Cheating Part II : My opinion

  • Thread starter old.pmp|anhilator
  • Start date


Ok, first of all : i'm not cheating, any1 want's to prove can battle me......
Second sry for my baad english, i'm austrian n don't take it exact with english grammar.

I'm gona list all "common" accusations about cheating (if i forgot some, sry, add them):

1) Killing with ONE shot
2) High "Flights" around the map
3) High Rifle / UMOD Accuracy
4) More Score than kills (n00b accusation)

1) Killing with ONE Shot :
Often people say "his photon costs me too much health" & so on.
Who ever worked with the STV:EF Source will see that health / ammo / weaponsettings are SERVER-Side,

while aiming / visualisation & Co are CLIENT-Side.

So an aimbot is possible, an "invulnerability hack" isn't. Also guns can't hit harder than the server

tells them.

2) High "Flights" around the map
When i do a "big-air cap" (availabe @ my trickjump page, , english mirror up to come

this WE) MANY people said it would be a Speedhack, Weapon-Blast-Hack, Photonbomb Jump n so on.
Fact is that some jumps like this one aren't common and aren't that easy like the polejump is for

example. U need some time of practice until you capture every time u try it.
Or Rocketjumps on Bombs carry u high up in the sky, also jumps while a bomb explodes after you do.
Gravity / Knockback are Serverside commands too, client simply CAN'T influence it at all.
Big Air
Pole Jump

3) High Rifle Accuracy
This can be result of long train (greetz @ wastl, whoz the best sniper i know, n also a nice guy) or the

effect of an aimbot.
I allready fought a guy with an aimbot, but without letting him get a line-of-sight i blasted him with

my Photon n cought him while jumping with a rifle / Photon combo.
Aimbots only help @ direct hit guns, weapons like Photon (my fav) are 100x impressiver on moving targets

than ANY aimbot.
An Aimbot also depends on if its a QVM Bot (a mod with name "BaseEF" in it, prepeared from the Source)

or an EXE Bot (which is includet in the EXE File of the game, requires a source of the EXE File which

only Raven & iD & some main coders have). The QVM is really laggy n unimpressive, but in Q3 it's the

most usable way of cheating. The EXE Bot is "perfekt" impressive, he won't miss any target.
Any good C++ Coder could do such a hack, but most of the coders simply aren't intressed on EF (which i

find isn't bad, isn't it ?).

4) More Score than kills (n00b accusation)
Some times on CTF Servers people called me a cheater because of haveing 180 Points, the second 87...
In CTF mode this isn't that hard, because a frag gives you 1-2 points (depends on situation) and a

capture 7 points. A little map like ctf_voy2 and u can reach more than 60 points without killing any1

(returning own flag & capture).
Most people think that caps aren't addited to your score which they see as frags.
This is the only accusation NONE of the routined EF Players would never bring up.

I'm out of time, gona post the rest tommorow @ shool or in the evening......

brb pmp://Anhilator , an EF player who would be invulnerable & 100 % Aiming if i'd have half of the

tools some people think if have....... :cool:

old.The Nullifier

do you have any aimbot demos? Or is this more speculation about what is 'possible' which we all know about anyway.....


yeah post up some proof please



i'm in shool, in a hurry

no, i don't have an aimbot, nor do i have a demo.

But one of the Members said he has had a Demo of the ForceBot , an EXE Bot.

But he has allready deleted his EF, he's concentrateing on Q3.

If he finds the demo somewhere he'll send it to me.

The rest of the Tread above will follow today evening......

old.The Nullifier

Ive got a talking dog and a monkey who can ride a bike :)


Originally posted by The Nullifier
Ive got a talking dog and a monkey who can ride a bike :)
Wow, u got a ccc'viruz ?? :D

Gona write rest of the post, thought it would be serious not rediculeouse (not my english, the tread)

btw : watch those voy2-trickjump demos...

Big Air
Pole Jump
Rifle Sub-Air Walk

The english mirror of my scripting & trickjumping page will be up this weekend....

<advertise end>



toochay !

I posses something too....Although not as fancy as nulls monkey bike boy I do however have a 'ONE team owning ANOTHER team' demo. I like to call it ccc^ v pmp:// ;)

toochay 'V' toochay !!!

/me pats myself on the back


old.The Nullifier

oh the pole dancing - we were doing those about 8 months ago :)

btw I was lying about the dog and the monkey - they belong to my friend - but he never lets me see them... but I do beleive him though.... it must be true


if you would have read the article above u would know why i posted the demos...

but a second time (a bit slower so even you can notice) : the pole is a simple jump for that noone calls u a cheater, but the big-air is something different...... many people called me a cheater for that.....

was that slow enought or should i out it in a letter so yer mummy can read it for you ?


so like you said Anihlator (topic name) "Cheating Part II : My opinion" and you posted in your first post "I'm gona list all "common" accusations about cheating" So what you saing is just wrote down what you think and/or heard from people you know.
again bla bla and no proof i dont understand why people even come with all this cheating crap without proof.

lol on the demos tough, i used to do the so called pole jump with a scavenger rifle.
Dont tell me people accuse you off cheating becouse you pole jump in games ? LOL
that big air capture is nice tough i never seen that one in action on a server.

old.The Nullifier

still didnt understand sorry... what? ohh I think I get it now - you are showing off .... I see.


original posted by pmp|anhilator
the pole is a simple jump for that noone calls u a cheater, but the big-air is something different...... many people called me a cheater for that.....
Originally posted by Monolith
Dont tell me people accuse you off cheating becouse you pool jump in games ? LOL

hmmm...... i thought english would be your first language....not mine :D

plz read what i said n then post.....

btw : the pole with scav doesn't reach the effect the 2nd polejump @ the demo does....n this is the one i do on pubs....

if u wanna see the big-air in action just talk to me @ IRC, gona show u......


(fixed the English typo errors) Just like you im not from England or any english country so you can expect that from me. ;)
just currious why you ask people not to replay to your bad english and you go bug me with it but any way np with me hehe.

as for the pole jump with scav is much more effective then the one showing on the demo.


not as the second (which gets from the wall to the flag)


showing off null.....

/me whips out me nob

nah mate....THATS showing off :)



Well I was showing those moves off in a public server today , just like last week, last month and last year :p, mind you I was asked how come I could fly at one point lol


Originally posted by ccc^virus

toochay !

I posses something too....Although not as fancy as nulls monkey bike boy I do however have a 'ONE team owning ANOTHER team' demo. I like to call it ccc^ v pmp:// ;)

toochay 'V' toochay !!!

/me pats myself on the back




I have a cheat it is called the FOVTrenchphtonjump.exe.exe

Basically I can cap the flag without moving. I just join a server and cap one after the other over and over again. Ppl cal me a cheater because I cap the flag but dont move. You know that guy that joins the server and then the map changes and he is floating with his legs moving real fast?? Thats not a lag issue, its me capping.

I made a demo but my HD crashed. But I was able to make another one and then I deleted it.








What I find really amusing, not at anyone in particular so no offense intended, is why everyone still plays on one of the oldest, lamest, smallest map EF has? lol

Its been so overplayed to death allready and there are so many maps that put those voys maps to shame. It must be that people have just about perfected it that trying others seems frightening!


old.The Nullifier

Originally posted by [OO]HoffenKill
What I find really amusing, not at anyone in particular so no offense intended, is why everyone still plays on one of the oldest, lamest, smallest map EF has? lol

Its been so overplayed to death allready and there are so many maps that put those voys maps to shame. It must be that people have just about perfected it that trying others seems frightening!


What I find really amusing, not at anyone in particular so no offense intended, is why everyone still plays on one of the oldest, lamest, smallest games.. EF, lol

Its been so overplayed to death allready and there are so many games out there that put EF to shame. It must be that people have just about perfected it that trying others seems frightening!




Hmmm Biocitie, not up to the standard I remember, but I'll let it past.............. just this once.



What I find really amusing is, Road Runner, I cant remember what the episode is called but some dynamite goes off unexpectedly which cause's the mountain to shake, which makes this big rock fall down right onto that dumb coyote's head. Man that coyote gets it everytime, hes so stupid.




All I know is, as good as I think I am, no matter what server, what ping or what weapon, [X]Jigga has owned my ass in EF lol

PS: EF has a few hacks and bugs not cheats, so stop looking for them cause they aint there.

Ponder not on the small things.
Play and Enjoy



I like sex - unfortunately lob deleated that too

A damsel with no dress



Originally posted by astrochild
I like sex - unfortunately lob deleated that too

A damsel with no dress


hmmm let me guess a damsel with pants rofl;)


Originally posted by Mr.Blackshirt

hmmm let me guess a damsel with pants rofl;)

Leave my wifes pants out of this

unless your intrested in buying them:p

then they come foil wrapped for freshness and a bagain at £50 each including p+p


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