


when i first started playing this game it was very much cause it was so bugfree and uncheatable... maybe my eyes havent realy opened since this week but ive discovered that there's several cheat bots, craft bots etc, also daox wich ive known for a while tho.. dont know how but mythic got a serius problem here and i think they should fix it.


do you mean by bots, people that use their 2nd account to make a support class which augments their 1st account chars AND/OR a char (probably with speed) specifically made for crafting on the 2nd account?

If you do, then thats not cheating. Thats just people with more money/pcs than sense. *cough* :p

If you don't, please enlighten us. :D


The fact that you've been playing for a long time and only just now found out that some limited cheats do exist even though they have been around since the game went live in November 2001 is a fairly good sign in itself that cheating is limited to reasonable levels in DAoC, especially compared to other MMORPGs in which it was totally out of control (UO, AO and even EQ at one point). Mythic are much more aggressive about booting cheaters and closing bug holes than most game companies.

Which brings us to the real problem. You say you've "had your eyes opened" about people cheating in this game. Does that mean that you've found out that specific people are using specific cheat programs? Of course, if you did, I'm sure that you reported them to RightNow as cheaters so GOA can ban them, right? Of course you did.


there isn't any REAL form of cheating in DAoC, like AIMbots, Wallhack, being able to stay stealthed after a PA, having unlimited amounts of cash etc.


REAL cheats exist imo, using a program analyzing your network traffic pointing out to you where chars are, what level they are and so on is pretty bad and gives you a _huge_ advantage towards other players.

Too bad there's nothing to be done about it. The network traffic has to arrive at your box :(.


Mythic could filter out all the "not in view" players couldn't they?


that's just a fake, she has 169 silver...

that's impossible since you get +1 gold once you go over 100 silver :D

pwned! :ROFLMAO:


Originally posted by slapmesilly..
Mythic could filter out all the "not in view" players couldn't they?

Hehe, I would love to see the cpu power trying to filter out server-side what to send to every player based on direction he's facing, trees nearby, hills etc etc :).

Could be a solution though but I would guess hardly feasible with todays computer power.


Bah! Who cares about the silver - handle the mithril over to me plz :D


never mind the money how do u get that action button window up?

i'm such a n00b that i have played 8 months and dont know :( someone tell me its in a later patch please.... :)


Dont realy think that we want links to cheat mesage boards posting: Tilda

There are some applications out there, and reading posts from those boards and BW nad VN its obviouse that all these known explots can be caught, anyone using them should be permenantly banned.


There are bots out there, radar programs too are a favorite, but as proven on the VN boards a couple of times, Mythic and GOA have ways an means of catching them, and as we get the patches well after the US, any cheat bugs in game are hopefully taken care of.

The current thing are craft bots, macros designed to take the strain of clicking a mouse button every 30 seconds. But again, GOA has ways to see this happening (to a degree)


Originally posted by erl

Hehe, I would love to see the cpu power trying to filter out server-side what to send to every player based on direction he's facing, trees nearby, hills etc etc :).

Could be a solution though but I would guess hardly feasible with todays computer power.

You wouldnt need to use trees/hills to get the job done, and a hemisphere check is approximated fine by just the sign on a cross product, combined with a distance square calculation it would do the job. Given 100 people in a zone it should take more than a few hundred cycles per char ;) Easy.


Originally posted by boni_ofdavoid

You wouldnt need to use trees/hills to get the job done, and a hemisphere check is approximated fine by just the sign on a cross product, combined with a distance square calculation it would do the job. Given 100 people in a zone it should take more than a few hundred cycles per char ;) Easy.

Translate this, please? :)

Well, problem is if you would do this right you would have to filter away chars that were behind trees and so too so they won't show on a radar program. So what I tried to get out of your solution it wouldn't help against this? :)


Originally posted by marach
also daox wich ive known for a while tho..

daox is such a horrible way of cheating... it gives you such a high advantage over the rest of the players thats not using daox, like checking your mail or looking on sites, its just horrible! :p


Originally posted by slapmesilly..
there isn't any REAL form of cheating in DAoC, like AIMbots, Wallhack, being able to stay stealthed after a PA, having unlimited amounts of cash etc.

Actually my hunter have a command thats called /face, it allows him to hit people about 1/3 of the time.. (which is an improvement of about 1/3).. so yea i use aimbot on my hunter :/

seriously thou, im very delighted with the almost cheat free enviroment we have in daoc.. now if they could just clean up some bugs, so we didnt have bug abusers (LAG CASTERS)


i ment bots as in xp bots and as in crafterbots.

cant remember name but 2. answer.. ofc i havent putted in my mates would you? i think its lame that its there but i wont flame them for using it..

as if for daox.. i openens the game for a serie of other cheats i dont think that daox itself is a very big problem but for an example all bots and other macro programs have to be used whit daox.

ofcurse it aint as serius as in other games whit wall hack and shite but still there's many bugs also.. yesterday i fell down to legion in df thought one of the upper plans at mid side things like that.. also the thing whit grp bar that aint changing when you die it still says all are alive and stuff.. small bugs yes but still should be dealt whit.


imo, daox and crafbots aint cheats, they are tools. Pls tell me who got the time to make 1100 crafting without craftbot? To ding 50, you gotta spend a few hours each day playing, why should you be unavailable for the RL friends & tasks? If I lost the opertunity to use daox, I would quit playing at once; There are other games out there, witch dont make u give up ur life.

As for wallhack and xp bots, yes they are cheats, but dont flame daox for it. Cheaters would have found another way to cheat anyway.


Um. DAOX gives you no advantage. Having your computer craft for you whilst you go and gather daisies in the sun (ahem) means you accomplish something in-game faster than others and without making any effort...
Ergo its a cheat :>


Originally posted by Armalite
imo, daox and crafbots aint cheats, they are tools. Pls tell me who got the time to make 1100 crafting without craftbot?

I do :p


Originally posted by Armalite
imo, daox and crafbots aint cheats, they are tools. Pls tell me who got the time to make 1100 crafting without craftbot? To ding 50, you gotta spend a few hours each day playing, why should you be unavailable for the RL friends & tasks? If I lost the opertunity to use daox, I would quit playing at once; There are other games out there, witch dont make u give up ur life.

As for wallhack and xp bots, yes they are cheats, but dont flame daox for it. Cheaters would have found another way to cheat anyway.

Are you saying you use DAOX?


Originally posted by Keri

Are you saying you use DAOX?

Dunno about him but i use daox... and what are you gonna do about that? Send goa on me? :p


there was a program called *censored*

This gave you a small map, which showed mob spawn locations, mobs, players (your own and enemy), NPC's, etc

Require('s / d) a pc running some form of Unix / Linux on it, running a packet sniffer.

Can't remember where I read about it, but it's out there.


ive heard ppl talking about getting those crafting bot proggies and if i see or hear someone that use them i will report them, getting to 1000+ in a tradeskill is alot of work and i have done it myself and i wont accept ppl cheating to get it.


Doax rocks - it lets me spam these forums whereas before I couldnt - also means I get to listen to something I like rather than crappy ingame music.


daox is exaclty classed as a cheat its a kinda loophole in the CoC hard to explain and when argued on very thin ground. but it gives no one a advantage so what the hell so many ppl use it now goa wouldnt dare ban ppl cos of merely using it.


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

seriously thou, im very delighted with the almost cheat free enviroment we have in daoc.. now if they could just clean up some bugs, so we didnt have bug abusers (LAG CASTERS)

And hunters who fire through walls :eek:

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