char most fun the play?



char most fun to play?

I was wondering what char i would like when i try out excal for a change, so if you can spare the time can you tell me what you like about your class and why? :D

ow and id like one that :twak: in RvR :clap:


swiss-knife of hibernia (nuke, stun, mez, regen mana/health, heal, 2x DoT)
groups: u will get some since all love the crack (mana regen)
RvR: AOE Dot, AOE Nuke

Summary: You are a support class who knows how do defend right



I'd suggest Mantalist as well, but with theproviso that it is possible the most difficult class to play well, as you need to be able do many diffeent things depending on whats going on around you.

Rangers and shades may be the most fun to play in RvR, but possibly not in PvE, due to the difficluty of getting groups for them at higher levels.


If u wanna choose hib, make a mentalist, light spec one if u r new to hibernia.


hmm ments are nice no doubt, but remember you are going to be stealth meat, with only single BT, 0% abs and low hp.

for great run in solo rvr, ranger or ns.

for grouping if you want to control a group and call all the shots, choose bard. high melee damage, LW or CS hero, or LW champ. and nuker i'd say max light spec Eldritch.


Light spec mentalist is the hardest nuker in hib. (fact)

oh yeah, and casters are easy prey for anyone anyway, so no extra threat from stealthers :]

just more annoying lol

I got for 670 smth today, backstab, and about the same from an arrow.. if I had one more level, I'd have a buff which knocks off 10% of all damage done to me, which in those two cases, would've saved me :)

Btw, Druids are the best healers currently ( mainly due to their instas/group heal and rezzing ability ), and from what I've noticed, in demand.

And I disagree with nova on the bard thing.. in my experience, I tend to end up controlling the group most of the time :)
( Mentalist )

Bard can only take a few more shots than me, and has a stronger mezz usually.

People just want the endurance song or speed song...then you can just go afk and stick to someone... the Warden seems to be in a similar position, but Warden has a much sought after bubble chant, which can eliminate the need for a druid.


mentalist light top dd:

45 Coruscating Visions 210 DD 29 2.8 1500 Heat

eldritch light top dd:

45 Shadowdoom 209 DD 29 2.8 1500 Cold

I'd rather have Heat damage in rvr. But what comprises the best nuker isn't just the DD. Light spec eld gets 30sec aoe mez, and sight debuff, both which are ownage RvR tools. Then of course the eld can put his xtra points into 2 mana for uncovering stealthers, and snare, then 26 void for 2nd semi decent bolt and mediocre aoe. Of course the light ment gets a great aoe, but I'd still take the light eld for RvR.

I cant help thinking that a nuking ment could instead of being a damage doer be the best support class in the game unmatched for pve, and second only to bard for RvR.

In short for you tzee because u wont read the whole post, I think light elds are better overall rvr chars, but they only will have a half spec aoe so they are worse at aoeing.


wow thx guys, well i got 4 slots so im gonna try this mentalist out first if i dont really like it, well i can always become that healer or nuker.
and becoming a nightshade well i guess i would know how to do that but i wouldnt get any advantages of it.

if im a caster ive seen both sides then i know when casters are vurnable when i play my inf and when being a caster, well let us say i know stealther habits quiet well but still... :uhoh:

one more favor now guys, ehm the best starting spec and race for a mentalist i mean put points in what? :rolleyes:


Either one of Luri or Elf. Luri has a small Qui/Dex advatage, Elf has a small Int advantage. The difference becomes pretty much indistinguishable as you increase in level...


One new feature in the coming patches will be respec. One at lvl 25 and one at lvl 40.

So if you want a nice Char go for a PvE one and respec for RvR later,
whenever we get those patches... ;O)

As novamir already said i would recomend an Eldritch, too. But not a light specced, go for mana (PBAoE) ;)


If I was to start again as a mentalist I'd be a Celt, definitely. Muchhigher CON = more HP, and then I'd place 10 eachinto int, dex and quick, these all raise each level so fairly soon you'll be glad of the HP.

Plus you can have a really dodgy tache.


Originally posted by old.Novamir

In short for you tzee because u wont read the whole post, I think light elds are better overall rvr chars, but they only will have a half spec aoe so they are worse at aoeing.


Well after reading the whole post, I'd say Eldritches are pretty neat in RvR, especially their Nearsight ability, which although I have no idea what it is, a lot of enemy mages hate it, so it must be good :)

Still doesn't change what I said tho :/

A light Ment can also have a high spec in light, and still have mana regen 3, so y'know, it's not all bad.


Edit: Oh, and btw, initial stats have precious little to do with pretty much anything as far as I've seen.

Testing by US players who have posted results on VN boards, shows that, HP changes for mages that have put more points in con initially are not so great, that by level 50, you will have maybe a few hundred or so more HP than someone who has not put points in con.

Similarly, faster casting times are not based on your base dex, it is based on the amount of dex you have after the base, with + dex items, or buffs.

This is the same for intl (I believe), nukes get more damage (or is it a higher minimum damage amount? not sure), based on any intelligence you have AFTER the base value, and in 1.51, it will be the same with DoTs.


OOHHH I wanna those luvly icons, sad they rn´t from here :p

If u wanna be a mage, be a LURIKEEN, size DOES matter :D

My mate´s too pbaoer mana eldritch (yeah I know load of pbaoers :p ) and he´s lurikeen, once we were in r vs r... I mostly act as an uber elf... ehh... bait... rez sick guy, and he can safely step in an ENEMY while that one was busy with me (OUCH) and pbaoe a couple of times...

The key is doing damage and stay ALIVE to earn RP or at least survive though an encounter. 10 int´s easily overlooked since the cap and cast time will balance it out, as a NS or a RANGER, ppl prefer keen or celt if they r balanced type ranger. And as a mage, be a lurikeen, if the enemy can´t even TARGET u (yeah try to target a moving SPOT during large r vs r), or they r quite busy and already have a target, then u can kick em butt.

If he´s first in hibernia, better mentalist or some tanks, but since tanks spend most of time r vs r mezzed, I´d recommend a light mentalist, light eldritch rulez r vs r, but p vs e after lvl 35+ is V hard to find a group, now with debuff any pbaoer group (if he want serious xp) can fit a mana chanter (soon mana eldri too) with voiders to debuff and they can range AOE too, but light can´t do neither of em. Beside, light mentas can solo V well due to the reduce DT with HOT and POT, in USA some light mentalist can grab 1 bubble at lvl 49 in 45-1 h, and that´s NOT ANY BAD.


Hard one

He asked whats most fun to play, that takes out ranger and nightshade on the spot. I agree its really fun rvr, but the leveling is SOOOO slow and boring, and its not only hard to find a group, your also basicly pointless only providing damaging, not tanking at all, and you give less damage then any blaster they could have had instead.

When coming down to a "fun to play pvp char" i guess you have to go to either of this:

Luri light ment with some mana: Speccing this you have: great DD, area effect DD, (REALLY a rp stealer when defending at least, and great in hunting as support for a pbaoer), mana regen and char. (and i have prolly forgotten some mana feats)

Luri Mana enc with some pet (LATER!): With this provided you have pets, mainly caster one for interupts and chases since your other pets is sorta weak without any buffs (compartiot can still solo yellows unbuffed at level 20-25 and such, so its not a THAT big hit) Main rvring: stun, run over to the person, pbaoe, qc pbaoe....if he survives, then your either dead, or have run away with your pet. GREAT for keep taking, defending, and in rvr groups with area mezz. Can blast through keep doors, and uncover (and kill) stealthers quite simple.

Luri Light Eldrich: You get: great dd, area mezz (!), and nearsight, which does the following: It decreases the sigh range on the target dramaticly (heard from some sources up to 70 or 75% but NOT sure), meaning this: You cast it on a ranger or caster....and after that you have about all the time you want blasting him to hell unless he realises he almost have to STAND on you to do you anything back. The DD have heavy damage, long range and 2 sec casting time, and this makes it really power, same with the ments one.

And of course, The Void eldrich: You have bolts: really fun and heavy damage for rvr. long range but insane casting time (4) and you also have a really weak short range area effect dd. It gives almost half of the pboae damage, but do have range and is great for doorkeeping and taking out grey teams (and not often even that) However, i think in a future patch, you get a ground target area effect as well, and this should be better (target a bag or something unless im mistaking) to be able to unstealth people, target spread enemies and the liking. Also, with the void spec, you get a energy and two others debuff, that heavily increases the damage of pbaoers in the group (not really rp effective). Drawback: this is among the hardest classes to level: you are basicly useless in any group, since you provide the same damage as an unspecced one (no bolts allowed, no area damage allowed, can debuff if you want to of course) and have to use the basic eclipse blast. I had to give up my eldrich for this, waiting for respec to go all mana, and to light when he hits 40. They are a really boring class to play, since they are limited to a single spell for hunting, but they ARE alot of fun in rvr.

Of tanks:

A hero with:
42 shield, NO MATTER WHAT!!! this is the nr.1 rvr tool for a hero, and you can still get 50 CS/LW. You get an attack, called smash unless im mistaking, and it does the following: Long duration stun, and nothing you need to do, no side attacks or first attacks, simply a high endurance long duration heavy damage stun. With this, basicly, people have half life left before they can start fighting back (or is sometimes dead, if lower con or caster)

50 CS/LW You can choose either, CS is a little better for RvR, but LW have better flexibility, are more common, looks better AND have better chains for pve and perhaps pvp. CS is better for RvR anyways, since it has bonuses against our opponoments most used armor, chain.
Rest is divided on blade/blunt and parry, i advidce to get max 30 in blade if you use that, the three block attacks works greatly. Just forget all people have told you about fire blade and the next attack that is good in rvr,its a joke, all blade attacks is a waste of immensly worthfull enduance in rvr (maby unless you are using a REALLY slow speed blade, but i doubt you can find many such with high quality later on)

Champions is also great for rvr, you have the instantblast to interupt casters, you have a number of debuffs and such to use on the poor enemy, and of course, you can do about the same spec as the hero. I would consider ditching the parry for valour though.

Bards is great for rvr, but not fun AT ALL, so i will skip them completly ;)

Well, any questions can be directed to:
Inuyasha, 40 hero
Point Blank: 25 Pbaoe enchanter
PROUD consul member of Eternal Warriors


My lurikeen champion cracks me up, hes sooooooo funny, i can't play him without resorting to fits of laughter.

Bit of a wuss tank due to his lower starting str/con, but seeing a lurikeen run up and knock the shit out of bran the giant is enough to make anyone giggle hysterically.


Definitely warden (Hib). I tried druid, champion, eldritch and nightshade, but nothing could match the joy I've had playing a warden. It is also the most underestimated class in Hibernia I think.

Wardens can use shield, use short bow, and use scale armor, spec in blades, blunts, healing, parry and something referred to as bubble (bladeturn). If you fully spec in nurture and for instance blades, you'll be a very welcome tank in any group. You won't be the best in anything you do except with the auto-casting group bubble (just for this you'll get groups as easy as a bard can, or maybe easier coz atm Hib's flooded with bards).

Wardens can be backup tanks or backup healers (or even backup taxi's coz they also have speed song), but are always main bubble caster. With more wardens the bubble stacks if synchronised with eachother ( ; I find playing a warden a lot of fun, just because it's very versatile ( ;

Ensceptificamuralya Sombarlaechn
Lvl 47.45 Warden
<Clan Bearhawk>


Mana specced Enchanter wins hands down, although my ickle Luri is only lvl13, pbaoe-ing is the greatest fun I ever had on daoc ever. Die obscenely often though :( but the exp makes up for it :clap:


agree with ches

The first 15 levels at least of pbaoe enchanter is FUN!

To bad i did level 1-13 in the record time of 5 hours and 34 minutes, but well..prolly that that made it so fun ;)

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