
Thought I would ask people some questions which bemuse me. Why is it, that I can be accused of cheating within 1 (yes one) bloody round of a map starting in CS?

Only last night it was the usual accusers brigade :
'HHmmmm Nice Shot'
'Oh you are handy with the ak'
'You use headshot script?'

So the big question is this. When are people going to stop accusing skillful players of being cheaters and spend energy on improving their own shitty aim? Next time you accuse me I gonna come round yer house and burn your pets to death.

If you were playing against very good Q3 players and were being railed with an 80% efficiency it would be unlikely that you would accuse them of cheating since good players can manage that. So why is it that if you are a really good CS player people cannot accept that you might actually be able to aim?

aka newt

old.Mad Bloke

'tis sad but true.

It is beyond these peoples belief that people might actually be good at the game.

~ MB

[This message has been edited by Mad Bloke (edited 23 August 2000).]


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cenobite:
When are people going to stop accusing skillful players of being cheaters and spend energy on improving their own shitty aim

Hmmm....never :D


I got accused of it last night because i shot somone before he shot me. He even got a nice little partie together to vote me out, but i got a bigger one and he got kicked. People hate pathetic accusers.


So many cheats out for cs = loads of accusations.. **shrugs**


Just like QuakeWorld.. and the Kl33n3x bot...

Beta 7's going to be fun.. people getting ran over by the vehicles =/
Well, you could always say Hit 'n Run works now..



There are 2 types of cheater acusers these are:

The LPB who gets killed by a HPB (he thinks he's imortal due to his ping so the other bloke must be cheating :p )

The HPB who gets killed by the LPB (he resents the fact that he has a high ping so inorder to make him feel better he acuses the other bloke of cheating :p )

Its kinda a twisted circle actually becuase your always gonna get LP and HP peeps in the same server :)



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Riggz:
There are 2 types of cheater acusers these are:

The LPB who gets killed by a HPB (he thinks he's imortal due to his ping so the other bloke must be cheating :p )

The HPB who gets killed by the LPB (he resents the fact that he has a high ping so inorder to make him feel better he acuses the other bloke of cheating :p )

Its kinda a twisted circle actually becuase your always gonna get LP and HP peeps in the same server :)




i was accused of cheating 'cos i had 2 flashbangs...
tsk tsk newbies nowadays.....


What would be REALLY good was if there wasn't a possiblity 4 cheating.

Far too many skilled players r being told they r cheating.

In Beta 8 they should put an end to cheating so skilled players can get on with their game and cheaters can fuck off



I've frequently been accused of cheating because I've taken someones head off. If I have time to crouch and take careful aim, not too difficult against a newbie I will invariably aim at the head. Even if strafing and jumping I'll go for the head, although not always hitting it :) This is THE quickest way to kill someone, and I wish new players would realise this.
I started playing CS about a year ago on the B!TCH server as it was the only server I could get below a 300 ping in those software mode days. As you can imagine I was frequently wasted by most of the players on that server, but I NEVER thought they were cheating....just better than me, and with a ping advantage.
On another subject.....camping.. if one more sad bastard accuses me of camping when i've got 5 HP and its me on 3 or 4 players I'm gonna scream!! Its geting crazy, I even got accused of camping the other day on assault as a T, when I shot the guy the game had been running for 20 seconds ffs!!! I wish people would realise that each round is 5 mins long, the object of the game is to win, however you can. Sometimes rushing works, sometimes is doesn't, in which case its time to get sneaky....or lose.
BW have a pile of servers now, how about having them split into two types, newbies and more experienced players? This "might" get rid of some of the aggro.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~YuckFou~:
I've frequently been accused of<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats because you're a cheating pile of pig shit ;)


If you wanabe called a cheater, just use a MP5, rush or flank the other side, come top of the frag list in every game you play, and there you have it, instant cheater, been doing it all weekend, it works :)

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