Cheap lvl 46 longbows



Atm trying to reach 900 pts in fletch, selling qua 96 lvl 46 longbows, yellow to lvl 50.

Dps. 14.7, spd 5.4, qua 96-97 only atm.
Crafted by Cowled

Very good for a xping scout which doesn't want to use a fortune to get a qua 97+ bow and later replace it with a lvl 50 qua 99 bow for another furtune.

Selling them for 100g each.

I just managed to many a qua 97 as i post this, so if u are the first to order, u'll get the qua 97 :)

So call me ingame.



get the longbow one time drop

o wait, our realm doesnt get 1 :m00:


Theres a level 40 quest that gives a 100% bow, which is very good(best u can get actually) till u hit 45-46 - after which my bows take over :)


Ody you are going to get competition now in the Fletching business ;)


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Theres a level 40 quest that gives a 100% bow, which is very good(best u can get actually) till u hit 45-46 - after which my bows take over :)

Scout is 45 now, Bow of Forest Lord is effective dps 13.79 and her dps cap now is 14.6ish (i know this from Rancid Black Tooth) so i may well be in touch Cowled, 97%+ is preffered tho.

Competition is good. And Odys prices are... unfavorable to the realm :mad:


Originally posted by old.Odysseus

Feel free to spend 20 plat and 10 days played ;)

I cant see how that justifies asking ppl to pay double (?) the cost or more for the items u make. Whats the plan? to line your virtual pockets with virtual money that _real ppl_ spent alot of _real time_ and effort earning/collecting while leveling? Thats the wrong motivation for becoming a crafter imo.


Since u know excactly how a crafter should be, i suggest u become one.

I could rotate your argumentation 180 degrees and ask why i should spend my _real time_ fletching for no return?


Bitter about being a scout and bitter about being a crafter. U ain't having much fun are u m8? Do us a favor and sell ur account to someone who cares more about the realm than about ripping off ppl who are trying to lvl an already VERY expensive char to lvl as u know yourself..


Nothing wrong in asking a nice profit as a crafter.... don't forget crafting the highest material levels costs time... that's time the customer should pay for. And a highlevel craft is an investment.

However, things can get out of hand... for example: yesterday i asked a highlevel tailor, Katral, to make me 4 pieces of silksteel cloth so i could make arcanium plate armor out of it... i asked him for the price.... the costprice of those 4 pieces was 243G... he asked 1.2 platinum... 5x the costprice. I was amused and angry at the same time... good thing there's lots of tailors around.


Bitter about being a scout and bitter about being a crafter. U ain't having much fun are u m8?

Where excactly did I complain over being a crafter? Sorry Konah ure not making sense.

Do us a favor and sell ur account to someone who cares more about the realm than about ripping off ppl who are trying to lvl an already VERY expensive char to lvl as u know yourself..
no, but welcome to my ignorelist


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Where excactly did I complain over being a crafter? Sorry Konah ure not making sense.

Err here where u imply slaving away at a hot forge for 10days gives u the right to rip ppl off..

Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Feel free to spend 20 plat and 10 days played ;)

Originally posted by old.Odysseus no, but welcome to my ignorelist

Oh noo! I have to get someone else to buy from u? :(

(if i get that desperate)


<yawn> I can also make you Fletchcraft merchandise you know,
I just haven't advertised :)

Can make up to Duskwood Longbows, but those are at low quality untill I can up my fletch a bit.
Skill is at 981 now, but will be upped asap.


greedy crafters are what make the lesser uber players who not got time to farm cash 24/7 to buy them use the sucky equipment . crafting competition is a lot better for all . so no one person has the monopoly on high lvl crafts . thus other high lvl crafters have to lower there prices to compete with others.

oddy i heard u complaing to somebody at suavage the other day because cowled is doing the realm a GREAT favour by selling her stuff for lot lower prices than u . stop complaining im sure you dont like being ripped of for huge amounts of gold for an item that costs a LOT less than u charge . yes you are the most prominant fletcher in alb atm . and charging HUGE at the same time . i personally look forward to cowled and Tranquil getting as high as yourself cos im sure "i hope" they will do there realm proud and not rip of there customers .

only reason poeple buy your items for such enourmous prices is because nobody else can make them "that doesnt give u a right to charge so much being only one" but now u got some privce competition thats gonna blow your greedy prices out the window you dont like it :p . go eat some pie or lower your prices to contend otherwse you gonna be seeing your craft skill useless due to nobody buying of u hence all those hours crafting u put in "i respect you for that" are gonna be for nothing .


rofl if ody wants to be a monopoly then so be it, afaik he is the only high lvl crafter in alb atm (1000+) so ppl have to buy his stuff. Til another crafter comes round he will still be a monopoly..

he was the 1st to reach high lvl fletching so its just tough shit that he charges what he does =P


To those that find my prices outrageous:

I just spent 3 hours today, fletching.
I spent 2-2.5 plat to get 2 points, now at 1033.
On a good day I can make 1-2 plat income, deduct expenses from that.

Now I dont mind you bitching about my prices, but I will not accept personal insults.

Neither will I accept ppl flaming away without having the faintest clue as to what the prices are of the things I do.

There is no doubt I have a high profit percentage per item that I sell, but who is counting the countless number of items I sell to the merchants at 30-40% loss?

Lets think a bit here:
I lower my prices to, say, 5% profits. How will that allow me to raise my fletching fast and accomodate the countless number of requests I get for 99% stuff all the time?

So I think that those that have stepped forward and flamed me here should consider what is really better for Albion:
a) Me gaining fletching fast and making a decent profit for myself
b) Ganing fletching slow and getting nothing for myself

All you are interested in is probably just highquality gear for yourself, but you wont pay the price, well heres a wake-up call: Good stuff costs money, face it.

I never had much support from a guild (RB sponsored some 3-4p), I made everything I have now myself. And of that, Im DAMN proud.
However, if all of the Albion whom I am now supposed to serve humbly had cared about my fletching and sponsored it, prices would have been different. As it is now, I need funds to proceed with fletching, and I am 100% sure most would appreciate if I can make 100% stuff when spellcrafting comes.

Long post, read it if u want, flame if u want.

wasnt 4 plat, recalculated; 2-2.5p


I am quite happy with the service I received from ody, it was fast, I got what I wanted and for a set price, admittedly his prices are a tad steep, but from my point of view what else am I going to spend my fortune on?

Keep up the good work ody, I might want a 100% flute and drum when spell crafting has a spell crafter high enough :p


I got qua 97... 2-3 bows in my vault. Happy to sell them for 150g each, hurry :)

And a lvl 50 bow is about 400-500g, in a week or 2.


If ppl don't have the time to wait a few weeks, then go and pay ur price at Ody or other fletchers :)



THIS is a wake up call !

Read carefully now y'all.......

IT'S NOT REAL MONEY .................

Acuna matata, for the rest of our days!
It's our problem-free , philosophy,

All works reproduced without the kindly permission of Walt Disney Entertainment Company and Associated Producers which could include large sue-happy corporate types such as Amblin Entertainment and/or Metro-Golden-Meyer. In such an event please forward all correspondence to Odysseus GrandMaster Fletcher of Albion-Excalibur (20P, 1-2P per day ;) and instigate all legal challenges in the direction of said persona due to viability of compensation pursuit in favour of the persecution of lesser famed Sorcerers with a crafting ability of approximately 15 in Tailoring. All works and reproductions do however remain the property of vast multi-national corporation types until further notice. (c) 2002 Odysseus GM Fletcher.

Whats with the stoopid [size] tag? doesn't work for me! time to flaymah someone!


There is nothing wrong with the prices being asked, cause people do not have to buy it. I know that fletching eats money, and several people have supported Cowled so she could focus on fletching (I guess due to see hidden she is not enjoying RvR so much).
The better wood needs to be bought at Excal or another merchant keep, Elvo asked in our guildforum if people would just buy it to bring it to Cowled so she could craft whenever we would drop by a merchant keep. She has gotten ganked several times walking back from Excalibur cause she could wear no armor that did not add strength to her stats...
Anyway, just telling this cause it shows that crafting does take time, and so the prices being asked are not so insane. Kiarra told me it would take about 40 minutes to make me a 99% qua two handed slash weapon.
And as someone noted, it is not real money... I also hate people selling rare drops.. give them away, don't sell them... Cash is needed for other things like upgrading keep doors, relic doors, and the like.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Cowled
And a lvl 50 bow is about 400-500g, in a week or 2.

This is REALLY great news...................

for the 5 or so remaining scouts who play.



25 lvl 50 guilded Scouts in total on Alb/Excalibur
30 lvl 50 guilded Infiltrators in total on Alb/Excalibur


Well if someone charges alot of money for something, where do you think it goes really? To the mids? ;)

Ofcourse it goes to the realm as such and if you pay alot of money to Ody for something, you bet hes gonna fletch it away the stup.. erm.. whatever.

Hes not gonna buy dye for all his money hes gonna put it into his fletching, so that it gets better, is that such a horrible thing to do?

Doesnt he support his realm more by making himself an even better fletcher then if he would hardly advance at all due to empty pockets? Shouldnt a crafter be allowed to make money by crafting or would you make him go to tanglers to farm some money like everyone else so you can be happy? Envy is a bitch innit?

Ody may well be evil and greedy but he is the best fletcher out there and all his money goes to fletching, not dope, not prostitutes nor beer and you can only buy so much dye..

Sheesh, sometimes you really need to spell it out for some..


Don't care the price other fletchers put up with :)

I'm getting lot of sends, selling 10 bows each day :)




Either of you just hand me a 99% 15ish dps longbow :)


1) Competition aint a bad.
2) A bow will last for months.
3) Any lv 50 scout who goes out of emain can make the necesarry
money to buy such a bow in a decent time.

So if scouts wants a very nice crafted bow, you can stop rp farming a few nights, and make the cash. It is posibel
for a lv 50 to earn maybe 50 gp an hour solo, and even more
at tanglers or whatever. Also certain rare drops can be farmed
for a good sell price.

Btw you will have to do the same to be able to buy 102af
spellcrafted armor.

So what can be expected of crafters is that they sell items
to a reasonabel price, which the class who needs them have a chance of getting.

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