home in, however temporary.

Everyone is welcome at Barrysworld. You'll find most people here, given the chance can be very accepting of strangers.

It's clear that there are those who don't want to accept this and have stormed in like school bullies looking to take over a new playground.

1. Decide. If you're not happy with these forums then leave. You're in no way forced to be here, as the founder of the "unofficial forums" has demonstrated.

2. Learn. Think before you post. Read other's posts and try to be constructive, not destructive and insulting.

3. Forgive. Nobody's perfect. Least of all you, the person reading this.

It's not that difficult is it really?


What made you post this? I for one and staying here for sure! I prefer this over the so-called-returned-old-forums by far...


Originally posted by SFXman
What made you post this?

I'm just fed of coming in here to read the forums hoping to pick up some funny anecdotes of people's adventures in the game, see screen shots. Pick up tips people share with each other, forging relationships with people etc etc but I find only people with childish attitudes bickering.

If you want to bicker properly then head over the BW General forum and get involved there, people ignore/cajole/flame as much as they want over there and it's a proper free for all with a sense of humour.

Games are supposd to be a way to relax. If things escalate at the rate they have been the past few days, someone's going to have a heart attack.


Originally posted by SFXman

FPSs? ;)

Heh. There's nothing better than landing a bullet square between the eyes of your apponent from half a map away. :)

:twak: GET EM!!!


I think I will play an FPS to get myself all nice and relaxed.... "DIE MOTHERF*ERRRRRRRRR!!!!!! YOU SON-OF-A-B*! DIE DIE DIE! KILLLLLL!"


Hehe that's the FPS spirit!! then after those comments you have to throw away the keyboard or sumthing... or maybe wack the mouse so you gotta buy another... OR maybe you already are an experienced FPS player and bought some cheap mice which you can toss into the wall when you feel like it :D

havnt played any FPS for 3 months actually... feels good... Altho I miss the feel when you put a REALLY lucky spray-jump-headshot in CS, from the other end of the map :clap:


mmm.. nothing like the feeling when that rocket you fired actually gets past the flares and blows that capper from the skies...

Yeh I'm a t2 junkie too :) (and pouting at the death of the bwt2l - it rocked .. oh well it'll be back some day :))


i used to play q3 and cs :)

yes, i was the guy who would run around with the dual berettas screaming, 'EAT MY LARAS!!!'

and in q3.. well, i died. alot. mostly trying to figure out how to rocket jump :p

i like these forums. no more stupid threats of getting your account banned :)


I think the bickering is ok as long as its civil and is game related like when ppl are arguing over what class is better than another or who would have killed who if someone else didnt mez root stun blaaaa them in the process.

If you are referring to the guys that are causing arguments with different forums then yeh its a shame that you keep seeing all those posts arguing about where to go or to stay etc.

Heh you really dont know too much about the old GOA forums crowd if you want to cut out the arguing tho and flaming because compared to the GOA boards this is like a holiday camp. Daily there were 10 threads screaming to destroy GOA for something or other.

Sometimes the flames are ok and sometimes they are funny, i just hope a few more peeps start using the other server specific boards and the rvr ones because they are not half as used as they used to be.

Was cool to read about battles that happened each night and to think wow i was there i remember that.


aaahhh fps games :) i think most ppl who may have played with me can probably see where i get the "Suicidal" bit of Suicidal Snail from :) (my normal alias)

TFC : main class, soldier, kamikaze mentality (hmm got hardly any health left, time to try to rocket jump up there <cue bits of me landing all over the place>)

Q3 : never got into playing online much, when i did i mostly used *drumroll* the rocket launcher

Q2 : same as q3 pretty much

CS : never really liked :\ most servers i went on when i started trying was 2 busy with ppl busy 0wning and being 1337 etc etc :\ by the time id decided on a weapon on my first time for example, i turned to see 6 ct's in formation storming aroudn the corner :\ when i actually get to buy weapons ill go with pump-action shotguns and duel-pistols ;)

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