Cheating of a new Kind



I don't know if anyone has seen this before but it is the first time i have ever seen anything like it.

Playing Seige today and i was looking at some guy who was being a prick and driveing the APC down the tunnel, and i saw his skin change from CT SAS to T Arctic. At first i thought it was my eyes and he was killed and the round started again, then somone said, "is his skin changing" and i said yes and everyone agreed so we tried to kick him. Virtually all of us voted him and he didn't get kicked.

Is it well know or new?


Weird that, you never know there could be anything out there, the other day i was playing highrise, i was a CT, there was a guy on are team using a wall hack, me and 5 others all watched him doing it, he was shooting the T's through the roof, we all watched and said are peice, like you do, but the other guy never said a word, he was shooting the corners of the roof nowhere near the roof lights, and then we saw him shooting through the floor, point blank against the wall, even though he was on are team, the others all left, i carried on playing for the next two maps, i never said to anyone about this guy being a cheat. The bad thing was nobody over the two maps noticed it, or atleast said anything anyway, the two maps were ones that you couldn't realy tell if he was or not. I then took up the task of finding the asus drivers to see how they worked, it took me all of 5 mins to do it. I installed them and could see why it was so easy for him:( Btw i deleted them soon after because the 6.34's are much better and don't make the game look complete pap:p


its nothing new,if u find someone doing it on a FF server just TK the bastard


No don't TK people you think are cheating - it serves no purpose other than to make you sit the next round out and to have other people (who may not realise the person you're TKing is cheating) get fed up and leave/complain etc.

Much the best solution is to come to #barrysworld and find an admin like myself or SAS. If there isn't one of us about then type "status" in the console and get the offenders WONid and report it to us later, we'll keep an eye out for suspected cheaters.

But please, only do this if you are very sure the person is cheating. Anyone who comes and says "XYZ just got 8 headshots in a row they MUST be cheating" is just going to get told to piss off and grow a dick ;)


Me and Bigfoot were playing on a server and found someone who this was happenning too. Basically the guy would flash between T/CT skin very quickly. Bif asked him to leave a few times and when he did'nt he kicked him. The guy, Arkan(Arkam?) never returned.


granny when you are using chase-cam and you see someone flip through skins,who just killed you on assault, with an artic,by shooting through a wall, whilst you are climbing up a ladder,and its 3 or 4 in the morning,and there aint any admins around,your gonna take it into your own hands,and TK the bastard.


Yes... and then all he needs to so is say "TK Lamer" and you get the wrath of the server instead. Very clever.

It's a hell of a lot easier to prove a TK than a cheat isn't it.

old.YORX Excelcus

Aye, this is far from new. It's been done to death over at MPZ and WP on their forums in the past 10 days or so. It's a new cheat, that's hard to recognize. I've come across it 2 or 3 times in the last month. I'm the last to throw cheating accusations and think there is a level of paranoia (more likely bad looser syndrome) around lately but this one is real. When a guy infront of you switches from a T team mate and becomes a CT and then shoots you, something's up. I got the guy's WON ID and reported him - what will happen I don't know.

As the regulator said, get that WON ID and report the offender. It's all you can do. Alternatively, as is becoming a habit for me lately, don't trust your team mates much more than your enemy.

Sad state of affairs.



gad i hope they fix this in their next patch it is real annoying, the only people i trust are the people who i play with regulary


Narr these things are allways short term, i find them funny, when FF is on, and some tool changes his skin you have to laugh:) Whats far worse is the state of wall hacks, scripts, and model changes, it's a pain in the ass, you can't spot them, and they give a massive advantage to a half decent player:(


Here's a good one for you.
A bloke called KillerJim playing as a T on the Italy map was camping on the Hostage building.


Needless to say the air was soon turned purple with him being called all sorts of bastard from everyone.
He did'nt get kicked, although we tried.



ne1 know where the people get all these cheats from, cos with 5 years of gaming under my belt i've still never found any!

And that's going back to the ol qw days on global net!

Then again, I've never looked :)

Neway people that cheat are lame. It isn't that hard to get anywhere in cs, ya just need a good team. A good team (together) can get rid of a cheater, but only if they all recognise them.

I think a problem with cs is that it displays players frags. How many times have you heard x player talk about being a "god" because he's got 20 more frags that everyone else. Hell, you could have saved his arse every round by killing his attacker, but he's still gonna be better than you....

I think it would be a good experiment to take out the individual frag scores, only leaving the team overall one. How many cheaters would come then?
(i know some come to piss us off, but others will come just to be the one with the most frags - like in dm)

Just my 2p's worth.


All well and good in a clan game (where the overall total is paramount), but tbh when I play on a public server I want my frag total to come up. Especially as people leave/join/change teams during the map. I doubt people would stop cheating because their score wasn't shown.


Sad situation

I was playing CS last night when some guy comes on the server BW3 (if I remember correctly) and started spamming an url for CS cheats. He didn't hang around long after admitting he was using an aimbot.

At first I didn't believe him as I have yet to see absolute proof that aimbots even existed!

Anyway upon disconnecting I decided to check out this url and sure enough several cheats are readily available for CS 7.1. These include: wallhacked maps which contain the correct CRC.. basically making walls transparent; aimbot which actively seeks targets and auto fires; another aimbot which just fires automatically when the crosshair passes over a target; barrel cheat (not sure what this does); Skin hack which allows for rapid changing of model and skin with a keypress.

One thing to note.. one requirement of the aimbots is that the user MUST spray a logo near to where he will be fighting, so if you see anyone run into battle and spraying logos on a strategical spot then he COULD be using an aimbot.

Until last night I had gotten furious with accusations that I am cheating in a game, almost once a night. But now I can see why people are so suspicious.. the only satisfaction I get from it is I play as the game was meant to be played and still mostly top the scoreboard WITHOUT resorting to cheating.

Still it makes me very sad that people seek to destroy a game for no other reason then because they can...


get the won ID huh?

yea you can do that ,but theres no real point as admins have 2 see the guy cheating before they can ban him.


Don't sweat too much, guys. CS1.0 is coming very soon now, which is meant to have hard-coded skins, as is Valve's next patch which removes "The CS proxy cheat", whatever that is = but sounds like it might be the root of virtually all of these cheats.


Originally posted by shabazz

ne1 know where the people get all these cheats from, cos with 5 years of gaming under my belt i've still never found any!
Just my 2p's worth.

I know a site which gives you CS cheats, i looked around in it, I DIDN'T DOWNLOAD ANY OF THEM.

any way it had a cheat which turned all textures shades of gray/white so you could see ppl in shadows.

I am not gunna give out it's URL I don't want ppl to pay it a visit.


I have noticed this twice now 1 on assault where a CT was running for the door and turned in to a VIP :/ Then on Milita a CT turned in to a T then back again within 10 secs I dunno if this is a cheat or a glitch because while on a Lan and it happened to me too I wasn't running any thing "illigal" on my PC I think this may be a glitch because I have only noticed this on beta 7.1 but then again...

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