Char´s Roll in rvr.



Hey guys. i felt in need to make a post regardin the diffrent classes main roll in rvr After been in a few groups that had no idea what they where doin, iam postin this as a help thred not a "look how uber iam i know everythin" thred.

Armsmen : Armsmen is the main Tank dmg dealer in every group.
his job is to lead the other tanks, or casters to single eliminate diffrent targets, by the use of /assist xxx command. but very very few people use it. what the command does is it gives u the same target as the main armsmen has and so i assist him on the target to get it down faster.

Paladins : Alot of paladins think they are Dmg dealers. they are wrong a paladin hits like a uzz (i know iam one) but still more and more paladins forget there main roll. what is there main roll.? a paladin is a defensiv class. meant to protect the Caster/clerics in a group by the use of his Slam. and lets not forget his endregain.
which is as importent as ur heals givin from a cleric. so for all u paladins out there remember your protecters not dmg dealers i know it suxs :)

All dd Casters : As mentioned above with armsmens assist macro. caster should start to do it aswell. think of it like this.. a caster max dd is 6xx ( without crit ) if we have 3casters in group its 3*6xx =1800-2000 per 5secounds. which will take a target down no matter how many buffs or healers there are in a group they cant heal fast enough . and if sorc help with debuffs it will only go faster but most caster dont assist think of it :) it might help.

Cleric : Only got a little hint for clerics. The hint is called HIDE. we both know when a cleric is spottet he wont last 30 sec if he doesnt have propper defensiv pala gaurdin him. isnted of staindin wide open try to hide in a spot and cast from there where mids/hibs will have trouble findin u and there from havin a VERY hard time killin us.

Mincers : i think they roll of main cc has been givin to a sorc not a minc. a minstrel has alot of diffrent rolles in a group. his main is to interupt caster/healers and keep them from castin just be real annoyin :) Try not to become a tank it realy doesnt work keep it to them men in plate and just keep interupting healers/caster . if its a hib pbaoe group and they have 2caster that pbaoe try to stun the first dd the other mezz the first and mezz the secound i have done it myself to it is possible :)

These i think are they main classes the needs "fixin" in alb rvr
think alot of people will get alot of readin it so i hope it helps. have a good day and have fun :)

Luve from me


Regarding the point of clerics hiding (I assume you're making reference to RvR).

That may well be all good in theory, but in practice, when you're in a group, ppl have a tendency to spread out all over the place and go out of range of healing spells, so if I hide off to the side somewhere, I'll be out of range even faster.

However, nice post tho..:)


I didnt mean for cleric to run to atk and heal :) but yes people spred out alot and the assist macros will help on that


Originally posted by Edohadien
I didnt mean for cleric to run to atk and heal :) but yes people spred out alot and the assist macros will help on that

How does the /assist thing work?


assist macro is

/macro assist /assist <name of person you wanna assist>

when you assist the person, you will get up his target and when everyone in group assist on one guy you will of course kill the target faster =P


You're forgetting the good old Merc :)

If you have a Merc in your group you should be assisting him, not the armsman. The Merc will pop blade turn for your armsmen and not waste 5 seconds delay before hitting again. Also if you have a shield the Merc has now allowed you to open with a slam.

Assist works in two ways

a) Select a friendly realm mate and then type /assist (or better have /assist as a macro) if this player has a target you will also now have the same target

b) Type /assist <player name>, this is much more effective since you don't have to select who you wish to assist. You will get the same target as <player name>.

When ever you join a group you should be asking "who do I assist?" then set up a macro "/macro assist /assist <player>". When the fighting starts watch the person you should be assisting and follow his lead, if it's not obvious who he's hitting, hit the assist macro and charge. /assist + /face if you're not sure where your target is, but remember not to just blindly follow, if you see a caster 10 yards to your left nuking away at your people, give him whack.

/assist + some common sense = rps whether you win or lose the battle.



You can also make a "Make Assist Macro" to be used to make your assist macros, i.e. targetting *player* and pressing your "Make Assist Macro" will give you a "/assist *player*" macro to be placed on any qbar.

Here is the way to make it:

/macro MASSIST /macro ASSIST /assist %t

A comment to the pala tip is that palas should vary their role depending on group constellation and on whether enemies are mezzed or not. An armsman and a pala next to eachother where the pala does the bt breaking and the armsman dealing damage and not going out of range for end regen is a stlong combo.

Cheers and nice thread Edo.


Tip on Theurgs:

PBT has a limited range. In usual RvR a group will spread out and half the group will run out of pbt range. Best way to assist the ones in most need is to run foreward (not stick/follow) with the tanks a few steps behind them. Do not start casting, just run behind the tanks in zig-zag till the melee starts, then fall back to your cleric or casters or somewhere between the casters and melee if there is a big gap.

In case you are not casting from start you will not be main target, and so the chances that pbt runs the compleet combat are much bigger. The air DD has little to no bright light effects so can go unnoticed for some time when you ASSIST the main tank (yes you do more dammage on a target in melee combat, more persons doing melee on the target, more dammage you do).

When you fall back a little your range prob covers the hole battle field incl the cleric/casters, so all profit from the pbt.

If you see a healer/druid/bard alone do not start to DD, its very ineffective, cast a few pets (air preferd for stun). Not only do you pin-point for all other group members an important target you also prevent casting for some time and increase the number of targets its in melee with (so increasing DD dammage).

If you get dragged into melee start to run circles around an armsman/pallie, they easily can keep hitting the person who is in melee with you or slam it with /face and do not even need to walk behind you. They also can keep using side styles against the person running behind you. Your pbt and a desent cleric can keep you alive long enough to farm the rps from the person trying to melee you while running behind you!


edit for this note: pbt has a range of 1500, this is equal to your air dd range, so when you assist the main tank you also know it got your dd, if you get the message out of range you also know your group members have no pbt.


Reaver: They are very good damage dealers. However I recommend that they play defensive and guard what ever CC you have before mezz then go and help the main tank. Reavers are probably the next main tank in line, next to Armsmen, they are probably about equal with Mercenaries, but are more inclined for defence due to Slam. They have AoE spells, and 2 Instants; a Lifedrain and a Debuff. Use these effectively. For example, if you have a Dwarf healer sprinting away at Mach 5 away from your tank combo... an instant Lifedrain will throw it out of speed and only Long Wind will keep it running for a short time after, then it's screwed. The Debuff isn't as important as the other spells the Reaver offers, but should be used often as it does indeed help. The AoE chants are very effective at interrupting casters. Reavers should be aiming to help the main tank, whilst keeping the casters under control with their spells. The AoE spells can also be used defensively, for example; some evil stealther may be trying to PA your Cleric... With the AoE spells on you will uncover the stealther and give time for the defensive Paladin to Slam. It should also be noted that all of the AoE spells can be used at once, but at a greater cost of power. A well played Reaver is deadly.

Friar: Friars are absolutely great at /assist. Use it as much as you can when an offensive Friar. The great thing about Friars is that with a solid group, the Friar can stop mid attack and heal the main tanks and give that extra edge. If the Cleric dies, remember Friars are the next major healer in Albion. The duty falls to you and no amount of Paladins twisting for 2x46 heal will save you. Friars are most effective attacking from behind the target, as it leaves no chance for blocking and they hit damn hard. As a Friar, in a balanced group you should often be able to get behind a target whilst the main tank is dealing with it/ Slammed it. As defensive, I recommend that the Friar moves about the group and doesn't stand in any one place too long. You'll be surprised at the amount of Hibernians and Midgardians that wouldn't recognise you as a healer.

Necromancers: Although maybe a rarity in groups, you should mainly aim to support your main caster with infinate power. Apart from this; Debuff and Root. Powerful specs from the Painworking line. Use your most effective tool, the vacuum, on /assist with your main tank. Nobody can escape if within range. When an enemy gets close, make sure you use the stat decrease! After the stat decrease you can use your Self Lifetap AKA Shriek of the dead. Make sure your pet is on Passive or Defensive so as you have better casting. If you have the pet on Defensive, make sure you have it under control because if it runs off and is nuked a few times you're in deep trouble.

Sorcerers: An invaluable asset to a group. Make sure you always try and get one. If possible, 1 Slam tank should guard the healer, then another guards the Sorcerer until it successfully gets it's AoE Mezz off. Once mezzed, the Sorcerer needs to stay out of trouble and falls into the rank of a DD Caster. Move about to throw off the attention of the enemy, but make sure you get enough casts in and don't become useless. Again, /assist works wonders. If a whole group uses /assist on a target nothing can save it. It may use a few instants, but then it's screwed. Always go from Healers > Casters > Tanks when attacking a group. However, if you have a nasty PBAoE defending the healer, get rid of it fast.

Very nice thread Edohadien and Albion would hopefully be better for the knowledge.


Roll = tumbling end over end, or bread product into which filling might be placed to make a tasty and nutritious snack.

Role = purpose, reason for being, job, place in a team.

Actual content of your post looks great though :) .

ppl have a tendency to spread out all over the place and go out of range of healing

/macro idiot /g %T you are out of range and I cannot heal you.
/macro fool /g %T no line of sight so I cannot heal you.

I also have macros reminding people that they won't get healed if they are on the wrong side of a mile gate, and another for out-of-power, another so that people know that BoF is now running so now is the time to hurl themselves at the enemy.

If you are playing a cleric in RvR, part of the trick to keeping your sanity is to remember that the cleric pets (aka rest-of-group)largely have their back to you and do not even glance at the group panel. Or, in some cases I suspect, at anything bar their RP meter ;) .


Originally posted by heilel
Regarding the point of clerics hiding (I assume you're making reference to RvR).

That may well be all good in theory, but in practice, when you're in a group, ppl have a tendency to spread out all over the place and go out of range of healing spells, so if I hide off to the side somewhere, I'll be out of range even faster.

However, nice post tho..:)

TBH with 2000 heal range, I almost never have this problem.
Hiding = Good


Why have an armsman as Main Assist ?? to lead others etc..
Many arms r specced pole or 2hand and cant hit as fast as an merc do. Set a merc instead to break bt and then an pole to do 2nd hit which causes more dmg then a single merc hit do if his pole/2hand specced.


Originally posted by Asha
TBH with 2000 heal range, I almost never have this problem.
Hiding = Good

Clerics be a Hib!

Go hug a twee ;)


Good plan...

make it sticky...funky bright all albs reading this read it at least :p


Originally posted by Ekydus
Reaver: They are very good damage dealers. However I recommend that they play defensive and guard what ever CC you have before mezz then go and help the main tank. Reavers are probably the next main tank in line, next to Armsmen, they are probably about equal with Mercenaries, but are more inclined for defence due to Slam. They have AoE spells, and 2 Instants; a Lifedrain and a Debuff. Use these effectively. For example, if you have a Dwarf healer sprinting away at Mach 5 away from your tank combo... an instant Lifedrain will throw it out of speed and only Long Wind will keep it running for a short time after, then it's screwed. The Debuff isn't as important as the other spells the Reaver offers, but should be used often as it does indeed help. The AoE chants are very effective at interrupting casters. Reavers should be aiming to help the main tank, whilst keeping the casters under control with their spells. The AoE spells can also be used defensively, for example; some evil stealther may be trying to PA your Cleric... With the AoE spells on you will uncover the stealther and give time for the defensive Paladin to Slam. It should also be noted that all of the AoE spells can be used at once, but at a greater cost of power. A well played Reaver is deadly.

Friar: Friars are absolutely great at /assist. Use it as much as you can when an offensive Friar. The great thing about Friars is that with a solid group, the Friar can stop mid attack and heal the main tanks and give that extra edge. If the Cleric dies, remember Friars are the next major healer in Albion. The duty falls to you and no amount of Paladins twisting for 2x46 heal will save you. Friars are most effective attacking from behind the target, as it leaves no chance for blocking and they hit damn hard. As a Friar, in a balanced group you should often be able to get behind a target whilst the main tank is dealing with it/ Slammed it. As defensive, I recommend that the Friar moves about the group and doesn't stand in any one place too long. You'll be surprised at the amount of Hibernians and Midgardians that wouldn't recognise you as a healer.

With the disclaimer that my reaver and friar are both in their 40s so my RvR experience ois from a hibbie blademaster's perspective :) ...

Both of these classes really excel at light tank duty as defined by Mythic - i.e. guys who ladle out huge amounts of damage from positional styles. For the friar, that's a SIDE positional chain (although just spamming Boon as an anytime is pretty darn effective too)... flex reavers of course go for the back and use Leviathan. Reavers go OOP VERY quickly if they're twisting chants, and can't keep even one chant running for too long... but running them at the right time can be a thing of beauty :)


hey again i would like to thank Ekydus for his remaks and with the rest of the classes i havnt postet. but i dont agree 110% with u m8 tho i see where u are commin from :)

but iam to tried to post now. will post it later.

have fun
luv Edohadien


the day i nuke someone for 600dmg without crit is the day im gonna jump with joy

dont think i EVER nuked for 600.............on greys maybe but not on a yellowcon, i hardly get over 400 and then there is those times when you nuke for 77(-408) :(


Originally posted by Ekydus
Reaver: They are very good damage dealers. However I recommend that they play defensive and guard what ever CC you have before mezz then go and help the main tank. Reavers are probably the next main tank in line, next to Armsmen, they are probably about equal with Mercenaries, but are more inclined for defence due to Slam. They have AoE spells, and 2 Instants; a Lifedrain and a Debuff. Use these effectively. For example, if you have a Dwarf healer sprinting away at Mach 5 away from your tank combo... an instant Lifedrain will throw it out of speed and only Long Wind will keep it running for a short time after, then it's screwed. The Debuff isn't as important as the other spells the Reaver offers, but should be used often as it does indeed help. The AoE chants are very effective at interrupting casters. Reavers should be aiming to help the main tank, whilst keeping the casters under control with their spells. The AoE spells can also be used defensively, for example; some evil stealther may be trying to PA your Cleric... With the AoE spells on you will uncover the stealther and give time for the defensive Paladin to Slam. It should also be noted that all of the AoE spells can be used at once, but at a greater cost of power. A well played Reaver is deadly.

Friar: Friars are absolutely great at /assist. Use it as much as you can when an offensive Friar. The great thing about Friars is that with a solid group, the Friar can stop mid attack and heal the main tanks and give that extra edge. If the Cleric dies, remember Friars are the next major healer in Albion. The duty falls to you and no amount of Paladins twisting for 2x46 heal will save you. Friars are most effective attacking from behind the target, as it leaves no chance for blocking and they hit damn hard. As a Friar, in a balanced group you should often be able to get behind a target whilst the main tank is dealing with it/ Slammed it. As defensive, I recommend that the Friar moves about the group and doesn't stand in any one place too long. You'll be surprised at the amount of Hibernians and Midgardians that wouldn't recognise you as a healer.

Necromancers: Although maybe a rarity in groups, you should mainly aim to support your main caster with infinate power. Apart from this; Debuff and Root. Powerful specs from the Painworking line. Use your most effective tool, the vacuum, on /assist with your main tank. Nobody can escape if within range. When an enemy gets close, make sure you use the stat decrease! After the stat decrease you can use your Self Lifetap AKA Shriek of the dead. Make sure your pet is on Passive or Defensive so as you have better casting. If you have the pet on Defensive, make sure you have it under control because if it runs off and is nuked a few times you're in deep trouble.

Sorcerers: An invaluable asset to a group. Make sure you always try and get one. If possible, 1 Slam tank should guard the healer, then another guards the Sorcerer until it successfully gets it's AoE Mezz off. Once mezzed, the Sorcerer needs to stay out of trouble and falls into the rank of a DD Caster. Move about to throw off the attention of the enemy, but make sure you get enough casts in and don't become useless. Again, /assist works wonders. If a whole group uses /assist on a target nothing can save it. It may use a few instants, but then it's screwed. Always go from Healers > Casters > Tanks when attacking a group. However, if you have a nasty PBAoE defending the healer, get rid of it fast.

Very nice thread Edohadien and Albion would hopefully be better for the knowledge.

Of experince i prefer not have 2 defensive tanks rather have pala as only defender, if u got casters in grp cause really, u ll lack too much offense. And add to friar/paladins to start ressin in combats.
Ress your cleric etc and he might have RP/Mcl up and for other classes just ress = more classes to disturb enemy. Takes like 2 sec only


Originally posted by old.Ramas
/macro fool /g %T no line of sight so I cannot heal you

spread heal & grp heal are ur friends... noone should die in a milegate room, lord room or mill, least not without getting a heal first ;)

no LoS required.


and on the subject of hiding if theres no trees/bushes nearby mezzed trolls/firbolgs will do at a pinch :m00:

also turning ur back to the general direction of the enemy while casting can buy time for a few heals too (see spread heal/grp heal)


no LoS required.

In a world where spread heals are not too slow when the enemy are using assist correctly, and where I have infinite mana, you would be, of course, correct.

Only way to keep up with assisting enemies is with the 2 second greater heal.

Spread heal is really not all that effective if the damage is concentrated on one person.

Which is probably a good thing for the game, since otherwise I'd only need one hotbar button. :/

EDIT: ok, maybe a 2nd button for BoF.


so dont make a macro called "fool" when some1 goes out of los?

if their out of los u use grp heal / spread heal or insta, its all u have, if it doesnt get there in time so be it, least u tried. and the whole point of assisting is the target dies no matter how much healing it gets ^^ BoF helps here tho ofc


Originally posted by Asha
TBH with 2000 heal range, I almost never have this problem.
Hiding = Good

Well, one annoying thing I find with players in RvR vs players in PvE, is they have a strong tendency to run off out of range of my spells (usually in different directions) and then complain when I can't heal them and they die.

So I have a couple of choices.

Get closer to the thick of things and try and be central, but then get killed.

Stand off to the side and heal those in range and let those who run off galavanting to die.


Originally posted by K0nah
if their out of los u use grp heal / spread heal or insta, its all u have, if it doesnt get there in time so be it, least u tried. and the whole point of assisting is the target dies no matter how much healing it gets ^^

Well, I do that, but it's such a waste of an insta when I use iot and only ½ of the grp gets healed.
I find casters tend to stay close to me, but that's no surprise,as they're trying to stay out of the way.

It's mostly Friars, scouts and Infils that run off like rabbits either chasing someone or being chased.


Originally posted by heilel
Well, one annoying thing I find with players in RvR vs players in PvE, is they have a strong tendency to run off out of range of my spells (usually in different directions) and then complain when I can't heal them and they die.

So I have a couple of choices.

Get closer to the thick of things and try and be central, but then get killed.

Stand off to the side and heal those in range and let those who run off galavanting to die.

Opt for B, they will learn faster than if you yell at them.

btw /face is also good so you know which dir they have gone. If you can't /face because they are out of range then there is f-all point running into the fight because they are way out of range.

Still say you shouldn't get that problem with 2000 range. I am not suggesting you hide miles away, if you're in the open then obviously you just have to deal.


Originally posted by Asha
Opt for B, they will learn faster than if you yell at them.

:d by and large, itøs not a big problem really, it's just one guy was whining at me for not healing me last night, but there wasn't much I could do if he runs off into the wild blue yonder.

btw /face is also good so you know which dir they have gone. If you can't /face because they are out of range then there is f-all point running into the fight because they are way out of range.

That's a nice tip, ta..

Still say you shouldn't get that problem with 2000 range. I am not suggesting you hide miles away, if you're in the open then obviously you just have to deal.
I know hwat ytou mean, but quite often a big fight ends up happening ar a bordergate, there's steep inclines, so I can be seen easily and the trees are pretty sparse around them too.


so dont make a macro called "fool" when some1 goes out of los?

if their out of los u use grp heal / spread heal or insta, its all u have, if it doesnt get there in time so be it, least u tried.

Well the target doesn't actually get to see the fool part.

And as you say, I don't doubt all clerics attempt to use the no-los heals if they have to, but that doesn't mean the person involved isn't going to get 'educated' about how there current location is 'less than ideal'. As I said above, you can't expect people to instinctively know they are out of los or range when facing the other way and chasing the hibgard group.

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