


The english Modern Dictionary has the word cheat defined as many things but the main ones are deceive, trick, gain an unfair advantage by deception or breaking rules.

I've been Action Quake 2player for some time now and have seen cheating in this mod for Quake 2 over the years. Although I still play AQ2 I also enjoy playing Counter-Strikewhich seems to be amassing a numer of cheaters as well.

There were a number of cheats you could use in AQ2. The main cheat were bots and these enable a player to always hit another player, they basically track an opponent. However this was also its give away because it would track them trough walls and also the players seemed to suddenly flip around and kill someone behind them. The good thing about AQ2 is one of the views you can select, after your dead, is a view through the eyes of any player playing.
Another cheat, used on a larger scale, was a script. This script enabled users of the M4 to stop kick back which made the M4 tricky to use over the MP5. So now without the kick back it was like a very powerful MP5 and this was considered unfair since, even though easy to do, it changed the way the M4 was orignally intended to act.

Now on to CS. I've heard of a number of cheats including the ability to see through walls, see through smoke grens, spikey models. The only one I have seen proof of is spikey models which makes your model stand out and gives your position away.
There are major fears now that the new patch will create a load more cheats, pings have dropped because the main change has been the fact that instead of doing most of the work server side, its now done client side which cuts down the amount of information being sent between the client and server hence the improvement. This has had the side effect of making more information and more of the work available to the client.

I've been called a cheat more than once in AQ2 and this was mainly by bad losers, however my fellow AQ2 players came to my defence since they know me. I have to say that a little while after I started playing CS someone called me a cheater, I was shocked and asked him why the hell he thought that at which point he started talking rubbish. When he called me it again I just replied 'Yes I'm a cheating bastard everyone' which everyone took as the joke it was meant to be since they knew he was talking rubbish. I would like to point out that just because someone kills you it doesn't make them a cheater so please bite your tongue and remain civilised on the servers.

I'm puzzled by one thing "Whats in the winning when you cheat?"

[This message has been edited by Embattle (edited 14 June 2000).]


Embattle you are not alone, many CS players are frequently accused of cheating. The new code from Valve was I understood supposed to get rid of the know cheats, but I read that this has not happened. I call that a fuck up.
Skilled players who use their environment, for example sound, rifle barrels sticking through doors etc..will always piss of newbies or those with little skill at the game.
Until Valve solve the problem I'm afraid you will just have to live with it, sucks I know but such is life.



Valve were supposed to implement CRC checking into the new release of Half Life (1.1, which is required to run CS 6.5).

This would stop ANY additional paks being used, or any modifications to existing paks.

Unfortunately, they seem to have arsed it up.

The change to client side rather than server side code doesn't really have any effect on this, positive or negative. The paks are checked when you join the server. What client side code does do is make the game very shit for modemers, basically (which will probably come as a surprise for all those idiots who loaded CS 6.5 the first time, saw that it was 'smooth', and instantly proclaimed it to be 'lag free').


The real shame is that even when Valve fix these problems those lovely cheaters will find new ways in which to cheat. Its just such a shame that people find the need to and it then makes you wonder about other players.

Another thing about the new net code is the way it kills you by timing out events. You know that bit that even if you make it round a wall the code back tracks figuring out where you were when, if it is, an hpw shot at you. I'm not an lpb but we've already seen a pausing cheat and I wonder how long before some one try's to do something with this feature.


R A T B O T?

.:: pe0n ::.


all i have to say is that HPW's who say the netcode is shit should be shot.

Obviously you have no idea how to set your computer up to play the game otherwise you would be praiseing it.



All I can say is that dumb twats like Wanky frankie should be shot.

.:: pe0n ::.


WTF have i done to you peon ???



No CS's netcode really does suck festering anal worms. At I4 we were pinging about 30 odd. Seemed about as smooth as ISDN Q2. It aint called Half Lag for nowt you know.

Mind you having said that it does deserve praise for making the initial release of Unreal's netcode look superb.


PS I fucking hate that slow ass wankpile known as CS :)

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