


Is it just me or has there been a sudden increase in the number of total cheating gits out there. I've been shot thru walls (and there was NO WAY they knew I was there) etc etc. I find it increasingly annoying. Just how many bloody ways are there of cheating at this wonderful Counterstrike game.

And remember kids, it's NOT camping when you're a T on a CS map or a CT on a DE map :)


Originally posted by Renegade[3MC]
Is it just me or has there been a sudden increase in the number of total cheating gits out there. I've been shot thru walls (and there was NO WAY they knew I was there) etc etc. I find it increasingly annoying. Just how many bloody ways are there of cheating at this wonderful Counterstrike game.

And remember kids, it's NOT camping when you're a T on a CS map or a CT on a DE map :)

People like you are the reason that, when I do good I get called a cheat.

Problem is you think there is no way they could of know you were there.

One mans idea of camping is anohters mans idea of having a rest :D


My CS name is lgl Carl1ng.
I have just finished playing a game on a BW server and had to come here and read this.
I was called a cheat cos I had a higher ping than most and come top scorer.
There is one thing worse than a cheat and thats a winger and to make matters worse once one starts all the others follow like sheep.
Well I got screen shots of the wingers and I will be posting them on my web site
If you think someone is cheating dont spoil the game by winging and bitching go get BW admin.


No offence there, but have you ever noticed that some players allways play as t's on CS_maps and CT's on DE maps, go figure, it's true there is No such thing as camping in team games, but how often is it you see a team game on a public server, it's so anoying when half your team stay back and camp and the other half legit to the crossover point, it takes about 2 rounds for the other team to realise, all they have to do is rush you every time and they will win, simply put 8-9 players will roll straight over 3-4 players 90% of the time. It's a tough choice but i allways go with the rush:D


Easymeat, are wingers people who use the fly cheat?


if you know the map well, you usually check each camping could be blind luck that you were killed from behind a wall.i managed to kill someone on 747 by just doing random firing when i heard a door creak open.and what is the fly cheat??


A fly cheat?
I believe i can fly...running through an open door yeah...


Cheating does exist in CounterStrike, it's true. However the actual incidence of cheating is FAR lower than the incidence of cheating-paranoia.

I fully understand how you feel - many a time I've been killed by a seemingly impossible shot or seen someone with a ping of 250 getting headshot after headshot after headshot etc.

But there's also been many times when I've found myself playing amazingly well (to balance all the times I play like utter shit ;) - getting headshots all the time, making lucky guess shots through walls with an AWP etc (best one recently was on assault, I was a T, camping^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hguarding the back door, heard a CT going up the ladder outside and took a potshot and killed the unlucky sod) - when you get a game like that remember it next time you are about to accuse someone of cheating and think to yourself "Is he *REALLY* cheating or is he just a damn good player/having a good day?"

Accusing people of cheating can do just as much to ruin other people's game as actual cheating can.

If you really think someone's not playing fair then just keep quiet and pop onto IRC and get one of us CS admins to come have a butchers. If you haven't got time to do that or don't want to leave the game then just do a /status in the console and get their WON id and come find an admin at a later date - we'll do our best to look into it. But remember, cheating is hard to detect and much rarer than a lot of people imagine.

My main advice - forget about the possibility of cheating and just play the game for fun :)



Oh I accept it does happen but you can never truely know 100% that some one is cheating, only they know if they're.

Like some one the other day fired 5 shots and hit 5 people at close range with an AWP.


I think that whenver you get killed, you should accuse the other person of being a bot, or even better randomly pick a player on your team with a low score and repeatedly complain about them being a bot.



I just join at the end of Arab streets map and got three HS with my first three kills and almost right away people wondered if I had a headshot script. I then managed another 3 before the map ended, what people failed to realise is that I had hit there body first on 2 of the 6 and the other ones were just luck.


Cheating - Follow up

I don't go around calling people cheating all the time, quite the reverse. I "DO" play the game for fun and ignore the cheaters, but it happened again tonight. Headshot after headshot with a pistol !!! Very annoying. So I called them (no names) on it, they denied it, but the constant headshots stopped...

CS is the best game I've ever played online, and I just don't want it to go the same route as something like Diablo 2 has gone with cheaters ruining the game for us regular blokes :)

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