

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 28, 2004
while playing call of duty since christmas i have been really hacked off about the number of people who cheat. what is the point? it spoils the game for them and every1 on the server. people who i have talked to online feel the same. it really bugs me when they say they arent cheating when clearly they are: one shot kills, shooting through walls and they have scores that no one would even get if they tried.
but the only good thing is that i ask them where they get there aimbot from and they tell me so i take a screenshot and send it to a cheater database.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
As a very good FPS player, I get called cheat a reasonable amount of times - I usually play on the Jolt realism server, and to be honest, I'm pretty amazing with the rifles. Killing 3-4 guys is not impossible before going down, and on a good day, I kill 5 or 6 for my own 1 death. On bad days, 2 or 3.

Rather than play it like CS team deathmatch, I treat it like InstaGib (UT Game mode - one shot kills).
I charge about like a mad man - slow crawls is for suckers who want to get shot quickly.

You'd be amazed at how many people go slow when they should be going fast - you go fast when you aren't shooting, and go slow when you're shooting.
A high score does not mean cheating - on a normal game with a 250 score limit, I usually get 50 atleast. That's "good" - I'm a good player. But I play CoH when I have the connenction for it - at my parrents house, or when the wankers who run bit torrest here in my Hall of Residence turn off their pc's.

I expect players who play it 4 hours or more each day, every day to get 50 atleast.

I expect players who play an hour "now and then" to be at the recieving end of my rifle most of the time. That's life.

The sad truth is that there's a lot more "now and then" players than hardcore ones - and the hardcore ones utterly annhilate the noobs, which may look like cheating if you base it on a pure scores.

That said, I've only ever seen one obvious cheat - Hopefully with Punk Puster support coming in, cheating should decrease, but I don't think it's that widespread.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 28, 2004
i get a good score as well and am gr8 with the rifle. usually get a good score bout 50+. my highest is 127 and that was on a server that didn't end and i just got bored. maybe we should play online together cause i am goin 2 get the player search


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i only seen about 1 or 2 cheaters and they were obovius cause they where getting head shots every single kill. when they where using that german machine gun that dosent have the slow auto


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
I agree people who cheat on games ruins it for everyone...It's obvious they cheat because they lack the skill it takes to actually get headshots...Pussies.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Been called a cheat a couple of times though and i didnt cheat. Its very annoying, gladly PunkBuster is up now. Not a hardcore player, but have my moments ;) And sad being banned for a few headshots...

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