/Cheer Hibernia


wolvon fury

Greetings All of Hibernia/Prydwen, after about 2 weeks of thinking about what to do,

I Gave my US account away, yes gave, i was finding it kept me up late at nights, due to there times, which was makeing problems..

So i got a new copy of europe today, been reading forums, and one thread i read, whats about people/servers, and it seems
Hibernia/Prydwen is nice all around, People sound very nice, and also it seems hibernia are the Underdogs, What i like, comeing from Morgan Ley fay US, 1200people on server prime time,
/who all 250mids, out of 1200, so i know what its like being the relam with less people, and its also what i looked for, Midgard/MLF was like a big family, everyone new each other ect,
Well enuth talking about nonesence,..

Finding Prydwen/Hibernia full of good people, (apart from sickofit, i find him a strange person in a funny way, and be funny to see him in-game)

Just wondering what classes it best to go,
I was thinking of these,..
1)mana Enchanter, Good soloing if used correctly, Due to not many people, gonna be finding myself soloing at times, and also welcome in groups

2)Druid, Healing always good, and i don't mind playing a support class, as druids also get pets for soloing, which i find nice

3)Night-Shade,Not the most welcme in groups, but i find Night-shades the most fun class to play, Being the "so called" Under-dog to there counter parts (Infiltrator,Shadowblade) i find it a good challange, and a very diffrant type of stelther to the other two.

I want what you think, and add any classes whitch you think are good to play in Hibernia/Prydwen.

Sorry for going on a bit, but this infomation, will be very good to me,

Thanks in advance Wolvon...

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by wolvon fury

Finding Prydwen/Hibernia full of good people, (apart from sickofit, i find him a strange person in a funny way, and be funny to see him in-game)

Should I feel insulted? ;)


Originally posted by wolvon fury
Greetings All of Hibernia/Prydwen, after about 2 weeks of thinking about what to do,

I want what you think, and add any classes whitch you think are good to play in Hibernia/Prydwen.

Sorry for going on a bit, but this infomation, will be very good to me,

Thanks in advance Wolvon...

Welcome to Prydwen Hibland :)

From the classes you mentioned certainly as a Druid you won't have any problems to find groups...
Chanter is also a very good choice as it can solo as well as be a strong group support.
Shade being here the hardest to lvl in my opinion as i think the stealth classes encounter the most problems to find groups here..

Take care

Shikaku, Ranger
Shiden, Mentalist
Shinokai, Champion
Luri 4 ever :D


Welcome to you :) I know what US servers can do to your sleeping :rolleyes: and did the same allready when euro servers was released (have accs on both now and play PvP server a bit on US for fun)

Regarding the chars you speak of all 3 is good. The NS is without doubt harder to lvl but more fun in the end game prolly. As for the balance of classes in Hib right now I would say we were in bad troubble due to lack of high lvl NS a while ago. It is getting better now but there can never be enough of em. The mana chanter is an awsome char in exping and you will find groups easy, same goes for the druid. Both those classes are wanted in groups and you will be on many friend lists. Not really lack of those classes but not to many to find group either I think, correct me if I am wrong since I do not play druid, chanter myself

wolvon fury

Thanks guys, don't take it to heart sickofit, i just find you a funny person, your post and replys gave me a few laugh's

Think i go with a Celtic Druid, a 9ft yoda dosent appeal to me, tho 10extra empthy is nice..


If you'd rather a real class, and realm, join pryd/alb ;)

Level 50 Infiltrator

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Jadow
If you'd rather a real class, and realm, join pryd/alb ;)

Level 50 Infiltrator

Proudly presenting Jadow's BW column:
Joke of the day!

Thank you, Jadow. :)

old.Gombur Glodson

Re: Re: /Cheer Hibernia

Originally posted by sickofit...

Should I feel insulted? ;)

SO whats your ingame name? I want my own lurikeen


Originally posted by old.Jadow
If you'd rather a real class, and realm, join pryd/alb ;)

Level 50 Infiltrator

as if i should really be

If you'd rather a crappy class, and chicken realm, join pryd/alb ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Re: Re: Re: /Cheer Hibernia

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson

SO whats your ingame name? I want my own lurikeen

Awww... but you can't group with me anyway!! You know... you -an evil, cowardly, dastardly, fish-reeking, unwashed, filthy etc. Alb and me... adorable Lurikeen.

It won't work, Glumbor... *sniffle*

And if you talk about getting me in RvR, tsktsktsk... you are 45... purple to me... red perhaps if I leave my alts be for a while...

Hurting a Lurikeen is like kicking a cute puppy. Just not right.
If you have any toons in Thidranki, feel free to tell me ;)

old.Gombur Glodson

Guess I'll have to do with the loghery men for now


Fear the nightshade.........for they are the bringers of sorrows

<however the sorrow you may encounter could be your own, since there really hard to lvl since groups don't want you, slow soloers and unless you get the jump on other realms asassins then you will get beaten soundly around the head>

druid is a good choice but i got bored of my druid, seemed too easy to level and people actually wanted me in groups..... so had to ditch that char, and bring my nightshade to life

although i think one of the best healer classes we have are the full spec nurture warden for Pbt. mmmmm


Nightshades please come kill me know...

Ehm i killed some lurikeens the last days, tried some of the cooking recipies but since most ingredients are found in Midgard, and i can not YET stealth through the borderkeep i just had to leave them on the floor for some troll to munch on em... :cool:
Please come back with your fearsome stuff when u are 50 and have a constitution over 20... :p

I just wanna see for once a lurikeen thats NOT grey con :clap:

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