


Well ive read plenty of mails about cheating/ lamer tribes members on this board over time, and every time ive said "Go on name them", and the person hasnt.

Well tonight, its your lucky night!

So, Mr Pikachu, YOU ARE A CHEAT!

The c+h map tunnelrats has some big bugs in it, and its just accepted and expected that people wont exploit them. Well this guy is quite happy to exploit them.

Anyways, nice to see one member of the community keeping up with the new found spirit of win at all costs in the tribes community.

[BR] Ewan

[This message has been edited by Ewan (edited 15 August 1999).]


Guilty as charged.

Shame on me, huh ?


[This message has been edited by Pikachu (edited 15 August 1999).]


You know, people have been hammering on about these bugs in the maps and so on, but what really pisses me off is that I've never found them!

Close this thread - its another shit stirrer, and frankly we don't want that sort of thing I hope.



personnaly i only know 2 of them - and both are pretty useless

first one is opposite that pipe with 2 drop shafts down to it. Ya know below the command stations where u can go down 2 shafts? Well straight accross from the exit of that pipe - theres a blocked off exit, and u can hide in the back of the little wall in front of it. ie: jet onto it and ull fall thru and be hidden. The problem with this is that u can still see a heavies head coming out the top (and honestly its useless for mediums and lights anyway). The wall will block off plasma and discs, etc. BUT, if u knock a mortar in - u get a direct hit every time which is why i dont use it anymore.

The other is in the tunnel to the switch. At one part of it u can jet up thru the cieling all the way back up to ground level. Of course the problem with that being: why in the name of sweet feck would ya want to leave the bloody objective? Did i hear someone mention capture and *cough* HOLD.


Ok so these bugs do exist, so what are we gonna do? sit arround moaning about them?

We can make a list of the ones we know and send them to dynamix for them to fix in their next release.

So the bugs we do know about:-

rollercoaster2 flag bug
Tunnelrats hide in the walls bug



Make a list of these bugs and get them to me or Ripper. We have regular and good contact with the Dynamix development team and we will submit the list for correction in the next release.

I've already submitted the issue of Flag Swop SIEGES and a configurable timelimit

European Ambassador
Starslayer Tribe

"Abandon All Hope!"


All these bugs, cheats, loopholes -- have already been passed onto Dynamix many months ago. You forget that there is a US community playing these maps day in day out, on a much larger scale. We are but small fry over this side of the water

Planet-Tribes, PlanetStarsiege and DatumPlane all maintain an inter-site link where by reports of cheats etc are verified, passed round the other two sites, and ultimately passed onto Dynamix.


old.BR Cuba

I Think the point has been missed here people!

The object of this post is to use the idea that was presented in another thread, where it was suggested that to stop people cheating thus improving the quality of the game their names and their crime should be put up on the board hopefully shameing them into not doing it again

list of crimes i think qualify

1. off map sniping
2. bug explotation
3. holding nme flag in ur scout
4.running around ur own base killing people
5. changeing to the winning team - i hate this one! Grrrrrrr

these are purely my opinion of a crime


[This message has been edited by BR Cuba (edited 15 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BR Cuba (edited 15 August 1999).]

old.{ velvet }

Yep - we should be looking to shame people who exploit the stuff Cuba has mentioned... Its worth noting though that TunnelRats (the map in question) isn't an official c&h map but a user modified one and as such isn't the fault of Dynamix...

I can remember when it used to be the best c&h map out there but I played it the other week (after a break of about a month) and was astounded by the number of people hiding in bugged walls...


even with those bugs - its still a kickass map. Besides - none of those walls are anygood. The way to hold the tunnels is to lock down all the choke points an keep lights up top to prevent nme heavies gettin thru - not hidin like a little pussy in the wall


Surely all of the mission bugs can be fixed by map-makers in the community? (e.g. the roller2 floating flag).

I've not seen the map holes but I'm sure someone could fill them with a little knowledge. If someone shows me them I'll try to fix them if they are that much of a problem.

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