Cheating on CTF1 just now.



I've just come off CTF1 server and there is one or more people cheating on it.

I would guess that it's some kind of buffer overflow, as some of the people I look at thier name starts spinning characters over and over.

Anyway as for the cheating. We were holding off the bad guys, I had the flag and I'm standing outside scanning for incoming. When I get thrown into observer mode.

Someone else picks up the flag and they get thrown into observer mode. This continues over and over until finally someone on the other team returns it. :mad:

We couldn't talk to the other team as your text comes up blank, and we couldn't change team as it comes up "Hobbes^^ has voted for ."

old.The Real Greatest Dancer

me 2

Just came of ctf2 - same thing happened to me - could be a bug??

see my other thread here

now u mention it, i also saw the spinning text - looked quite cool, seemed to happen on any target - just random gibberish scrolling VERY quickly where the name of the item should have been. hapenned on ppl's names and turrets etc.

old.The Real Greatest Dancer

are u sure u don't meen ctf2 - that's where it kept saying 'hobbes has voted to .' as well...

v strange


Might of been

CTF2, but I went back to my main screen and it said CTF1?

I thought it might be a bug as well except for our flag carrier getting thrown into observer. They weren't thrown into it the second they picked up the flag and it wasn't happening to the other team (that I'm aware of).


its either a bug , nasty Admin or someone whos takenover the server.

Anyway, wheres the "cheat" ?



i think you've all been drinking far to much to be honest


Hobbes, for a minute I thought you were going to start on the peculiar phenomenon of people walking over the flag mine about 5 seconds before an NME swipes it. :)

You mentioned it enough in the games we had the other night.

Providing ShockLance treatment since April 2001


hey I only said that happend on one round! :) I thought it was some newbie. I'd put some mines down, the person ran all over them, then an nme would come running in. kept doing it over and over.

What's with people that feel the need to run over a flag everytime a mine is put down. I was a bit annoyed that I would set up defenses and people would run all over them, or blow up the mines + turrets and lay thier own in the same place.

Gah! That and having 4 people scream at you "Fix the generator" and your getting smacked about in the gen room because the other team has set up shop and no one bothers to help.



The flag mine thing gets on my nerves too.

Which bit of "OUR FLAG IS MINED!" dont they understand?

Or perhaps we can just assume all these international people cant speak English and really dont now what it means?

But does that explain why the guys called BEERMAN UK (or similar) keep doing it?

Damn lamers!


From the sound of it a script was run and a player got admin. An admin can force people to observer mode.

The next patch stops this script from working, but until then if anything like this happens again grab a tribes2 admin in #barrysworld and they will go in and sort the problem out.


The mines are all mine

I agree with all the comments about mines. I've just gotten used to the fact people seem to like running over their own flag, when you should never (ever?) need to.

I've got to admit that I'm a bit of an idiot for running over mines scattered around the base. Just last night I was playing on a map (icy - can't remember the name) and doing general repairs around the base. Because I'm still fairly new I'm still acquainting myself with the layout and set about exploring (I like to find out where the repair kits are, since no-one ever seems to have one when our gens are blown up. :(

Of course, the poor defender must have wanted to kill me, because, I must've took out every mine he'd laid at least once. I made a point of apologising to him and, as far as I know, didn't get any grief back (his teamkill score must've been quite bad).

After that he started placing beacons on his mines, which in my opinion is a VERY VERY good idea as I could then spot them for a mile off. And I didn't get killed on my repair runs.

Anyway, just my thoughts. I don't think I've ever killed (or injured) myself running over a mined flag. :)

Moving Target

Damn n00bs. I also get a damned 300 ping on cable!! on BW


beaconing mines only works up to a point. I had one guy kept running into my mines that were beaconed then he screams at me "BEACONS ARE FOR INV STATIONS ONLY!". Must be one of those unwritten T1 rules I keep hearing about. :)

One way to know if the server is messed up, when you click join, if you get no description or a corrupted description then there is a good chance that when you join the server will be messed up.

Back to mine placement. I normally place in an off-flag arrangement if I am on close defense. The reason being that a flag grabber will always shoot the flag, and laugh at any nearby mines. Just before they are about to grab I shoot the mine with a disc. The damage effect is normally more then enough to kill a light.

Another thing is turret placement, I don't mind if other people place turrets (personal scores mean diddly to me), but they should work out what the best placement is. When you place a turret, go into commander screen and take control of it. Move it around and look at the area that the turret can see. That's it's general sensor range. No use the command screen to see for overlaps in sensors. Slap another sensor nearby to cover it.

I've seen people put turrets under ledges which have almost zero effect as the area it can see the light is in and out before it can track.

Moving Target

One person put all the inv stations on the flag :D

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