cheap wii accessorys from ebay?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
after a usb network adaptor and nununcu, wii mote and the cheapest places seems to be from hongkong based ebay sellers.

last thing i got of an hong kong ebay seller was a fake 4gb mem stick for my psp which cuased me endless problems . would these wii accessory's be factory rejects or maybe cheap knock offs?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
after a usb network adaptor and nununcu, wii mote and the cheapest places seems to be from hongkong based ebay sellers.

last thing i got of an hong kong ebay seller was a fake 4gb mem stick for my psp which cuased me endless problems . would these wii accessory's be factory rejects or maybe cheap knock offs?

I got a Linksys wireless gaming adapter that plugs into the ethernet port on my 360, not as elegant as the USB adapter but very good performance and it only cost me £10 plus postage. That was from a HK seller on ebay.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
It's hit and miss i have got a real 2gb high speed SD card and a fake 8gb compact flash card. I would just check the users feedback and then check the buyer one i found had good feedback from about 10 people but after looking at them they were all about 2 weeks old and the 50 odd feedback they had was from purchasing 2p backgrounds ect. It was bullshit but because of the good feedback i ordered a £80 8gb CF card which showed up with a useable size of 512mb


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
It's hit and miss i have got a real 2gb high speed SD card and a fake 8gb compact flash card. I would just check the users feedback and then check the buyer one i found had good feedback from about 10 people but after looking at them they were all about 2 weeks old and the 50 odd feedback they had was from purchasing 2p backgrounds ect. It was bullshit but because of the good feedback i ordered a £80 8gb CF card which showed up with a useable size of 512mb

Exact reason why i don't use ebay at all for buying.

Had some nightmares using that fucking site for buying stuff.

Now i either find a cheap internet shop and i go into town and pay up atleast i know im getting what i bought.

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