Cheshire cat ???????

  • Thread starter old.Organ-Grinder
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ok yesterday i must of spent 3-4 hourslooking in snowdonia for this lil fugga :( and i didnt even see him once , "he has a otd of lower lvl boots" does anybody have any info on this guy ? , i do know i was in the correct spawn area "the 1st lake from snow fort" and he ussually comes out by the howling knifemen/maidens and the arawnites ..... but wtf ? why doesnt the fugga ever spawn ? i saw a cple fo people who had seen him and gottewn the boots on previous occasions .....

btw if anybody has outgrown or doesnt need them but has a pair of these boots for trade/sale ill be more than glad for you to message me cos its kinda anoyying he dont spawn after waiting for so long the boots are called "cat hide boots" they have +2 stealth and +dex or quick "cant remembe which"

im also looking for prey stalker helm that drps in keltoi . plz if u have either of thses or any indepth info on cheshire "ie spawn times /loc" please reply here


you have better luck finding a hib that doesnt mez :rolleyes: hehe only time i have seen this utter bastard of a cat is when he was orange to me, never seen him since (my scout is killing bounders for xp at the mo ) he is either a very roaming kitty or certain times, i found him swimming but didnt kill him GRRRRR and as for the preystalker helm, i got it :D


welcome to the fun of looking for a superrare OTD mob



This little bugger, jumped me last week, twice in 2 days. He only seems to appear at night, near the tower west of Caer Hurbury.


I saw him with my n00b minst when he was orange.

It was at night and he was just infront of the howlers heading towards the lake.


See Ninja, near that Caer I told ya... But dont believe little old me ;)

As for "cat hide boots", I never saw the citter... He's should spawn near the knifemen... Or so I've been told by someone who actually killed him...


he's above/N? at the howlings in snowdonia



i have seen it in the water in the lake with the faerie(sp?) frogs near at least 2-3 times.

Herbal Remedy

Damn nice boots them got em on me scout atm :D
As for blacktooth rofl does he ever spawn? best off hand thruster in game 100% quality 15.3 dps Quality 0wnz j00


Having haunted Snowdonia with my guild for much of levels 30-41 I have seen cheshire about a dozen times in all. A relative rare spawn I have seen him most wandering north of the arawnite camp in a sweep running up to the howling knifemen. He looks like a small, dark rock bounder and he is no tougher than one in a fight. Only twice have I seen him down by the lake and never in the water. Just keep dropping in on this area as you pass and you will bump into him as he ambles about.

Ninjastyle is right about Blacktooth - now thats a rare spawn. I have spent days hanging about the hollows and have only ever seen him once...

Hobbes Armsman 41 (so close to slam I can taste it) L2
Godot Scout 18
<Covenant of Zak>


IF i find him and group withsomebody who hasnt done that otd either do both of us get the otd ? or just one of us ? cos i gotta feeling he is /orange/red to me hence cant solo . but i dont wanna kill the fugga with somebody else if only one of us gets the drop .. been camped there another cple of hrs today :( still no fuggin luck . im gonna camp itall night and hopefor the best


mwhahaha finally got the bastard with loccon and cali :p

rancid blacktooth thruster is mine !!! :x


niceone ninjastyle :)

Im sure I saw you wandering about with intent :)


yey finally got it :) i didnt kill it either . i saw the bastard right by a cple of arawnite warriors i got a bit close n the arawnites ganked me . i /who snow and messaged a cleric to rez me and the reason i need it quick "cos i was scared somebody else would kill him" as the cleric came cheshire aggro'd him :( lol i told him not to kill it . but he killed cheshire and rez'd me and a very kind person indeed gave me the boots :) .. to that cleric "sorry i forgotyour name" i thank you very much indeed :)

anybody got prey stalker helm for trade/sale ? i need this now


Chesshire can be found between arawnite shamnesses and howling maidens, i think at least once a day he drops by...

Blacktooth i ve seen once, between hollow men camp and towers with cyclopses. It was nighttime and i was killing wolves although i have no idea if that triggered him.
He was orange to me at 40 and was accompanied by 2 yellow shadowhunters. I couldnt resist trying to get him down and since i am a sorceress the 2 yellow shadowhunters where mezzed for 1 min while my pet engaged blackie. Got him to 10 percent health before my pet gave up (he was 3/4th health when i engaged) i would have finished him off but mez broke and damn superfast shadowwolves ripped me apart (-

I hunt there daily and never seen him since...

Afun Mindbreaker
4x sorceress
'Crusaders of albion'


i saw cheshire first time i went out to snowdonia - it was near the lake where arawnites usually spawn (under a tree i think usually a shamaness) just before the howlers i think :)

camped for blacktooth for hours - didnt spawn ... tried saffron - he didnt spawn either ... tried the hill scrag - neither does he ... i've seen and killed ash & eye of arawn but too bad that minstrels dont get the drop (not that we have much use for 2h slash :p) ... dumb that minstrels dont get the 1h-slashers from grunge and tusker and CLERICS do :twak:

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